The location of this workshop is very good. It is located in the innermost part of a remote alley. There are no people around or noisy. It is very suitable for magicians to live in it and do all kinds of magic research without being disturbed.

  And now, Xia You is preparing to study something.

  He turned his eyes, looked left and right, and finally found a black bear lying on the ground enjoying the shade behind an old locust tree at the corner, and quickly walked over.

  As a result, when he got closer, he couldn't see Dorothy.

  "Hey, stupid bear, where's your master?"

  Crouching down, patted the black bear on the head, Xia You asked softly.

  But just after he finished asking, he couldn't help shaking his head again, and smiled a little self-deprecatingly.

  The black bear in front of him was made by himself. Of course, he knew very well about the intelligence of the doll - he couldn't communicate through language at all.


  Feeling a hand above his head, the black bear who was enjoying the cool opened his eyes.

  When it saw Xia You's figure, it let out a cheerful and low roar in its throat, propped up its huge body on its limbs, stood up, lowered its head, and rubbed lightly with its big head.

  So gentle.

  "Well, it doesn't matter if Dorothy's not here, I remember she once said that ingenious puppets generally won't refuse the puppet master who made them, so..."

  Thinking like this, Xia You raised her hand slightly and tried to input magic power into the black bear's body.

  Well, the reason why he didn't stay to help Ye Ye clean the room just now was because he really had something he wanted to figure out as soon as possible.

  Questions about the instant magic of the ingenious doll.

  Obviously it is the same kind of magic, and the positions of humans and dolls should be basically the same. As a result, dolls can cast magic instantly, but humans cannot.

  Xia You wanted to understand the reason and see if he could improve his spellcasting speed.

  Even if the speed is only increased by a little bit, magicians will have a great advantage when facing the enemy.

  "Stupid Bear, use 'Slow Regeneration'!"

  Feeling that the black bear puppet in front of him did not show any resistance to his magic power, Xia You was a little overjoyed, and quickly communicated with it with his mind and gave an order.


  The black bear roared again, and the pale green light instantly lit up.

  "Don't cry, use a magic trick quietly!"

  Xia You couldn't figure out if the call just now was a preparation ritual similar to chanting a spell, and continued to instruct.


  In this way, after the black bear cooperated more than ten times to release "slow regeneration", Xia You finally withdrew his magic power and told it to lie down as usual.

  On the other hand, he took that huge body as a sofa 847, sat on it, propped his face up with his hands, and stared at a certain roof in the distance in a daze.

  He thought silently in his heart.

  "Crazy Dolls are indeed instant magic and require little preparation or ritual..."

  There is no doubt about this, the black bear released a dozen times just now, and he opened the magic eye one by one and carefully observed it.

  And, recalling the past, Ye Ye's "Vajra Power" is the same, as long as the circuit in the body is opened, it can be easily released.

  It proves that regardless of the complexity of the magic circuit and the strength of the magic, the doll should be able to cast spells instantly.

  "There is no knowledge of magic in the consciousness of the ingenious doll, but why is it just born? As long as the body contains magic, it can smoothly use magic to attack the enemy? Even faster than the speed of human spell casting?"

  Thinking about this question, Xia You thought of Xingyue World again.

  The way the dolls cast spells is so similar to the descendants of the famous magicians in the Xingyue world who have inherited the engraving of their predecessors and can immediately use the various magics in the engraving!

  Even better than those descendants of famous families!

  After all, it is an instant cast.


  Well, it's been a long time since I saw the reward, thank you~

Chapter 78 Xueyuehua's Circuit Problem

  "No... dolls are not without flaws!"

  While puzzled and puzzled, Xia You remembered the "inconsistent magic activity" mentioned in the original plot, and couldn't help frowning, and a little guess appeared in her heart:

  "While increasing the speed, the ingenious puppets are troubled by 'inconsistent magic activity'. Each ingenious puppet can only be loaded with one kind of magic circuit, and cannot use two completely different magics at all! Even Julian The magic power with different circuits can't be contaminated!"

  "This is very different from Xingyue's magic engraving!"

  Everything is fair, there are advantages, and there will naturally be some disadvantages.

  There is no doubt that the ingenious civilization must sacrifice other aspects to enhance the doll's casting speed.

  It is only by sacrificing the extensiveness of all puppets to cast magic that the speed of casting spells can be increased to the extreme.

  Therefore, the defect of "incoordination of magic activity" occurs.

  The magic engraving in the Moon World has never said that only one kind of magic can be recorded.

  Or...doing so is actually a helpless move?

  After all, the human beings in the machine-injured world have not discovered the "magic circuit nerve" that communicates with the soul at all, and can even communicate with the concept.

  Their research on conceptual magic is only a few hundred years after the birth of the ingenious civilization, and it is far incomparable with the road of magic that has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

  The concept is more narrow, which is completely understandable.

  He thought of the three sisters of Xue Yuehua again, and a certain doubt in his heart was finally relieved.

  In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is Iluri's "Ice Mirror", Ye Ye's "King Kong Power", or Xiao Zi's "Yaexia".

  Strictly speaking, these are not powerful spells of the great magic level, they appear to be very ordinary, but compared with other magic, they are more delicate.

  The strength of the doll may not have any superiority, it only depends on the strength and wisdom of the person who uses it.

  Even if the same puppet is controlled by two different puppets, the resulting power will be worlds apart——

  In the original work, Ye Ye cooperated with Lei Zhen to defeat many powerful groups.

  However, the magic circuit inside the clever doll is definitely different in strength - there is a level of magic.

  If they were seriously investigated, the strength of the internal circuits of the three sisters of Xue Yuehua would not be comparable to those of the Rose Association's ingenious dolls, not even the "Sky Hand" of Roofuji.

  This is very unreasonable.

  You must know that Nizi is a world-famous top puppet master. She did her best to create "Xueyuehua", treated like a daughter, and placed great hopes on it. How could she not want to equip the three sisters with a few powerful truth-level Great magic.

  Xia You was absolutely certain that it wasn't that the glass could not be taken out - the "Heavenly Hand Power", the circuit used by Oboruji to control gravity, was a great magic at the truth level.

  It's not that there is no stronger circuit, but... it's impossible to carry the three sisters!

  Because Snow Moon Flower is a very special doll!

  They have quietly broken the shackles of "inconsistent magic activity", and they are equipped with a total of two magic circuits inside - in addition to the magic circuits used for battle, there is also a hidden truth-level circuit "phase transfer"!

  Because of this, under the innate constraints of "inconsistent magic activity", Nitro can only helplessly reduce the quality of their combat magic circuits.

  Perhaps due to the limitations of the magic knowledge and theories of the Machine Wound World, she had already racked her brains for overloading a "phase shift", and there was simply no way to get a few more powerful circuits into Xue Yuehua's body.

  If you are not careful, it is possible to destroy Xue Yuehua.

  After all, the ingenious civilization has only risen for a few hundred years, and the horses can't keep up with the model month.

  The mysterious side of Xingyue has a long and incomparable history. Under the research of countless generations, various magic theories have become quite rigorous.

  And the conceptual magic of the world of machine damage is still very simple, and it is in the process of groping.

  "Even a top puppet master like Nizi can only slightly affect the 'inconsistent magic activity'. It seems that the development of ingenious civilization is so extreme that it is indeed a problem of lack of magic circuit nerves."

  After thinking about it, Xia You couldn't help but sigh deeply, and a feeling of admiration rose in her heart:

  "The glass is really amazing. It can actually go against the common sense of magic in this world and equip the ingenious doll with two circuits! It is an advanced magic knowledge!"

  "If she is allowed to enter a wider world, such as Xingyue World... Her talent and achievements may not even match the descendants of witches who have been passed down for thousands of years like Youzhu!"

  No matter how powerful the glass is, all in all, his thought of looking for instant spellcasting on the puppet was basically shattered.

  Shaking his head regretfully, he stood up and was just about to go to see Ye Ye, when he suddenly remembered the abnormality when he used the magic eye before, couldn't help frowning, and stopped in place.

  "The power of Spirit Vision suddenly increases, which may have something to do with changing the world!"

  Thinking like this, Xia You pondered for a moment, activated the engraving on her arm with magic power, raised her palm, and skillfully pronounced a few syllables in her mouth.

  In the blink of an eye, a "dazzling" white light suddenly rose from the palm of the hand, illuminating the entire small courtyard.

  Its rays of light were even about to overshadow the gradually sinking sunset on the horizon, and under this bright cloudless sky, it was very eye-catching, directly dispelling the shade of the trees on the ground.

  "Is the illumination technique also getting stronger... Sure enough, my guess just now was correct!"

  Just after a little thought, he immediately understood.

  The concept in the moon world is like the great source on the earth, and it has some kind of inertia.

  Or is it like the strength of the magic in the magician's body, which is also partially suppressed by the restraining force?

  All in all, the power of rules inspired by the magicians of Xingyue has been reduced a lot, but this world has not been reduced!

  Originally, the illumination technique created by Xia You was only about the brightness of a lantern. It was very gentle, but it could be used as the power source of his "' ˇ photosynthesis" ability.

  As a result, the world changed, and the brightness was directly comparable to that of a flash bomb. It was blinding!

  "Maybe it has something to do with the activity of concepts in the world of machine damage..."

  Putting away the magic, Xia You nodded with some joy. He stopped researching too much, and unexpectedly learned that conceptual magic in this world has greater power than the world of Xingyue, and he only felt joy in his heart.

  After all... If you really want to stay for the night party, the enemies you will face in the later stage will become stronger and stronger.

  How can he be unhappy when he learns that his strength has increased at this time!

  "Then the next target—"

  After scratching her hair (how is Zhao?), Xia You looked at the half-closed door of the workshop.

  It can be vaguely found that there is a slender black-haired figure inside, cleaning up piles of ingenious parts and garbage.

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