"It's all about talking!"

  Xia You replied this sentence in her busy schedule, and then, her arms under the short-sleeved shirt suddenly tightened, and on the fair skin, well-proportioned muscle lines loomed.

  Raise your arms, punch!

  That seemingly slender arm brazenly faced the two exaggerated axe blades on the opposite side!

  In an instant, a gust of wind rose in the calm laboratory, and along with the movement of the fist, it moved forward turbulently, blowing away countless sand and dust.

  The shocking gas explosion sounded like a string of firecrackers, echoing in the ears of everyone nearby.

  A lightning-quick strike, but unexpectedly full of power!

  Alice, who was closest to Xia You, raised her silver hair gently. She quickly raised her hand and pulled it up. Then she nervously squeezed her sweaty palm, squinted her eyes slightly, and looked forward without blinking.

  It seemed very shocking in my heart.

  If it weren't for the fact that before entering the No. [-] Research Institute, all the puppeteer students had to undergo a physical examination to distinguish them, and she even suspected that the boy who was holding her in front of her was actually a clever puppet!

  Humans... To be honest, apart from her father and a few legendary magicians standing at the top of the pyramid, how could the rest of the ordinary humans be so powerful!

  Otherwise, the whole world will not be crazy to develop ingenious civilization!


  Seeing this mighty punch, Lev, who was constantly pumping magic power into the puppet in the distance, changed his face, and immediately shouted:

  "Antai, don't hold back, use all your strength!"

  Just now, he was afraid that he would hurt the target. Before attacking, he had already ordered the dwarf puppet to suppress some of his power. At this time, when he saw the male student on the opposite side, he could actually burst out with terrifying combat power comparable to that of a clever puppet. All restrictions are lifted.


  Hearing Lev's order, the dwarf puppet seemed to be very excited, and a wolf-like roar came out of his throat.

  Suddenly, a gray airflow suddenly spewed out of his body, wrapping around the body and on the two stone axes, making his muscular body even more terrifying.

  During the charge, that majestic and invincible posture was like a sharp-edged god of war.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  On Xia You's side, he still seemed to be calm, and a slight smile inadvertently raised at the corner of his mouth, proving his strong self-confidence.

  As time went on for a few more moments, the fists and axe blades in the air quickly collided with each other.

  The atmosphere of the entire laboratory suddenly solidified.

  A huge battle axe that can easily take human lives, just a stone's throw away from Alice.

  Feeling the cold aura emanating from the murder weapon in front of her, the girl was so nervous that her heart almost stopped beating, but she didn't dare to close her eyes. front.

  Maybe only a moment passed, or maybe it stretched for an imperceptibly long time.

  In Alice's unbelievable eyes, the dwarf puppet on the opposite side suddenly trembled. The second axe that had been prepared didn't have time to cut out, and the tall body flew back involuntarily, hitting the wall beside Lev .


  The two stone axes in his hand also "clanged" and fell beside him.

  Still standing in the same place, Xia You, who did not move, continued to maintain a relaxed expression and shook his fist.

  Between the fingers of the middle finger and the ring finger, a white pattern is particularly obvious - but it is only a trace, not even the outer skin!


  It was only at this moment that Alice was shocked all over as if she had been aware of it, and then a series of dull explosions sounded quickly in her ears.

  She could even feel an incomparably huge annular shock wave that was spreading out from the place where the two met in front of her.

  The gust of wind blowing on the face brought dust on the ground and scraped it on the face, which only made people feel astringent.

  The girl quickly turned her face to the side and quickly buried her head in Xia You's arms.

  As a result, just after doing this action, she looked stunned for a moment, and a faint feeling of embarrassment slowly poured into her heart.

  "It's just a gust of wind blowing, and I actually... like a weak, cowardly little girl, subconsciously wanting to hide in other people's arms!"

  Alice can remain calm in any situation, but that's because she always likes to take the initiative, relying on her eyesight, wisdom, and the virtual magic circuit installed on her body to keep herself in an absolutely safe situation.

  However, this time.... I met the unreasonable Xia You, not only did not get into the trap she set, but insisted on holding her to fight, not dodging, and facing the two stone axes!

  The feeling of the approach of a brutal blade is almost like facing the horror of death. The girl has almost never experienced it before, and she subconsciously loses her mood.

Chapter 105


  Seeing that his puppet was knocked backwards and flew back, Lev, who was stepping into the house, screamed.

  It's not because he has any feelings for the dwarf puppet in front of him, it's just... today's security mission to safely evacuate the No. [-] research institute, but it's all on the dwarf puppet!

  Once something happens to the puppet he relies on in the process of capturing the target, even if the target can be caught in time, he and his companions can only stay and wait to die!

  What's more... This operation also encountered an incalculable accident!

  "This guy--"

  Lev raised his head, his original heartache face quickly turned into a ferocious expression, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Xia You, but he was very afraid in his heart.

  To be able to go head-to-head with the ingenious puppet, and easily win a hand... The classmates who have been invisible in front of them are simply monsters!

  You must know that the transformation of his "Antai" just now did not simply become bigger, but turned his whole body into some kind of solid and heavy mineral stone. In terms of weight alone, "Seven Seven Three" is even close to ten. The sum of a normal person, not to mention the huge kinetic energy generated when he charged with all his strength just now!

  As a result, in the case of a full advantage, he lost to a human magician so simply.

  At this moment, Lev even had the same doubts as Alice in his heart—could the guy in front of him be a clever doll?

  What the enemy thinks has nothing to do with Xia You. He is thinking about the feeling of using the diamond power just now.

  It can be said that it is very good!

  King Kong Power was originally Ye Ye's unique skill. It changed the strength of the muscles of the whole body. While gaining enormous strength, it also possessed a perfect hardness that surpassed that of gold and iron.

  The puppet enables the input of magic power into the body of the puppet, because the magic power needs to be transmitted through the air, exposed to the source, and will always consume part of it, coupled with the reduction of the magic pressure and other reasons, the power that the puppet can exert is completely impossible. It is linked to the level of magic power given by the doll.

  But Xia You uses magic power to drive the diamond power in the engraving. All steps are carried out in the body, which completely reduces the loss to a minimum. Even as long as the body can withstand it, it can continue to perform instantaneous explosive output... Comprehensive To calculate-

  "Using the same amount of magic power is about twice as powerful as controlling Ye Ye!"

  There was a faint joy in his heart.

  Because by analogy, if other magic circuits are included in the future, they will definitely be twice as strong as the basis used by the original doll. What's more, with the continuous improvement of the quality of Xia You's magic power, I am afraid that the power will become stronger and stronger. ......

  Well, needless to say, as long as the quality of the puppet's magic power is improved, even if it controls the same kind of puppet, the power will become stronger and stronger.


  A few seconds after the dwarf puppet was knocked down, a shrill sound of breaking through the air resounded in everyone's ears.

  Xia You, who had withdrawn his fist and was silently thinking about the strength of the diamond power, squinted and squinted. It turned out that Victor in the aisle saw that the situation was not good, and was directing his ingenious puppet to dispatch, and wanted to rely on the iron claws to sneak up on him.

  "You really think this guy can work on me?"

  Xia You smiled lightly, hugged Alice and deflected her body at will, and walked gently to the side.

  After dodging the attack of the huge iron claws in front of him, he quickly reached out and grabbed it, firmly grasped the iron chain in the air, and suddenly pulled it hard!

  With the blessing of the vajra power, the muscles of Xia You's arm are so strong that suddenly, the tumbler puppet standing still in the distance flew towards this side uncontrollably.

  "Fix the first one!"

  Staring at the tumbler puppet that was getting closer and closer, Xia You let go of the chain in his hand, took a deep breath, squeezed his right hand, and snorted "hey".

  Just a simple straight punch attack caused a loud bang.

  Withstanding this powerful force carrying the diamond power, without any accident, the doll disintegrated directly in the air, and a bunch of gears, parts, magic oil and other things flew back upside down, hitting the opposite wall and ground, bang make a noise.

  Victor was drenched in black oil all over his face, but he still froze in place, not daring to move, his body was shaking.

  Fright almost filled his entire heart.

  This familiar "student" in front of him is more powerful than everyone expected - such strength may only be comparable to ingenious dolls and rare archmages in the magic world.

  Merely human...still such a young human.

  How could it be possible to do this? ? ?

  In Alice's beautiful green eyes, there was also a flash of brilliance, her lovely mouth was open, and she was also in a state of surprise.

  She was absolutely certain that her father, who was known as the "strongest man in the 19th century", would never have been this strong when he was a teenager!

  A true magic genius?

  The silver-haired girl became more and more curious about the strange boy in front of her.

  "Lev...I think I'm in big trouble this time, maybe I should give up the target immediately and retreat early..."

  After a long while, Victor finally came back to his senses, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  He glanced at his companion who was helping the dwarf puppet up, stepped back carefully, and said with a deep meaning.

  After listening to Victor's words, Lev, who was standing against the wall, had a gloomy face, and there was a bit of hesitation in his eyes, as if he was very unwilling to "give up" proposed by his companions.

  However, it is not a question of whether he is willing or not. What should be considered is how to escape from this terrifying guy in front of him.

  At least, Xia You didn't plan to let the two of them go.

  "Are you going to arrest them, Professor?"

  Regarding the deep meaning of Victor's words, Xia You didn't think much about it at all, she just looked down at the girl in her arms, and asked in a harmonious voice...

  This inquiry was actually just out of politeness. He had already made up his mind that Lev and Victor would be silenced after a while.

  Although the two people on the opposite side are spies, they have witnessed Xia You's true strength.

  If they were handed over to the No. [-] Research Institute, once the details of this battle were revealed under severe torture, it would definitely be another trouble, and it would be very detrimental to the next undercover behavior.

  "Get it, maybe you can ask something!"

  At this time, Alice has fully acknowledged Xia You's strength, pursed her lips and smiled, and the pair of beautiful eyes staring silently looked bright.

  After she answered calmly, her tone paused, and suddenly she continued to speak in a gentle voice:

  "By the way, Finn has lived and died with me today, so don't be so polite, just call me Alice!"

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