"Then, dear Finn, can you tell me what you are good at?" Thinking that Xia You said that her "specialty is not setting up magic rituals", the girl opened her mouth full of hope and probed, hoping to dig out some other information.

  However, Xia You is a guy who is not good at oil and salt, and has a thick skin. Hearing this, she raised her head proudly and joked:

  "I'm good at picking up girls!"


  The two looked at each other in silence for a while.

  "Okay, then from now on, your assistant job becomes..."

  Alice pressed her temples speechlessly, turning her face faster than turning over a book, and looked at Xia You for a while with a blank expression, just like picking products in a shopping mall.

  After a while, he pointed to his eyes:

  "Help me study that pair of magic eyes! After all, magicians who can have magic eyes are very rare—don't worry, they will never dissect you..."

  After finishing speaking, the girl did not wait for Xia You's consent, and went to find tools on her own.

  Although she has only been familiar with it for a day or two, she can already roughly grasp the character of the young man in front of her, who is as smart as her.

  At least in some trivial matters, I believe Xia You will not refuse.

Chapter 115 Research and Discovery

  Ye Ye came to the entrance of the magic workshop, stood a few meters away and listened quietly for a while, but the sound insulation here was very good, and she couldn't hear any movement inside. She couldn't help but scratch her hair, took a few steps closer, and put her ear Attached to the thick wooden door.

  As a result, still nothing.

  When I was anxious and wanted to force the door open a little, someone tapped me on the shoulder.


  She was startled, and immediately turned around like a thief, exclaiming, but a small hand quickly covered her mouth.


  A girl in a black dress appeared in her field of vision—it was Dorothy.

  Dorothy's cute little red face also had an unnatural look, she raised her hand, put it to her mouth, and gave a careful hiss.

  "why you?"

  Ye Ye looked at her and blinked her eyes suspiciously, but Dorothy avoided answering, just snorted: "Idiot! Are you going to pry the door open just now? It's weird not to be discovered by the people inside!"

  "Eh? "Three-eight-three" but..."

  "That's why!" Dorothy raised her head arrogantly: "I don't know anything, but I'm still thinking of leaving me! Get out of the way...Stupid guy!"

  Hearing this sentence, Ye Ye's face flushed with anger, but she had no choice but to move away.

  Dorothy stepped forward and chanted a few incantations, and a wave of magic power quietly spread to the palm of her hand.

  She put her palm lightly on the door, and after waiting for a while, the faint and indistinct voice of a man and a woman gradually entered the ears of the two women.

  Perhaps the soundproofing facilities were too tight, and although the sound could be heard clearly, it was still a bit intermittent.

  The girl in the black dress blushed slightly, and immediately defended in a low voice:

  "There is usually an enchantment in the magic workshop, and the enchantment interferes with my eavesdropping technique..."


  Ye Ye nodded carelessly, pricked up his ears, and listened intently to the movement inside.

  Because she seemed to have heard some kind of suspicious conversation just now—

  "...It's so tight!"

  "Hey, you're still not a man, this level... can't bear it?"

  "But it's really tight, or you... loosen it up."

  "It's really troublesome, alright, alright, wait! It was a critical moment..."

  "Critical moment?" x2.

  Dorothy and Ye Ye at the door looked at each other and winked at the same time.


  Ye Ye took a few steps back, took a deep breath, activated his vajra power, and kicked open the door in front of him with a flying kick, with an angry scream from his mouth:

  "Damn fox girl! You will never be allowed to—"

  Dorothy, who was following behind her, also rushed in quickly, the dark magic bullet in her hand was ready and was sticking to the palm of her hand.

  As a result, looking inside, the two girls were all dumbfounded.

  Xia You was being pressed by Alice on a chair, and a helmet-like instrument was put on top of his head.

  "Hey, Lily, Dorothy, you?"

  Seeing the indignant expressions of the two women as if they were facing a great enemy, Xia You was a little stunned. Alice also stopped moving, put down her helmet lightly, turned around with a smile, and first glanced at the door that was knocked down:

  "The door of the workshop... The repair fee will be deducted from your salary this month, okay?"



  Ye Ye touched his head with a smile on his pretty face, while Dorothy took back the magic bullet and walked outside without saying a word.


  After finally sending the two troublemakers away, Xia You sat down on the chair again, watching Alice approaching with the helmet, she couldn't help but feel helpless:

  "That helmet is indeed a little small, why don't you do it like this, don't do the magic test, I will tell you the effect of the magic eye directly!"


  As for his words, the girl vetoed it and said seriously:

  "Magic is a process of continuous discovery, research, and verification. All magicians are enjoying the essence of chasing the mystery, not just knowing the correct result can be satisfied!"

  In fact, this is just a high-sounding reason.

  In Alice's mind, she still didn't quite believe that Xia You would really tell her all about it - who could tell others about his secret skills or trump cards if he pushed others by himself?

  Even if it's a girl you like.

  "Yes... Is it?" Xia You was really frightened by her serious expression, thinking that it was another Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu, and couldn't help but feel a pain in her brain.

  Nima, I feel that if the labor and management push a few more magicians into the harem, they will endure a lot of their broken thoughts... But if they don't push, they will be reluctant! ! !

  After all, they are all spicy~~~ What a cute two-dimensional girl......

  After a dry laugh, he simply closed his eyes motionless, and let the girl in front of him act.

  After finally putting the helmet on the head and fixing it, Alice stood behind him and quickly operated the ingenious instrument, while instructing:

  "Open the magic eye."

  Xia You obediently opened the magic eye, and suddenly found that this ingenious detector seems to have some ways, because at the moment when he activated the magic, a strange magic also came from the "helmet", but it was only surrounded by Near his eyes, basically harmless...

  She raised her hand and waved, indicating that she had opened the magic eye, Alice nodded, while recording the magic wavelength after opening the magic eye, she said calmly:

  "Bow your head, look up, and try to focus your eyes on different places... It can be far or near, the main thing is that the distance of the viewpoint changes!"

  For the girl's orders, Xia You did as she said.

  There is no doubt that the detector on his head, even if he is blindfolded, can't block his sight at all. At least the moment the magic eye is opened, the dark field of vision is filled with a sense of picture again.

  He tried to focus on a few places with his magic eyes, and he could even clearly observe Ye Ye's figure, still sneaking out of the broken workshop door.

  As expected of a slut night...  

  This made the boy feel dumbfounded and ready to see what Dorothy was doing, so he lowered his head and looked towards the first floor.

  The next moment, his expression was stunned.

  Because under the magic eye's perspective, in addition to seeing Dorothy, Xia You also discovered a rather abrupt space... underground!

  Under the villa, there is an empty tunnel leading to nowhere!

  "Could it be that the real core location of the No. [-] Research Institute..."

  Xia You is not stupid, but she didn't think of it before, and she immediately reacted. The research on the complete control of the vibration magic circuit must be carried out in the underground laboratory of the No. [-] Research Institute. After all, it is safer there.

  And the various buildings and laboratory buildings above should all be fake facilities to hide people's eyes and ears!

  Just when Xia You was delighted with the new information he had noticed 1.0, the girl behind him stared at the small instrument in front of him and frowned.

  According to the report, Fein's magic eye has undoubtedly confirmed that there will be at least two functions - perspective, and spiritual vision that sees through the magic veins!

  Really powerful ability, but...

  "The research is over, close the magic eye first!"

  Alice carefully retracted the instrument, but one hand firmly pressed the top of Xia You's head, preventing him from turning his eyes, and said coldly:

  "I want to say one thing, you can take it as my plea...and it's my bottom line!"

  Xia You was still sitting on the chair with her back to the girl, and she couldn't see her facial expression at all, so she could only nod lightly, and listened quietly without saying a word.

  After a moment of silence, Alice spoke again, with a strong warning in her words:

  "If you don't want us to feel disgusted with each other, don't use your magic eyes to observe me!"

Chapter 116

  "it is good."

  Xia You nodded solemnly without asking why.

  As long as this is combined with the plot of the original book, it can be guessed immediately - the girl is afraid that he will see the ingenious parts of her body.

  With excellent looks, excellent intelligence and talent, Alice is undoubtedly very proud, but because of congenital diseases, she can only be sick in chuang since she was a child, quietly waiting for the end of death soon.

  Just like in the splendid morning sun, the beautiful flowers covered with dewdrops will wither before they bloom.

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