The traces of wind and frost of the years are particularly obvious.

  Perhaps because of its remote location, although it occupies a large area, there are not too many people.

  In the spacious chapel, there were only a few nearby residents sitting sparsely, clasping their hands together and praying silently with their eyes closed.

  Outside the chapel, there were several priests in gray robes with brooms in their hands, brushing the fallen leaves and dust on the ground with their hands and feet.

  The clear blue sky above is cloudless, and the clean sun shines on the entire steeple church, which is so peaceful that it can make people feel lazy.

  However, as a strange wave came, the gray priests who were waving their brooms leisurely looked at each other, and their expressions changed drastically at the same time. 363 quickly dropped the broom in his hand, and hurriedly walked around the nearby chapel and ran towards the backyard.

  Along the way, you can also see many other figures in gray clothes in the same clothes, and their faces under their hoods are full of tension.

  This church is a bit weird. The front nave and the nave are the places for worship, mass, and the placement of the sacristy and changing clothes. Next is the apse, where the priests live.

  It should have ended here, but after the residence of the priests, a large space actually appeared, surrounded by high walls.

  Inside the wall, an exquisite courtyard is built independently, with flower beds, groves, artificial lakes, balconies and fountains.

  The corridor by the water is surrounded by the rockery, and the flat lawn is green and moving. Even in the hot summer of August, the small courtyard still has a cool feeling.

  In the stone pavilion near the rockery, there was a young man with blond hair holding a teacup and sipping tea in a leisurely manner. When he saw a group of people in gray robes rushing in, he smiled and nodded to them, but he didn't say anything. He waved his hand in concern, and said in a harmonious voice:


  Just when I said this, the whole church shook violently as if an earthquake was about to occur.

  "To be able to break through the barrier of the great magic level so easily—"

  Around the stone pavilion, a grey-robed man who seemed to have a high status changed his face again. He quickly looked at the blond young man who was still sitting in front of him. He was respectful and said with concern:

  "Godfather, why not..."

  "Damn old guy!"

  At this moment, a strange vortex suddenly appeared on the ground in the courtyard. The vortex continued to spread, but it seemed like a phantom, and it didn't hurt any grass or tree on the ground at all.

  Immediately afterwards, a certain huge bone claw slowly rose from the vortex, accompanied by a silver bell-like clear voice, interrupting the gray-robed man's words:

  "It was so small and broken that it was so strong that I spent a lot of magic power on it..."

  There was an air of anger in the words.

  The gray-robed people in the yard were stunned for a while, and then they all stood between the bone claw and the stone pavilion nervously, with a strong guard in their eyes.

  Although this sudden voice sounded like a young girl, they did not dare to relax.

  Just from the fact that the viewer can quickly break through the strict barrier, coupled with such a strange way of appearing, he knows that it is definitely not easy to mess with.

  "It's not an intruder." The blond young man sitting in the stone pavilion just glanced at his claws, and then looked at the group of gray-robed men in front of him and said again with a smile, "You go down first. "

  The people below looked at each other, (agdg) originally wanted to continue persuading, but sensing the persistence in his eyes, in desperation, they could only bow silently and leave the small courtyard.

  At the same time, the fingers of the bone claw in the courtyard are slowly opening, and a girl in a white dress with a flamboyant aura emerges from it.

  After the girl jumped off the ground, she stretched out her hand, and when the claws disappeared, she snorted softly and looked up at the stone pavilion.

  There, the blond young man had stood up and slowly walked towards her.

  "The distinguished guest is here, and there is a loss to welcome it."

  The young man ignored the girl's previous rude words and greeted with a warm smile.

  His speed of speech was unpleasant and dissatisfied, and his voice was calm as water, not disturbed.

  What makes people even more strange is that even though his appearance is only in his twenties, his eyes seem to be full of sophistication and vicissitudes, just like an ancient and rare elder who has seen countless long years.

  In fact, this blond young man is indeed an elder - the leader of the entire Magic Association, the godfather with the title of "Old Man of Time", Louis XVII.

  He is nearly two hundred years old this year. In addition, the ingenious prophecy of divinity that is widely circulated in the magic world is also from his mouth.

  "Heh...I think you will call me a witch in your heart as a villain!"

  The girl in the white skirt laughed at herself, wrapped her arms around her hands, and looked at the Weng of Time quietly. After a while, she continued in a low tone:

  "Old man, I asked you for a prophecy a few years ago, and you said that the person I have always hoped to find, he will intersect with my granddaughter - so today... I want to reconfirm once!"

  Feeling the mixed emotions mixed with the anticipation in the girl's heart, Shi Zhiweng sighed, walked slowly to the next tree, and raised his hand.

  "I planted a tree here decades ago, and decades later..."

  When he said this, a red pomegranate suddenly fell off the branch and happened to fall into his palm.

  "It's not a coincidence!"

  He smiled slightly, pinched the pomegranate, then turned his head and looked at the girl, his steady voice seemed to contain some deep meaning:

  "Planting trees is the cause, and harvesting is the fruit. Even if you haven't been here today, this pomegranate will be caught by me sooner or later."

  "Your metaphor...that sounds weird!"

  The girl in the white dress frowned lightly under her neat bangs, made a casual comment, and then thought to herself.

  Shi Zhiweng, who was opposite her, smiled bitterly in his heart.

  In fact, there is no better analogy than this.


  The so-called cause and effect.

  The black rose in front of her, her granddaughter Dorothy, is the "fruit".

Chapter 133 Unpredictable

  After thinking for a while, Black Rose scratched her hair irritably.

  "So, as long as I find Dorothy this time, I'll definitely meet that bastard, right?"

  Her words were full of gritted resentment, but... if you taste it carefully, you can feel a different kind of emotion from it.

  The Weng of Time nodded lightly:

  "My prophecy has never appeared~ A mistake!"

  "Yeah!" Black Rose regained her senses, looking at him with a smile on her face, "your prophecy did not go wrong, but... over the past few hundred years, it is also because of speaking out. The content of the prophecy has caused many people to be severely tricked!"

  Almost all of the witches in the Rose Association can influence a country by one person.

  In their position, there are naturally many news channels. Black Rose has carefully sorted out some information, and the prophecy of the man of time has caused many people to suffer losses - it is not that the content of the prophecy is wrong, on the contrary, it is really as he was just now. That being said, he never made a mistake.

  However, the results are not very optimistic.

  Many people look for a man of time to predict a certain event. They originally thought that if they grasped the opportunity, they could avoid danger or obtain greater benefits.

  However, just like the invisible manipulation of fate, the more they tried to avoid it, the result was a misunderstanding, and the closer they got to the content of the prophecy.

  "Whether the cause creates the effect, or the effect affects the cause, this is like the dead knot of 'which came first the chicken or the egg', just by ordinary mortals like me, who can really easily see through it, but if If human beings can get rid of anger and greed, and let nature take its course, even the invisible fate will be…”

  Having said that, Shi Zhiweng seemed to feel something in his heart, shook his head with a wry smile, and continued:

  "Ah! Maybe I can predict something...and say it, and doing so is part of that prophecy!"

  "In other words, because you want to maintain your image of being a prophet, you can't help but say the prophecy to the world, so you will cause those tragedies to be staged? Hmph... What a boring vanity! "Black Rose squinted at him, and made another pause gesture:

  "Stop these boring topics for now! There's one more thing I want to know right now—"

  "Regarding the identity of 'him', who is that guy?"

  Well, I just said that others are boring, but in the blink of an eye, I continue to inquire about the prophecy.

  Fortunately, Shi Zhiweng has a peaceful mind, and he never thought of making a mockery, but replied helplessly:

  "I do not know either!"

  "What?" Hei Qiangwei's beautiful eyes widened, and she was so surprised that her mouth was half-opened: "Aren't you the so-called prophet of the magic world? There are still things you don't know?"

  "Since a certain turning point a few decades ago, there are more things I don't know." Shi Zhi Weng turned around helplessly, his eyes full of vicissitudes, as if he had crossed the front wall and was looking at an unknown a place—or someone.

  "Wait!" Black Rose frowned and looked at him: "You said decades ago?"

  In response to this, Weng of Time avoided answering, just with a kind smile on his face, issued an invitation:

  "Want to sit down and have a cup of tea with this old man?"

  After he finished speaking, he apologized a little sadly:

  "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm so old, I always like to throw things around, and guests forget to pour a cup of tea when they come to the door..."

  "Sure enough, it's a cunning and cunning!"

  Seeing the Weng of Time chatting, Black Rose understands that he doesn't want to answer.

  The girl doesn't care, anyway, as long as you find that person, with the relationship between the two, you will definitely be able to figure out his identity.

  "That's it! I'm too lazy to drink tea or anything." She waved her hand casually as a farewell, and a vortex appeared under her feet as the magic power surged in her body.

  Pale and huge terrifying bone claws are slowly protruding from the vortex, slowly propping up the girl's petite body.

  Before the five fingers of the bone claws closed, Black Rose seemed to remember something.

  "Finally—I want you to help me predict the last thing..."

  She looked at Shi Zhiweng, who had been sitting in the stone pavilion again, with a rare twist on her expression. After a while, she said softly:

  "Will there be a second wedding in my life?"

  Shi Zhiweng looked stunned for a moment, put down the teacup in his hand, tilted his head and thought for a while, a wry smile appeared on the young face again:

  "Sorry, about seems beyond the comprehension of mortals, I can't predict it at all."

  Black Rose's beautiful little face sank, and after a while, she finally snorted, and the figure disappeared into the vortex without saying a word.


  Germany, Institute No. [-].

  At a certain corner of the inner wall, there is a special area where the farewell staff is placed.

  "There should be three more days..."

  In the secluded room, Olga looked at the bright noon sun outside the window, and her voice was full of emotion.

  "Yeah, in three days, we won't be able to see each other for a long time!"

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