"You have to understand that you are complying with my request now, as long as I am careful and escape without being discovered by anyone, then you should not be suspected by anyone, but...if you refuse my request , will definitely die immediately!"

  "Listening to your complaint, it must have been targeted by other colleagues? Since the No. [-] Research Institute doesn't pay attention to you at all, why do you (Wang Haozhao) risk your life to keep it a secret?"

  This sentence made Lewis feel a little shaken. After all, what happened just now is still vivid in his mind, not to mention the threat of Xia You should not be underestimated.

  A struggle flashed in his eyes, and finally he finally asked aloud:

  "Not found by anyone?"

  Xia You smiled faintly, and suddenly took out a golden token from his pocket and shook it in front of Lewis's eyes:

  "You think I can sneak into the core area of ​​​​the research institute so quietly, why? Naturally, it is convenient for the big man in charge of guarding a certain area!"

  This group directly sold General Kahn.

  And the effect is also very good, the shake in Lewis' eyes is deeper, and after a while, he finally gritted his teeth:

  "Okay...if you're really willing to let me go, and if you're sure you can escape..."

Chapter 137 The passage under the laboratory

  "All the materials for complete control of the vibration are placed in another storage room, and as a first-level magician of the No. [-] Research Institute, I am equipped with a room key."

  Now that he has decided to betray the research institute, Lewis appears to be a very bachelor, telling everything in one go:

  "It's just that to open the data safe inside, at least two first-level magicians need to input magic power at the same time!"

  "Does that mean you have to find another researcher to cooperate?" Xia You couldn't help asking aloud.

  The statement "researcher" seemed to insult Lewis, his face flushed, and he quickly retorted:

  "It's a first-class magician!"

  "So where on earth is the other magician going to find it?"

  Xia You ignored his weak protest, her eyes full of suspicion:

  "First of all, if you want to play any tricks, once it is seen, I will not be as polite as I am now."

  Lewis turned a deaf ear to these threatening words, and just talked about the plan for himself:

  ".... There are three people who have been awarded the status of a first-level magician. There are three in the entire No. [-] research institute. The other two are in the laboratory at this time. I can use 'I want to watch the circuit information now' Why call one out."

  After that, he added:

  "If you are worried, you can continue to cast invisibility magic and follow me."

  "This is natural!" Xia You smiled slightly, suddenly raised 940's hand, and his palm quickly rushed out a crystallized weapon more than half a meter long, similar to scissors, except that the two sides of the front end of the scissors , but are connected together by half-moon-shaped hooks.

  The hook is long and narrow, light and thin, and the blade flickers and flickers under the light, with a faint cold glow flowing.

  There is no doubt that this is a weapon formed with Hezi.

  Xia You raised his hand and put it on Lewis' shoulder, the sharp hook was facing his neck, almost making his hair stand on end.


  Looking at the crystalized Hezi like a collar, Lewis was startled and frightened, opened his mouth, and was about to ask carefully, Xia You already explained calmly:

  "Don't worry, this is just an insurance policy. I'll follow you invisibly until I get what I want..."

  "Of course, if you dare to play tricks in the middle, this weapon is very sharp, as long as my hand is pulled back gently... Even if there are defensive magic or props, it will definitely not be saved. Get your head off!"

  Seeing the silence of the magician in front of him, Xia You smiled and patted his shoulder again:

  "Don't worry, I have no grievances or enmity with you, I just want the information on the magical (aged) technique circuit of the research institute. After achieving the goal, I will definitely not kill you needlessly - after all, if a researcher dies, causing the guards Be vigilant, it is very difficult for me to sneak out silently again!"

  Lewis thought for a while, and felt that Xia You really had no reason to kill him, and the fear on his face receded a little.

  What's more, the situation is stronger than people now, and he can only accept it helplessly.

  "Okay, let's hurry up now! Hurry up to the laboratory and ask another person to help!" Xia You motioned him to go out, and said sarcastically, "Send me away sooner, and you can relax earlier, too. isn't it?"

  The two maintained their tandem posture and walked towards the door of the reference room. During this process, Xia You also activated the invisibility function of the ring in her hand, and her figure disappeared into the air with the crystallized Hezi weapon in her hand. .

  But the cold feeling on Lewis' neck still existed, and his life was hanging by a thread, which made him not dare to neglect at all.

  Opening the door of the reference room, one of them was in the light, the other was in the dark, and they walked out slowly.

  Perhaps because of being threatened, Lewis' forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his expression was extremely reluctant. Fortunately, no one passed by, and the two clever settings at the door were only for checking in and out.

  Leaving the reference room, Xia You lowered her voice and asked softly behind him:

  "The other two first-level magicians are doing experiments, right? So where are the labs?"

  "Around the front two corners and you're there."

  Lewis' trembling voice made Xia You frown secretly. He laughed softly:

  "Your Excellency, take it easy, you can take this as a joke between friends, or wait until you see other people, this nervous appearance arouses suspicion, then it will be difficult to predict how things will develop... ...maybe even worse than it is now."

  The two walked for a while and finally came to the laboratory.

  Seeing that the magician in front was about to open the door, Xia You couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, motioning him to stop first, then concentrate his mind and open the magic eye.

  Although he believed [-]% of what Lewis had just said, he still had the idea of ​​being careful and prepared to observe it with his spiritual eyes.

  From the magic eye's perspective, the walls and doors could not form an obstacle at all, and Xia You quickly saw the scene inside the laboratory.

  In addition to some ingenious instruments, there are also several wide experimental benches in the middle. At this time, a group of researchers are busy busy there.

  Everything looks perfectly normal.

  "Well, it's really just a laboratory, not a trap."

  Xia You nodded with satisfaction, and when he was about to withdraw the magic eye, his movements were once again stunned.

  Below this laboratory, there is an underground passage!

  Frowning slightly, he suddenly squeezed his right hand on Louis' shoulder, and asked in a stern and low voice:

  "What's under the lab?"

  "It's just a road, it leads to some prison in Karlsruhe..."

  Louis cried out in pain. The sharp blade that had been placed on his neck made him not dare to resist, so he could only hold back and explain in a low voice:

  "Since the creation of the 'Complete Control Vibration' circuit, the No. [-] Research Institute has launched the 'Smart Soldier' ​​program, and most of the immature experimental subjects are the materials obtained from that prison!"

  Human body research is inherently shady. Under the supervision of the Magician Association and the enemy country, it is reasonable to think of building a secret passage to the prison, so that the experimental body can be harvested more conveniently.

  After all, some death row prisoners, legally speaking, have already been deprived of their lives.

  However, Xia You thought for a while, and her expression was full of doubts:

  "No! Even for confidentiality, it is impossible to build directly under the laboratory!"

  "This was not a laboratory before, but a place where experimental subjects were imprisoned, but the original laboratory... During a certain experiment, a magician forgot to put on the magic restraint belt, resulting in semi-finished experimental subjects. A runaway occurred, destroying most of the rooms and experimental facilities."

  Lewis blurted out, explaining in a hasty and fast pace, proving that this was not a lie he made up on the fly:

  "In addition, the research on ingenious soldiers has recently reached a critical juncture, time is tight, and various living experiments are in great demand, so the new laboratory was relocated to this area..."

Chapter 138 Return Route


  After listening to Lewis' explanation, Xia You thought for a moment in her heart, and when she found that she couldn't find any flaws, she nodded.

  The Germans are very pragmatic. In order to speed up the progress of the experiment, such an arrangement is indeed not uncommon.

  He also used the magic eye to observe carefully. There is a large compartment behind the laboratory, and there are many empty cages in it, which should be used to detain experimental subjects.

  The entrance to the underground passage is not far from that compartment.

  After Xia You wrote down the location, she asked inadvertently:

  "The tunnel to the prison...does it have guards in it too?"

  "Because of confidentiality... There are not too many guards." Lewis was a little puzzled, but still answered honestly. After thinking about it, he seemed to be afraid that Xia You was going to go out there. He also warned:

  "But every distance along the passage, a demon-forbidden zone is set up, and soldiers are dispatched to guard the outside of the demon-forbidden zone."

  This is not out of good intentions, but he is ready to sell the No. [-] Research Institute and hand over the information to the enemy - and this way, if Xia You is caught, his inner responder, even if he is coerced, will also would die - ugly.

  As for the loophole that completely controls the loss of vibration data... Anyway, it's just a mere graphic file, not a physical thing.

  What's more, the two had already made an agreement before, and Xia You needed to find a way to record and leave the original documents to reduce the risk of him being discovered.

  "The guards are ordinary soldiers?"

  After listening to Lewis' words, Xia You was extremely happy and made up her mind secretly.

  This is the way to go back!

  The so-called forbidden magic zone should be paved with materials that suppress magic power.

  Perhaps because of the deep connection between the mysterious side and the ordinary world, there are many props that restrict magic in the world of machine damage.

  Just like in the original book, on the night of the Magic Eater incident, Ye Ye was attacked by the guards of the students, and those guards tied magic restraints on her.

  I want to come to the passage leading to the prison, but also set up a checkpoint of the same nature.

  In this way, if a magician or ingenious doll from a hostile force enters and goes to the forbidden area, they will lose control of most of the magic in the body.

  At that time, the invaders will become as vulnerable as ordinary people in a short time, and they can be easily killed by ambushing a group of soldiers with guns.

  But this is basically no pressure for Xia You.

  You know, apart from magic, he is still a powerful man!Back then, the CCG was bombarded with bullets, and I don't know how many times I have passed through it, and the firearms were useless.

  As for the four directions around the core area, why not set up the same forbidden zone... It must be the reason why the equipment is too expensive.

  "Okay, according to the plan just now, hurry up and call someone."

  It only took a moment for Xia You to turn these thoughts in his mind. After Xia You regained his senses, he quickly released his hand and urged her.

  Lewis was facing Xia You with his back to him, so he couldn't see his face at all. Naturally, he didn't know anything about it. He took a deep breath, tried to restore his normal expression, and opened the door of the laboratory.

  The magician inside was still working intensely. Occasionally someone turned his head and glanced at him, and only nodded slightly to him.

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