Xia You could easily see through the opponent's trick, but he couldn't do anything about it. No matter how hard he flapped his wings, his body was still falling.

  And when it was only three or five meters away from the ground, the strange heaviness suddenly loosened.

  The surrounding atmosphere finally returned to normal.

  However, at this time, the nearby lion monster was already waiting, roaring and pounced.

  The huge claws are like a sharp guillotine, and the sharp hooks glitter with cold light.

  At the beginning of the landing, Xia You was already mentally prepared for the enemy's sneak attack, and he also took measures to deal with it.

  The fluid RC cells kept gathering outside the body, wanting to form a shield to resist, he quietly made a sharp dagger in his hand and hid it in his sleeve, ready to be injured in the upcoming close combat. , quickly kill an enemy first.

  Even if the body is invaded by unknown toxins, but the dual blessing effect of He Zhe and Vajra Force cannot be broken with a single claw.

  Xia You believes that with her resilience, there will be no problem.

  But others don't know.

  "Finn, be careful!!!"

  Suddenly, on the high wall beside the square, a familiar girl exclaimed, which made Xia You panic.

  And a man and a woman who were rushing towards here in the distance obviously heard it. They glanced at each other as they ran, and nodded at the same time.

  Afterwards, the man who was covered in heavy armor disappeared abruptly without seeing how he moved, and when he reappeared, he was several hundred meters ahead.

  During such repeated frequent flashes, he was constantly approaching Xia You's position.


  Karlsruhe, facing North and South Research Institute No. [-], is far away from the suburbs. In a certain depression, Domen Qiluo is silently sitting on a boulder with his knees closed and his eyes closed.

  She was surrounded by a group of onmyoji who had long been waiting for her.

  Dozens of people seem to have formed some kind of formation, and the branch regularly surrounds her, standing attentively.

  However, in the southeast corner of this inexplicable formation, there was a large vacancy, which looked extremely asymmetrical.

  After a while, Domen Kira opened her eyes and turned to a middle-aged man who was closest to her:

  "What's the matter? Xiu Xing's group hasn't arrived yet?"

  Although his tone was calm, there was a hint of dissatisfaction.

  "...Maybe it's due to the unfamiliarity of life, I'm sorry, the master, I will contact them immediately!"

  When the middle-aged man was talking about this, he found that Tumen Qiluo's face changed slightly, he stood up from the boulder, turned his head, frowned and looked into the distance.

  She could feel that there seemed to be a large-scale battle on the other side of the city - and the magic fluctuations of one of them were very familiar, it was Onmyoji!

  The Onmyoji who are currently in Germany... There is no doubt that only people from their own Tumen clan have come here!

  "Wait first!"

  Domon Kira raised his hand and snorted coldly:

  "The German army has found them and is currently at war!"

  After speaking, she had some doubts:

  "Before I came, I had already asked the people lurking in Germany to help, basically erasing all traces of identity, how could it still be noticed?"

  The middle-aged man on the side was not so relaxed. Hearing her say this, there was an anxious look on his face, and he seemed very restless:

  "Lord Patriarch, if Hideyuki and the others fail to arrive on time, there will be loopholes in the absolute formation we set up. If the time comes, Akabane Tenquan and the Lady of Calamity will escape..."

  Tumen Qiluo's face also sank, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

  "Contact Hideyuki immediately and let him bring his team to quickly break through and gather!"

  "If there is really no way to get rid of the German army... let them continue to hang behind you, as long as I get here, I will take care of it!"


  The middle-aged man replied respectfully.

Chapter 151

  In the prison square named "Bana", Xia You, who heard a familiar voice, turned her head to look over her busy schedule.

  However, he saw a beautiful girl in a black dress, with a panicked face, jumped off the fence, and ran towards him quickly.

  "Peach... Dorothy? You didn't even tell her why at such a critical moment..."

  Xia You's face suddenly became ugly, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but slow down.

  But the enemy didn't give him more time to wonder, just in a stunned effort, the giant lion on the opposite side had already rushed in front of him with Li Xiao!


  The metal sound resounded throughout the square, and Xia You, who was holding Hezi's shield, was knocked to the side, and before he could adjust his body in the air, he heard a few dozen meters away, and there was a girl's angry scream. :

  "Don't bully Finn! Die big man!"

  With such an arrogant tone, Dorothy's body surged with magic power, and several skeletons holding bone knives suddenly appeared around her.

  While directing the skeleton to face the lion that was about to pursue, she tilted her head anxiously at Xia You:

  "Finn, what the hell are you doing? You left without saying a word..."

  Miss, now is not the time for you to be proud!

  Xia You smiled bitterly in her heart.

  Sure enough, several skeletons looked very ferocious and powerful, but they still couldn't stop the lion for half a second.

  And the other party just swept the tail and turned the skeleton into a pile of broken bones on the ground.

  Dorothy's reckless attack also attracted the lion's attention.

  As if his dignity was being provoked by someone, his beard and hair shining with golden light were all open, his sharp teeth were exposed, his eyes radiated a fierce brilliance, he roared, and stared closely at the black dress that was rushing towards Xia You. The girl, ready to pounce, is ready to deal with the weak enemy first.

  not good!

  Xia You's heart was agitated, and he quickly fanned Hezi behind him to force the landing, and slammed the ground under his feet.

  However, the distance between the two is too far now, and with his speed, he still can't catch up with the monster's attack.


  The giant lion's open mouth was filled with stench, and the bloody mouth seemed to turn into a boundless shadow, which instantly shrouded the blazing sun above the black-skirted girl's head.

  There is no doubt that Dorothy's petite and weak body will definitely be swallowed by the monster above her head after this mouthful!


  Xia You couldn't help screaming, and countless feathers flew from the Hezi behind him, trying to shoot down the opponent.

  But it just caused a tinkling sound, and it was impossible to make an effective stop.

  He quickly took out the skill card again, and was about to crush it to use it, but in a blink of an eye, a figure in armor appeared strangely in front of Dorothy, raising his fist to meet the lion above the girl's head.

  At the same time, a bright white beam suddenly appeared in the other direction.

  This beam of light turned into a mysterious chain that seemed to be in a virtual state, like an icy long snake, without causing the slightest sound, it had already approached the lion's side, flipped from side to side for a while, and tied it tightly in a few strokes. Hanging in mid-air.

  The armored man in front of Dorothy was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care so much, he took the opportunity to jump up and punched the lion's belly.

  The huge force caused a "bang" explosion in the air.

  However, it seems to have no effect, and the lion is still constantly moving in the crystal chain.

  "so close!"

  On the other side, Xia You wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. She didn't have time to study the helper that suddenly appeared. She put away her skill card again, took a stride, and rushed over quickly, hugging Dorothy who was still a little sluggish, and a few jumps were enough. left the lion's body.

  When I looked back, I found that the giant lion in the air was struggling violently, the chains that trapped it were shaking, and some fluorescent lights flickered, and it didn't seem to last long.

  When the tall and thin officer named "Hilde" in the distance saw this scene, he just sneered and ordered:

  "Nemea, don't pay attention to the attack below, use all your strength to break free from the chains first!"


  The lion known as Nemea roared in the sky, his muscles tightened in circles, and then suddenly expanded. The chains on his body suddenly made a "bouncing" sound, breaking inch by inch, turning into a little fluorescent light, and drifting around.

  When it broke free and was about to fall from the air, the armored man seized the opportunity, raised his hand, punched again, and hit the lion's head, sending its huge body flying out.

  Afterwards, he took a closer look, but saw that the monster just rolled around on the ground a few times, and continued to stand up unscathed.

  There was no sign of pain on the hideous beast's face, only endless anger.


  While shaking off the dust from its body, it roared sharply at the armored man, stroking its claws on the ground, making a hunting posture ready to go.

  "Humph! My Nemea is invulnerable, such a small attack trick is not enough to tickle it!"

  The opposite Hilde was unmoved at all, just casually glanced at the armored man who appeared suddenly, then turned his head, looked at a shadow behind him, and said solemnly:

  "Kahn, you... have really betrayed the German Empire?"

  "I have never been loyal at all, so how can I betray."

  After a long silence, a calm voice came from the shadows. General Kahn, who once had a relationship with Xia You, walked out slowly, surrounded by a layer of fluorescent belts.

  "Looks like Kahn really..."

  The giant who silently crossed the wall and the puppet envoy sitting on its shoulders had already come to the arena at this time. After standing beside the giant lion Nemea, their eyes were fixed on Kahn, and the words were full of words. Feelings:

  "At first, I didn't believe General Erwin's advice to 'beware of Kahn', but now... Okay!"

  He jumped off the giant, walked towards Hilde, and said lightly:

  "' ˇ In this case, Kahn, you are also one of the targets we want to eliminate today! The research of my German Empire can't just fall into the hands of other countries!"

  "Aeolus, come on! The opponent is a former comrade-in-arms!"

  "Although it's a little regretful to be your enemy, but since Angola ordered me like this..."

  The giant made a shrug and responded in such a low voice.

  Just by speaking, he can cause the surrounding air to tremble, and the atmosphere is reshaped into many thin and light blades that fly towards Kahn like raindrops.

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