
  After the gray light dissipated, the Pegasus in the distance paused, flapping its wings weakly, and flew down from the sky.

  Its originally agile eyes were full of tiredness, and even the horse's hooves were a little unstable, and it looked very tired.

  However, several German puppet envoys did not underestimate it, and they were all delighted. Augustus shouted loudly from a distance:

  "The situation here has basically stabilized, and there is no need to force Pegasus!"

  Indeed, although the gray awn only appeared for a short second or so, the result of the battle was reversible.

  Kahn, who made several people fearful, fell into a pile of rubble on the spot. The armored man who seemed to be a man or a clever puppet had also been petrified in place, and there was an intruder with core information...

  Although he reacted at the last minute and used his body to resist the two girls to a certain extent, at this moment, everyone on the German side basically freed their hands.

  The mere teenage girl, under the siege of several legendary ingenious dolls, was simply captured!

  What's more, it seems that due to some accident, the girl in the black dress who used necromancy, just when she fell to the ground, one arm accidentally fell into the attack beam of Pegasus, and has been petrified... ...

  This form instantly made the situation on the invader's side worse.

  If you think about it, you can easily subdue it, and maybe you can get some information.

  Several puppets of the German army were originally prepared to be careful to prevent the enemy from escaping, but in the next second, they were a little surprised to find that the remaining two girls had never thought about escaping.

  At present, they seem to have been severely hit by the death of their companions, and have lost their fighting spirit.


  As soon as the gray light dissipated, Olga whimpered and broke free from Xia You's sculptural body, wanting to run over to take a look at Velon's situation.

  And Dorothy, who fell to the ground with one arm petrified, couldn't care about her injury, raised her head in panic, and stared blankly at Xia You in front of her.

  When he saw that his normal figure was all gray and white, tears could not help overflowing his eyes, and they quickly burst out.

  "So that armor guy is called Velon? In order to limit him, my Nemea even has to be overhauled once!"

  Hield strode to the front of Weilong, looking at the blond girl who was staggering under her feet, and was about to approach, suddenly pulled out the saber at her waist and slashed at the stone sculpture opposite.

  The noon sun shone through the air with a flash of knives.


  A crisp sound sounded, and the petrified helmet was chopped off together with Velon's head, and rolled down to the feet of Or 1.8 Jia.

  After a while, there was a rustling sound from the helmet.

  A few pieces of broken gravel slowly slipped out of the corner and jumped into her eyes.

  The shape of the stone sculpture is very familiar. It is the face of lovers who have met in Germany in the past few months, and gradually deepened their understanding and goodwill.

  The girl's figure swayed, her footsteps stayed where she was, her pretty face was full of tears, and her smart eyes became dull.

  "Next, there's only one left, the invader who made us fight so hard..."

  After cutting off Velon's petrified head with a knife, Hield held his saber, and Olga, who was almost unconscious, quickly passed her figure and walked towards Xia You with an angry expression. .

Chapter 155 Red Moon


  Suddenly, a scream resounded over the entire square, Dorothy quickly propped up her body, walked in front of Xia You, opened her arms to block Hilde, her pretty face was full of hatred, and she said every word. the opening of:

  "I told you to stop! Rotten bones... I will pull out your skin and light a sky lantern, and make the skeleton into the ugliest skeleton, so that you will wander in the yellow spring forever!"

  At the moment when she opened her mouth, all the magic power surged out of the girl's body, the bangs with neat brows continued to bulge, and dozens of skeletons appeared all over her body.

  Compared with the previous ones, these skeletons are now even bigger, and Sen Bai's skeleton is even covered with countless barbs, and a fierce aura quickly diffuses in the field, looking hideous and difficult to approach. .

  Hilde, who was holding a saber, really stopped, but the expression on his face didn't seem to care, and he spoke in a relaxed tone:

  "This 06 is actually not our fault, little girl, you must understand that it is precisely because of your greed and covetousness that you are coveting the important research of my German Empire that will cause the deaths of your companions one by one."

  With a sneer in his eyes, he said cruelly:

  "That's right! The sculpture behind you, he... is already dead!"


  Dorothy took a step back, her figure was swaying, and she was about to fall to the ground.

  "of course!"

  Hield still stood in place, while vigilant against the skeleton on the opposite side, he continued to speak out and attack:

  "Ignoring the obstacles of magic power, the truth-level magic that can forcibly turn all matter into petrification... Even if my German Empire's legendary ingenious puppet 'Pegasus' needs to be separated by seven years, Only one such powerful attack can be used!"

  "How can someone who was hit by petrification magic still have a way to survive!"

  After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at a pile of rubble in the distance, with a slight emotion in his tone:

  "The strategic big magic once every seven years, if it weren't for the fact that the traitor Kahn is too difficult to deal with, I think General Erwin would not have sent it to help!"

  "Impossible... How can Finn die!!!"

  Dorothy's eyes were full of despair, she squeezed her fist tightly, and even her right arm that was petrified started to shatter because her muscles were too tight.

  But the girl at this time had no time to pay attention to her own situation. As soon as she gritted her teeth, her originally beautiful pretty face almost became distorted, and she roared with a hideous expression:

  "How dare you deceive me! I will take all of you..."

  "Be quiet first!"

  Not far away, a low sigh sounded, and the surrounding atmosphere turned into countless transparent ropes, which quickly bound Dorothy and the bodies of the skeletons.

  The giant Aeolus stepped forward slowly and looked at her with pity:

  "I really don't want to shoot at such a young girl."

  "Tsk... Aeolus is really, so merciful to the enemy! Originally, I was going to let her emotionally collapse first, so as to facilitate the interrogation work later..."

  After such an interruption, Hilde stopped verbally attacking.

  He walked quickly over Dorothy, who had been tied up and unable to move, and continued to walk in the direction of Xia You.

  He stood still, his sharp saber raised above his head.

  "Don't hurt him! Don't you hear me! You bloody bastard! If you dare to touch him, I'll make the whole of Germany—"

  In Dorothy's desperate voice and powerless threats, the sharp blade with a sharp whistle finally landed on top of Xia You's head.


  The impossible crisp sound made everyone in the vicinity look slightly stunned.

  Hield looked at the past, but found that after the blade was cut, it did not divide the stone carving in front of him in half as he imagined, but... let the stone chips on his body show cracks, piece by piece keep falling off.

  A little white skin also cracked with the stone chips, re-exposed to the eyes of everyone——

  This also proves that Xia You, only the surface of the skin has been affected by magic, and the interior has not been completely petrified!

  "Fine...Fin? Great! Fien is fine!"

  Dorothy, who was struggling violently, paused and shouted, her tone and expression full of surprise.

  On the other hand, a layer of cold sweat quickly appeared on Hilde's forehead.

  "How... how is it possible!!!"

  This tall, thin, calm man's pupils shrank to the point of a needle, and even the hands holding the knife were shaking slightly, and an unbelievable roar came out of his mouth:

  "Damn it...that's the petrification magic that Pegasus can only use once in seven years!"

  No one knows the power of the legendary ingenious doll "Pegasus" better than these German generals, which was originally designed as a trump card to reverse the situation!

  Therefore, when Xia You appeared unscathed in front of him and appeared again, no one was more frightened than them!

  If even Pegasus' 333 attack can't kill the intruder, then... how strong is he?

  "I don't believe it! It's definitely at the end of the shot! The next blow can kill you!"

  Hilde's face flashed a ferocious look, and he raised his saber again.

  Seeing that there seemed to be an accident, the expressions of the German puppets who had been relaxed also became solemn.

  Chimera, whose nerve center has almost been repaired, and the giant Aeolus standing quietly not far away, these two legendary ingenious dolls, driven by their dolls, quickly approached here. Be prepared to crush the invaders by numerical superiority.

  But they just took two steps, and in the next moment, they found that the whole world seemed to change color.

  At the end of the horizon, the peculiar shadow of the red moon actually rose slowly at noon this day, replacing the blazing sun overhead in the blink of an eye.

  The cold light it blooms, the majesty is full of elegance, like a king who is aloof, and like a peerless beauty with a state and a city.

  And under the reflection of this strange red moon, the entire vast land of Europe has completely turned into a crimson.

Chapter 156 The closed wormhole

  Although Hield was horrified by this series of changes and wanted to retreat to a safe range, the force in his hand was too great, and the blade could no longer hold back the momentum, and could only continue to fall with inertia.

  Saber, with the hesitant meaning that emerged from him, approached little by little.

  Xia You, who was constantly falling off stone chips all over her body, had a strange and joyful smile on her handsome face.

  He opened his eyes slowly, those vermilion eyes just swept forward quietly, and Hilde, who was slashing with a knife, flew back with a scream as if he had been hit hard.

  This sudden upheaval made everyone stop, and looked at it in horror, but saw that there seemed to be some invisible and heavy force in the air, and it quickly rolled forward.

  Under that inexplicable force, in just a few snaps of his fingers, Hilde's body turned into a pile of meat foam, and the remaining traces of blood and water were silently vanished into nothingness.

  If a wrong line appears on the drawing board, it will be wiped clean by someone with an eraser in an instant.

  Only the shrill scream from before could prove that he really existed.

  At the same time, Xia You's deep voice slowly resounded in the ears of several people, but what she said was very difficult to understand:

  "How dare you face Yu Zhibao's blade... This kind of anger, I haven't experienced it for many years!"

  As the voice fell, the invisible momentum also soared from his body, and in an instant, it filled the entire world that turned crimson. The red moon seemed to be cooperating with this anger. gotta boil.

  The huge European territory began to tremble, and there were more whining sounds between the heavens and the earth.

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