Even the corners of heaven and earth are the same.

  In a short while, the entire Moon Castle, and even the vast outside world, had become a chaotic blurry scene.

  In this bizarre picture, there are only two figures, which are very clear - Xia You, who is floating above, and Zhu Yue, who is still standing quietly in the same place.


  Seeing the drastic changes in the surroundings, Xia You panicked for a while, and blurted out the name in her heart.

  This made Zhu Yue slightly startled, her beautiful face was full of weirdness.

  After a long while, she spoke softly in a soothing way, and said warmly:

  "Don't worry, I just want to show you... the realm of transcendence!"

  After speaking, the blonde-haired Qian Ying jumped up and threw her arms towards Xia You.

  What kind of "transcendental realm"?You don't want to give yourself to us as a gift, right?

  Xia You complained hard in her heart, but she also understood that Zhu Yue could not do unnecessary things, so she quickly subconsciously opened her hand, like grabbing a life-saving straw, and hugged Zhu Yue who was pounced.

  A man and a woman suddenly clung to each other.

  Even if the two of them are only virtual forms of the spiritual world, he seems to be able to feel a faint fragrance entering his nose.

  There is no sweetness at all, and it is full of coolness and pride.

  Labor and capital embrace the king of the moon! ! !

  Just when he was a little overwhelmed, a beautiful and pleasant voice came into his ears, his tone was calm and indifferent:

  "Calm down, it's time to start!"

  Want to get started?What to start with?

  Just as she was about to ask aloud, Xia You felt a bang in her head.

  It seemed that there were countless stars-like light spots, one by one flowing from the depths of his heart.

  "This is actually... all the concepts that Zhu Yue understands!!!"

  At the same time, a man and a woman, who were quietly hugging each other outside, began to melt like candy, gradually turned into a sticky form, and gradually kneaded together.

  The surrounding scene similar to chaos also quickly attached to the past, and after a while, a thing like an eggshell formed in Xia You's mental space, tightly wrapping the spirit of the fusion of the two.


  In a trance, Xia You felt that she was soaring in the crimson sky.

  But beside him are countless sparkling light spots, they revolve around him, rush into his body, and slowly fly out.

  When the spot of light rushed into the body, Xia You discovered a certain concept and was opening everything to him.

  is really open to everything.

  Countless knowledge and realms that used to be esoteric and incomprehensible, now seem to have been empowered by godai. Without exception, every scene is clearly understood.

  Whether it was the magic in the moon, or the ingenious puppets in the machine injury, he felt that from the perspective of this time, it was as dull as dust, full of loopholes.


  As long as the light spot flies out of the body, Xia You can immediately perceive that the countless knowledge and realms that he just understood will also leave together, leaving only a few superficial traces... .

  Although he regretted it, he did not intend to force it.

  Because deep in his heart, he seemed to have vaguely guessed that those light spots rushing out of the body were the "conceptual realm" that he couldn't understand even if he tried so hard.

  The entry and exit of the light spot brings some kind of supreme pleasure.

  That kind of deep-rooted feeling is even more enjoyable than having sex with a beloved woman.

  The feeling of incomparably addictive pleasure made Xia You lose himself in an instant, and the whole person became muddled.

  The water and milk blending in the spiritual realm is always more profound than the physical body.

  I don't know how long it took, the countless light spots rushing out of the body flew in a straight line to the end of the sky, and quickly connected to the clouds. In this vast crimson sky, a round of vermilion was formed. Full moon.

  Under the reflection of the red moon, the scattered light is even deeper.

  Xia You stared blankly at the red moon in the distance, only to be illuminated by the moonlight, a feeling of laziness appeared all over her body.

  This feeling drove him, causing him to subconsciously fly over and pounce on the full moon.

  But when he got close, Xia You discovered that the red moon composed of light spots was not big, only a few meters in diameter, and it looked delicate and small.

  Without the slightest hindrance to 1.0, and without the slightest danger, he slowly fell into the interior of the full moon.

  There, a beautiful blond figure was standing quietly, with her eyes closed, like a quiet sleeping goddess.

  Following the joyful guidance from the depths of his soul, Xia You, who was somewhat confused, tightly hugged the shadow in front of him.

  She raised her hand skillfully and unbuttoned her beautiful blue and white dress...

  The goddess who was sleeping quietly, her neatly long eyelashes trembled, as if she was about to open her eyes.

  But after a while, her red lips were slightly pursed, and she let out a silent sigh, without any movement.


  I was dragged around for a day today and was exhausted.Fortunately, I diligently wrote an extra chapter yesterday, and I quickly finished posting it and went to rest ^-^

Chapter 160 Moonfall

  In the spiritual space, time has basically lost its meaning.

  I don't know how long has passed, maybe a second, maybe a long hundred years.

  At a certain moment, Xia You, who seemed to be having a vague and beautiful dream, suddenly felt that in the dream, the blond figure was being held in her arms by her, and her body was shaken.

  And then he woke up.

  Before opening her eyes, Xia You, who had almost recovered from the drowsiness, immediately noticed that she seemed to be holding a smooth and warm soft body.

  Judging from his many years of experience in dawdling with flowers, the person in his arms is undoubtedly a woman, or a royal sister with no clothes and a super good figure.

  The skin is as delicate and moving as suet warm jade.

  Before the image of Zhu Yue throwing herself into his arms quickly appeared in his mind, as well as some absurd scenes that could still be vaguely recalled in the dream just now, Xia You was shocked and quickly opened his eyes.

  Under the light of the faint red glow, the surroundings are clearly visible.

  "Sure enough..."

  At the sight, the blonde woman without strands was clinging tightly to his arms. On her white skin, which was like porcelain, there was a layer of faint crimson, and the white was rosy, like the bright and dripping in the morning dew. flowers.

  The healthy color added a thrilling temptation to her.

  The beauty was in her arms, but Xia You was agitated, and she didn't feel the slightest joy in her heart.

  With a bitter face, he slowly moved his eyes.

  The flat belly, the plump O.Pie, the delicate collarbone, and the elegant neck like a swan were skipped one by one, and his eyes finally reached the pointy white chin.

  Look up again.

  There is no doubt that Zhu Yue's beautiful face, which is all over the country and the city, quietly entered his eyes.

  The beautiful King of True Ancestors seems to have consumed a lot of energy, his slender eyebrows are lightly frowned, his red lips are slightly opened and closed, and his breathing sounds a little disordered.

  This made her always elegant with a touch of arrogance, and it seemed to show a rare sense of weakness.

  But it was only fleeting.

  Zhu Yue seemed to feel Xia You's gaze falling on her, and immediately took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

  Even if what happened just now, her pure blood-colored eyes did not show the slightest undulations, and her eyes were as calm as usual, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking.


  Facing the soft and tender body in her arms, Xia You originally had a little desire for men and women, but after being swept by Zhu Yue's clear and deep eyes, a trace of uneasy arose for no reason, she laughed twice, and was about to stand up.

  Unexpectedly, this space is very narrow, and it is impossible for people to make excessive movements. Just as he propped up his body with his hands, he touched a soft film behind his back. physically.

  His face was almost buried in the plump pair of O. Perry...

  So Xia You could only try to support her body with both hands and tilt her head carefully.

  After avoiding the terrifyingly calm gaze in front of him, he said in an embarrassed tone:


  "You don't need to do this. Yu Ben has never looked up to human concentration and state of mind. It is a matter of course that you will get lost in the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years."

  After a while, Zhu Yue's calm voice without a slight change broke the silence in this small space:

  "Even if this is the case now... Yu has already anticipated it, and before that, he was ready to accept it calmly."

  That is to say... that "re-given gift" just now really contains you, the beauty?

  Your Majesty, I was drowsy before, and I couldn't feel it carefully. My concubine really wants to do it again! ! !

  After listening to Zhu Yue's words, Xia You felt a little at ease, while silently complaining as usual, she laughed dryly, her eyes dodged, and she couldn't help but secretly observe Zhu Yue under her.

  However, she saw that she had gently raised her beautiful jade arm.

  There was no movement, and the space that wrapped the two began to expand rapidly, instantly returning to the castle courtyard just now.

  The two suddenly fell from the sky.

  On the way, there was a faint mist around them, forming clothes and wearing them on their bodies.

  Everything seemed to be normal. After being pushed once in the mental space, the Moon King didn't seem to show any embarrassment.

  Xia You originally thought so.

  However, when the two were about to fall to the ground, the situation had a stark contrast.

  Zhu Yue is still the same blue and white dress with an open collar, the skirt flutters, and the graceful posture swirls lightly in the air, like a beautiful goddess, riding the breeze that blows by the sky, slowly descending body shape.

  On the other hand, Xia You fluttered in the air twice, and the whole person fell like a weight.

  After a loud "bang", the pure white marble floor in the courtyard suddenly appeared a circle of cobweb-like cracks.

  Fortunately, this is his spiritual space, no matter how much tossing it will not hurt.

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