And, if you hate someone, why don't you already put him in your heart...

  Even with negative "resentment" and "hate", it is an ordinary existence that can truly enter the heart of the Moon King.

  In the huge moon world, or in the endless dimension, Xia You may be the only one.


  Just kicked out.

Chapter 162 The double moon is in the sky

  Although I don't know how long it has passed in the spiritual space, the time in the entire real world has undoubtedly only passed for a short moment.

  When Xia You's eyes flashed and her consciousness returned to the prison square named Bana, even the scarlet moon, which was wantonly exuding crimson brilliance, was not able to disperse.

  Under the ravages of the majestic magical power in his body, he stood against the red moonlight that seemed to burn the whole of Europe, and his figure rose uncontrollably from the ground and suspended in mid-air.

  Swipe!It's just a mere spiritual exchange, does it need to be so hot?

  Obviously I'm cool and you're cool too, don't worry about getting a big belly in the future...

  Sao Nian thought angrily in his heart.

  Obviously, the energy in the body suddenly ran wild uncontrollably, and it seemed to be squeezed to the limit... This must be another small act of revenge by Zhu Yue.


  Not far away, Dorothy's voice full of worry came.

  Xia You heard it in her ears, but she could only tilt her head with all her might, sent a bitter smile, then closed her eyes and began to concentrate on guiding the torrent of energy that was about to explode.

  Countless pieces of magic power form threads, spilling out from the circuit in the body, and following the invisible orbit of 357, they quickly communicated nearly countless "concepts" in the universe, and then...

  They carry a power that is beyond imagination, and in a specific combination, they gradually condense at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters above Xia You's head.

  Together they form the outline of some kind of massive object.

  It was a round of spheres that were constantly exuding hazy, gleaming white colors.

  It seems to be gradually born from the illusory, but it has never been able to escape from the illusory.

  Moon Mirror!

  In just a short moment, Xia You already understood how the sphere exists.

  There is no doubt that it belongs to the mirror image of the moon!

  Although it seems illusory, under the combination of countless concepts, it has almost possessed all aspects of the "moon" - huge mass, the gravitational force generated by mass and rotation, and strong radiation, and the lunar surface. It is directly different from the abnormality rules of the great source of the earth!

  In addition, the essence of this mirror image is magic formed by countless concepts.

  Since it is offensive magic, it will definitely explode!

  Even if you don't count the power after it explodes, you can only guess based on its "mass". Once it falls, the powerful potential energy caused by the mirror itself can easily flatten everything within a few hundred meters!

  The dazzling rays of light like the sun burst out from the surface of the illusory sphere, directly penetrating the sky and the earth that had fallen into the crimson realm, and also attracted the attention of the entire Europe.

  Seeing the celestial phenomena changing again and again, all the humans who were still awake walked out of the house and looked up at the sky with blank expressions.

  Then I saw the mirror image of the moon standing at an altitude of [-] meters.

  It is juxtaposed with the vermilion full moon in the sky.

  The two moons are in the sky, one exudes a gleaming white light, as hot as a star that will explode at any time, and the other stands quietly and pretty, ancient, elegant and cold.

  The newly-appeared mirrored full moon seems to be only about [-] meters in diameter. It is far away and illusory as if you are in another world, but it brings unimaginable shock to witnesses - just look at the extremely unstable energy it emits. Light, you know that it will explode like a nuclear bomb at any time!

  Many believers even suspect that the end of the world is about to happen today, and have silently knelt down and prayed.

  A gust of wind suddenly rose in the sky, blowing away the white clouds above.

  Looking down from the top, it was as if a hole had appeared somewhere on the earth. The violent surging of the airflow layer even directly affected the ground, almost forming a violent tornado storm.

  Most of the buildings around the square were destroyed, and as the bricks and stones were smashed, countless flying sand and stones were blown up.

  Dorothy and Olga, who were still holding the fragments of Velon's body, were sitting on the ground sluggishly, and their figures were instantly blown away.


  The two (agej) girls also discovered the huge moon mirror image that had formed on the top of their heads. Although Dorothy was panicked, she still managed to maintain her emotions. She raised her head and shouted to Xia You:

  "The enemy has been wiped out, let's hurry now..."

  Before she finished speaking, she heard Xia You in the air, roaring in a hoarse voice, with a tone of anxiety that she had never felt before:

  "Listen to me! Dorothy! Immediately step back and leave this area first! At least [-] meters away... The sooner the better! The farther the better! I can't control the thing above my head. It's gone!"

  It was the first time to use Yueluo, and Zhu Yue was forced to run all the magic in the body. With this extreme move, Xia You couldn't control the lethality well.

  At this time, the moon image did not land directly, and thanks to his consideration that Dorothy was nearby, he was trying his best to support it with his mental will!

  But mental power will always be exhausted.

  Until then...

  It is estimated that everyone present will be easily erased!

  Even if it is only [-] meters in diameter, under the combination and traction of countless concepts, it has almost all the characteristics of the moon - a tiny "moon".

  A sudden drop from a height of [-] meters will definitely cause more damage than a meteorite or energy group of the same size...and it is countless times larger!

  Once an explosion occurs, it will easily overturn half of the city, no problem at all!

  As a half-hearted person who came into contact with "Moonfall" for the first time, Xia You finally understood the horror of this trick when she cast the spell.

  No wonder Zhu Yue's tone is so proud.

  Moonfall, it is not at all what I imagined before. It just creates a huge energy group. Instead, it uses countless "concepts" between heaven and earth, such as water, soil, gravity, weight, etc.... A moon that is close to reality!

  Once the "moon" falls to the ground, it can not only be crushed by its own huge mass, but also contains various gravitational confrontations against nearby nature, the traction and interference of magnetic fields and radiation, and the heterogeneity of the earth's source and the moon's source. A series of complex changes such as rule collisions!

  To put it simply, at the moment when the mirror image touches the ground, the explosive force it generates is physically like the real earth and moon colliding suddenly, and magically, it is the competition and rivalry of different planetary rules!

  Who has the confidence to get out of the collision center of the two stars?

  Even the original Jewel Weng could only rush the mirror image to the ground and use his "infinitely large cannon" to smash it directly with all his strength - well, at that time, the Moon King personally shot, and the power of the moon falling is naturally different. And the language, it is estimated that it is really a mirror body the size of the entire moon.

  However at this moment...

  Even though the illusory moon above Xia You's head is only [-] meters in diameter, there is no second magician below to compete head-on!

Chapter 163 The Fall of the Moon

  Rewind time a few minutes ago.

  On the outskirts of Karlsruhe, a petite girl in a pure white dress is standing on a mountain top, staring calmly into the distance below.

  There was a faint smile in those amber-clear eyes.

  The picture reflected in her eyes at the moment happened to be the scene where Domon Kira summoned the shikigami "Shuten Douji" to engage in a fierce battle with the German ingenious troops and the two legendary ingenious dolls.

  After a long while, I saw Tumen Qiluo deal with a group of enemies, put away the shikigami, his face was sinking like water, and he taught his subordinates a few words, and then brought them back to the nearby depression.

  The girl in the white dress could clearly see that a group of Onmyoji in the distance formed a certain space-limiting formation, as if waiting for an unknown and powerful enemy to enter the urn.

  Unfortunately, due to the lack of a team of practitioners, there were many loopholes in that formation out of thin air.

  "Oops, is this the reason why Zi Qiangwei lured me to Germany?"

  She raised her hand to cover her sparkling lips, and a crisp, silver bell-like laughter slowly came out of the girl's mouth, with a playfulness.

  She blinked lightly, a few strands of contemplation appeared in her eyes, and suddenly smiled again:

  "Forget it... It's always because of your news today that I can find that guy a few days in advance. Now that I have the predestined relationship to help you, what's the harm!"

  At this moment, the Tumen Qiluo stood up abruptly, and commanded his subordinates with a dignified face to perform various onmyoji blessing formations.

  In that small space, the talisman paper symbolizing the communication between Yin and Yang burned one after another, and in the firelight, a dark wormhole space was constantly expanding.

  The girl in the white dress took a closer look and found that seven young figures were standing faintly in the wormhole.

  "Purple Rose's enemies are them, right? Hey, that kid looks very familiar. He seems to have seen it in Walpurgis a few months ago. It should be a related person in Edward's plan... ."

  She frowned and pondered for a moment, a kind of bad expression appeared on her pretty face, she wrinkled her little nose, and hummed willfully:

  "What does Edward's plan have to do with me? It's better to repay Zi Qiangwei's favor first... I don't want to owe anyone anything!"

  After speaking, the girl's little hand was gently waving in front of her, and countless runes were formed from the void.

  An imperceptible spatial fluctuation also quickly transmitted to the distance, falling into the battle set up by many Onmyoji.


  The word was faintly uttered in her mouth, and after the rune dissipated, the girl stopped paying attention to Domen Kira, turned her gaze, and looked in the other direction of Karlsruhe.

  There is the No. [-] Research Institute.

  "Damn bastard! I'll catch you right away!"

  There seemed to be a lot of resentment in the words that were spit out silently.

  But at the moment, on her pretty little face, she couldn't help but put on a sweet smile.

  For example, when a woman in love treats her lover's petty complaints, her arrogant attitude is clearly visible.

  Just as the girl was about to turn around and leave, the surroundings suddenly changed suddenly.

  The sky and the earth were quickly enveloped by a burst of crimson brilliance, and the deep vermilion moon also rose, and in the blink of an eye, it replaced the splendid blazing sun overhead.

  Staring at the strange and elegant red moon in the cold sky, she couldn't help frowning, her feet stopped, and she was a little surprised.

  However, after another moment, a hazy lunar phantom soared upwards, and the white light that overflowed from the body surface had an explosive power of flickering, as if it could tear the entire sky apart.

  That familiar move immediately made her look suddenly enlightened.

  "It seems that Germany has pissed you off..."

  The girl pursed her lips and chuckled, and turned around gracefully.

  The corners of the skirt fluttered in the wind, and the figure was as beautiful as a dream in the splendid brilliance of red and white.

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