There was a loud "bang", and in the agitation of the electric snakes, Chiyu Tianquan and his group vomited blood and flew into the distance.

  If it wasn't a critical moment, with the excellent response and command, the puppets could barely resist a few attacks with repulsive force, maybe this one encounter, their group would be reduced.

  As the head of the ghost clan and one of the three famous monsters in Japan, Shuten Douji is by no means a good thing!

  "Fire drop!"

  Along with the hoarse command, a certain girl beside Akabane Tian immediately stabilized her figure in the air, holding a rapier to meet the monster chasing ahead.

  The puppet girl named "Fire Hanging" has a sword that is as fast as lightning. Although she is slender and looks weak, she has a magic circuit called "pressure", which can compress the surrounding air and form a powerful shock wave.

  The red-winged formation of the dolls who are also upgraded, in terms of melee combat, basically will not lose to the shikigami in front of me.....

  After a moment of steady and steady fighting, the situation between the two sides became stalemate again.

  Domon Kira once again ordered Shikigami to attack several times, but she was easily dismissed by either blocking or dodging, and her majestic Phoenix eyes could not help radiating annoyance.

  But just a few seconds later, sensing a slight spatial fluctuation that appeared beside him, Domen Qiluo suddenly burst out laughing, and walked out of the formation position without hesitation:

  "Hahaha, Black Rose really shot!"

  Her eyes swept coldly across the six doll girls opposite her, and a huge amount of energy flowed out from her body.

  "It took a long time to plan, this time... I see where you and the Lady of Disasters can go!"

  However, just when Domon Kira felt that he had no worries, and was ready to cast a large-scale spell.

  The crystal full moon in the distant sky also began to fall silently.


  The next second, a violent explosion resounded in the four fields, almost shaking the whole of Germany.

  Tumen Qiluo was in a state of uncertainty, and before he could react, a majestic ring-like shock wave instantly overturned half of Karlsruhe and rushed towards the suburbs.

  And brazenly bumped into the barriers of the "Great Array" set up by many Onmyoji.


  The Tumen elites, who had been concentrating on maintaining the battle, were unable to dodge at all, as if they were hit by a sledgehammer, they all vomited blood and fell to the ground.

  Some people were hit so violently by the magic power that their bodies burst into countless pieces in a short period of time, and their flesh and blood permeated the miasma, making this place like a real Asura hell!

  In the blink of an eye, the battle was broken, and the shock wave started sweeping away everything without any hindrance.

  It was like a powerful meat grinder. The dozens of onmyoji around him who were still breathing, screamed and were involved, and immediately became dead.

  Seeing that there is no space restraint around, and there is still a wave-like torrent of terrifying energy not far away, Chi Yutian is quick-witted, raised his hand again to input magic power, and ordered loudly:

  "Kake cut!"

  With the Red Wing Array increasing the loop strength of the puppet, the figures of the seven people re-entered the wormhole space in an instant.

  "how is this possible!"

3 Tumen Qiluo was also shocked. The blow of the annihilation of the family elite made her stand in place for a few snaps. It was not until the danger was approaching that she reacted and took out a dark golden talisman paper in a panic.

  Akabane Tianquan was able to escape, and as the leader standing on the top of Onmyoji, she naturally would not lack life-saving means.

  Onmyoji that can perform space replacement, see the earth... Activate!

  However it was too late.

  Just before the transfer, Domon Kira was still hit by the shock wave.

  Countless energies and miscellaneous and weird laws were desperately pulling her arms, trying to drag her whole body in, which directly hindered the normal operation of the spell.


  Domen Qiluo made an immediate decision, gritted his teeth, pointed his right hand into a knife, snorted and cast "Magic Tenacity", cruelly cut off his left arm, the yin-yang technique continued, and the ripples inside the figure spread, finally before the shock wave was about to pounce, out of this dangerous area.


  According to the choice of the book friends, Zi Qiangwei will not kill it, after all, you all choose "do" (laughs)......

  And once Purple Rose dies, the Tumen Sun Wheel will definitely return to China, and the girl will be reduced by 1.

Chapter 165 Two Ways


  Just lying on the ground for a while, I heard Dorothy's tired voice mixed with surprise from a distance.

  Xia You hurriedly propped up her body, turned her head and looked back, her expression suddenly stunned, and the expression on her face was both guilt and anger.

  "Dorothy, your hand..."

  Before he could finish the question, the dusty girl ran to his side and plunged into his arms.

  The force was so great that even Xia You, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, fell to the ground.

  Then Dorothy spoke with a weeping voice:

  "You idiot! You are a pervert... What the hell is going on with you!"

  The tone was very excited.

  But not the resentment and questioning after being deceived, but...deep worry.

  You must know that even Kahn and Velon, who were carrying the legendary ingenious dolls, were destroyed by the terrifying petrification technique in an instant. At that time, the girl's heart almost jumped to her throat.

  And when Hilde said that Xia You was "already dead", the panic and sadness...

  She didn't want to experience it again at all.


  Xia You raised her hand with a wry smile, stroked Dorothy's hair lightly, and after picking off a few leaves and weeds, she remained silent and didn't know how to explain it.

  Originally, this time, he 06 never thought that he would drag the girl in front of him into the water, and the result...

  It should be Alice's hands and feet, right?

  Just a slight change in his mind, he already wanted to understand the cause and effect.

  Olga, Velon, and even General Kahn, who had some malicious intentions before, all came to help, this must be because of Dorothy's face.

  There is no friendship between him and the three.

  Remembering the remaining few people, Xia You quickly raised her head and looked around.

  Not far in front of him, was a huge plain that was swept away by the aftermath of the "Moonfall" and washed away several meters of mud, and the surrounding buildings and human tracks were completely destroyed.

  On the large flat and moist black soil, even the gray rock layer at the bottom has been looming, and its head has emerged.

  As for the back... the blond Olga stood there alone, looking down at the broken armor at her feet.

  Although the armor had been impacted by the aftermath of the battle, it had basically become scattered, but the damaged part of the helmet was still shining, even if it was covered with thick dust, it was still emitting a dazzling white light.

  "That's... Velon? Velon actually died? It seems that General Karn must be..."

  Before, he observed the situation on Weilong and Kahn slightly, and found that the two should be able to support them for a while, so he didn't plan to worry about it any more, and has been concentrating on recording the "distance operation".

  As a result, when he just released his hand, he saw a terrifying petrification technique in the distance that could make one's bones creep in.

  Under the influence of various factors, Xia You didn't have time to pay attention to the life and death of the two male teammates. Only at this time did he know the result, and he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed and full of joy.

  Fortunately, before Weilong died, he finally wrote down the "distance operation", otherwise this time, it would be a waste of time.

  Xia You's greed can't be entirely blamed for today's events, the ghost knows that Germany still has the dangerous trump card that petrifies everything!

  It is estimated that even Alice can't count it, otherwise he will definitely try to stop his action this time.

  Shaking her head helplessly, Xia You hugged Dorothy who was still crying, barely stood up, and carefully raised Dorothy's long broken arm.

  At the wound, there are some gray stones that have not fallen off.

  "Sorry, Dorothy..."

  He expressed his apology again and was about to find a way to remedy it, but the girl in his arms kicked him fiercely and asked angrily:

  "No apology! Tell me who you are first? Finn is supposed to be a pseudonym?"

  "We'll talk about this later, but now your arm matters!"

  Xia You hurriedly opened the space backpack, and just wanted to take out the red bottle to treat Dorothy, but found that Olga, who had been standing in front of Weilong's body, suddenly turned around and walked here, and he couldn't help but pause slightly. pause.

  "You're all right...that's great."

  The blond girl looked shaky, bowed her head full of grief, and her voice was a little choked.

  But the words are very clear and the meaning is very clear:

  "Although it is basically safe now, we haven't been able to get out of Germany's sphere of influence yet... Our identities must have been known by the No. [-] Research Institute. Before they are about to send a second wave of pursuers, hurry up and flee. Germany!"


  Dorothy looked at her blankly, and then glanced at the remains of Weilong in the distance, her eyes were full of guilt:

  "I'm sorry, because of our business, let Veron-"

  Even though the relationship between Olga and Veron was not clear before, when Veron died just now, Olga's sad expression was clearly exposed in her eyes.

  Undoubtedly, if it weren't for the deep feelings in her heart, the blond girl who had always been elegant and wise would not be able to show such a weak attitude because of Weilong's death.

  "It's just fate."

  Olga bit her lip, smiling bitterly on her pretty face, and shook her head to interrupt her.

  But before opening her mouth, the corner of her eyes glanced at Xia You's figure silently.

  There was a flash of fear and hatred in the hazy eyes with slight tear streaks.

  That hatred just disappeared in a flash. The two people on the opposite side had just survived their near-death experience. They were exhausted and didn't notice it at all.

  The blond girl's expression quickly returned to calm, she tilted her head, and quickly said in a low voice:

  "Since Dorothy is safe, let's divide our troops into two groups! This way, we can try to disperse the chasing troops behind."

  After she finished speaking, she lightly raised the corner of her skirt again, bowed to the two of them, turned around, and walked away without looking back.

  Behind Olga, Xia You and Dorothy opened their mouths, but they couldn't say anything to save them. Originally, because of this, Weilong was directly hung up. Now, if you still persuade others to go on the road with you and others ......

  I always feel a little bit wanting to continue pulling the pad back.

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