The sky was getting darker outside.

  Ten minutes later, Xia You found the cellar and kitchen, and was preparing to cook dinner... Another group of people appeared nearby.

  Their eyes were fixed on the manor not far away, and they were all serious and resentful.

  "Minotaur. ¨!"

  The guy in the lead shouted in such a low voice, and not far behind him, a ferocious monster in the shape of a tauren walked forward very obediently.

  The two horns on the top of the monster's head flickered with electric light, and a cloud of smoke suddenly burst out, quickly spreading around.

  In a short while, the entire manor in front was completely wrapped in.

  In this strange fog, the nearby space gradually began to refract the perspective.

  At the same time, inside the manor, an inexplicable dark vortex was quietly taking shape.

  In the blink of an eye, I saw a girl in white with almost the same appearance and attire as Dorothy, with a light smile on her face, stepping out of the whirlpool.

  "Dorothy... and him, should be here now?"

  The girl in white murmured in such a low voice. Although her demeanor seemed relatively calm, there was a flash of excitement and tension in those beautiful eyes.

  However, in the next second, her face turned cold and she turned her head to look back.

  The unpleasant eyes seemed to penetrate the walls of the villa, staring at the outside of the manor.


  Xia You is peeling carrots.

  For a kendo master like him, cutting vegetables and peeling is completely trivial. The movements are not rushed, but they are unexpectedly fast, and it can be done easily in ten seconds.

  "Boiled beef soup, no potatoes, good carrots instead..."

  He was away from home and was still fleeing, so naturally he couldn't pay attention. He was going to make a pot of soup and go to sleep after eating.

  But as a fog filled the air, it suddenly disrupted the plan.


  The strong magic fluctuations spread to the entire manor almost in the blink of an eye, causing Xia You to pause and stretch his body vigilantly.

  There is no doubt that this must have been pursued by the Germans!

  It's just too persevering to chase out of the country!

  Xia You's heart was startled, she threw away the carrot in her hand, and turned her head solemnly.

  As the fog diffused into the manor, the surrounding light quickly dimmed, and the nearby space seemed to have changed a lot.

  Originally, there should be the kitchen door behind him, but when he turned around, he could only see a wide maze passage!

  "What's the matter? Had a hallucination?"

  Resisting the headache, Xia Youyun used the last bit of mental power and managed to open the superimposed magic eye.

  Although Spirit Vision can't break the illusion of the level of "Yazhongxia", it can clearly see a trace of veins and clues, allowing people to quickly distinguish whether they are in an illusion.

  However, after careful observation for a while, Xia You couldn't find any flaws in the surroundings at all, everything seemed very real.

  Even if the magic eye is turned on, what he sees in his field of vision is still the labyrinth passage.

  He turned his head again and found that the original kitchen was gone, and the position he was standing at was right in the center of the maze passage.

  As if in an instant, the self who was still in the small manor in the French countryside was quietly transferred to a huge labyrinth somewhere.

  "' ˇ It should be a space magician...or a legendary ingenious doll?"

  Xia You thought so in his heart, with a look of anxiety on his face, and quickly ran forward.

  Dorothy, who was resting on the second floor of the villa, must have fallen into this strange labyrinth just like him at this time, and may soon encounter an enemy.

  After the skeletons around her were almost wiped out, the girl's combat effectiveness was actually not very strong.

  Once she encounters German pursuers...even miscellaneous soldiers can pose a great threat to her.

  "So, we must hurry now and join Dorothy as soon as possible!"

  The long passage seemed to have no end. Xia You ran for a long time, but it seemed that he was still stuck in the same place, and he couldn't see the corner at all.

  "What's going on in this labyrinth? What ability does it have? What kind of legend does it correspond to?"

  As he ran forward, he thought silently in his heart.

  In fact, since he fought with several legendary ingenious dolls in Barna Prison today (Nuo Nuohao), he can roughly guess that the so-called "legendary ingenious dolls" should be made by imitating legends. The doll's abilities tend to be monsters or characters in some legends.

  The previous puppets, Aeolus, Chimera, Pegasus, etc., all bear the shadow of Greek mythological monsters.

  As for this ability to form a maze now...

  Xia You pondered quickly in her mind, recalling in her mind which monsters could be related to the "Maze".

  At this moment, the straight labyrinth passage that was covered with hazy mist finally came to an end.

  There was a corner ahead, and from that corner, there was a faint sound of chaotic footsteps—this proved that it was not one person, but a lot of people running at the same time, so it was definitely not Dorothy.

  Then it can only be-


Chapter 171 Awkward First Meeting

  Xia You calmly walked around the corner of the labyrinth, holding a Hezi dagger in his hand, squatting quietly in the corner, preparing to launch a sneak attack when the enemy passed by.

  At present, his state is at a low point. If he can save a little effort, he must save a little effort. It is not shameful to play underhand tricks.

  But after waiting for a few seconds, he was a little surprised to find that the messy footsteps suddenly stopped when they were more than ten meters away from the corner.

  "Could it be that you have discovered that I am lying in ambush here?"

  With such a muttering in her heart, Xia You hesitated for a while, but quietly turned her head to observe the enemy's situation.

  Then, not far ahead, a dozen or so German soldiers carrying ingenious dolls of the unified standard were forming a circle, surrounding Dorothy, with resentment and vigilance in their eyes.

  A few corpses were piled up scattered around, and they were hit by some attack, and the flesh was blurred.

  Scarlet blood almost covered the ground under everyone's feet, like overturned ketchup.

  There is also a puppet outside the circle who is trying to contact his companions in other places. He can be vaguely seen holding a device like a walkie-talkie and talking non-stop.

  The others were already eager to try, retreating to a safe distance while preparing to command the puppets in front of them to attack.

  But the girl in the white dress who was surrounded by them and turned her back to Xia You... was unmoved at all, still standing quietly in the same place, not even summoning the skeleton she was good at.

  Or is it that there is no room for defense anymore?

  Oops... Dorothy is in danger!


  Xia You didn't have time to think about other details, and quickly appeared from the corner, holding the crystal Hezi dagger, roaring and rushing up:

  "A bunch of goddamn trash fish, keep her away from me!"

  The puppet envoys surrounding Dorothy were carefully guarding the front at this time, preparing to order the ingenious puppet to attack, and slowly retreated to a safe range.

  As a result, a person suddenly rushed out from the corner, and ran towards this side with a bright weapon.

  Xia You's fierce appearance shocked them, but the distance between the two sides was too close, and they had no time to recruit the dolls beside them.

  The first few people turned around immediately, pulled the trigger of the firearm in their hands, and shot Xia You a few times, but it was useless, they could only watch the enemy swing the knife up, and the moment they passed by, the rapid Wipe yourself in the throat.

  The screams resounded in the empty maze. After Xia You slashed a gap with a few scattered bullets, the figure rushed into the encirclement like lightning.

  At this time, Dorothy, who was facing away from him, seemed to be waking up from a dream, her body shook, and she slowly turned her head.

  That soothing action without any sense of crisis made Xia You feel extremely helpless.

  "Please, Miss, Germany is chasing out of the country now, and has made a maze to lock us up. Judging from this plan, it should be endless..."

  After muttering like this, Xia You threw out the Hezi weapon in his hand.

  The dagger caused a violent explosion of "whoosh" in the air, pinning it precisely on the neck of the enemy on the opposite side, killing him instantly.

  The ingenious puppet standing in front of Dorothy lost the control of the puppeteer, and its movements immediately became stagnant.

  Before Xia You approached, she opened her hands, and her galloping footsteps brought a gust of wind. She jumped up and quickly hugged the girl by the waist.

  A hand, by coincidence, was placed in front of the girl who was standing with her back to him... Well, Ou Pi in front of him.

  "Huh? Dorothy is actually not a flatterer, it's very soft to the touch..."

  In the panic, Xia You quickly flashed this idea in his mind.

  But at the moment, he needed to deal with the enemies around him, so he didn't think much about it, he straightened his face quickly, and didn't care about adjusting his posture at all, so he hugged Dorothy with one hand, and took out three or five from his pocket with the other hand. A magic gem, threw it to the opposite side.

  Gems are still very effective against miscellaneous soldiers. After the loud explosion of "Boom", a bunch of ingenious puppets on the opposite side, and even the puppet envoys who were raising their guns and preparing to shoot, were almost shocked and turned their backs, screaming and retreating. to all around.

  Taking advantage of this gap, Xia You casually kicked away the few standard ingenious dolls that were still stubbornly blocking her, tightened her hand again, and without hesitation took Dorothy out of the encirclement.

  "Very good, the gap has been opened, let's hurry up and break through, otherwise there will be more enemies coming here!"

  This labyrinth looks mysterious and mysterious. Apart from trapping people, I don't know what side effects it has. Xia You doesn't want to entangle with the miscellaneous soldiers now.

  He was going to rescue Dorothy first, find a safe place and then plan carefully how to get out of the maze.

  Appear, kill, save, break out of the siege.

  The steps are almost done in one go, and no seconds are wasted at all.

  But until this moment, the girl in white in Xia You's arms turned her head hesitantly.

  Beautiful eyes like stars, with excitement, looked at Xia You who was hugging her tightly.


  But the next second, the girl in the white dress was shocked, as if unbelievable, her eyes changed from excitement to disappointment, and then, when she felt Xia You's palm still placed somewhere in front of her, she felt boundless shame and anger in her heart. Excited.

  "Where's the guy from...Damn boy, get away from me!"

  She screamed, and the majestic magic power like (agcd) abyss like the sea came out.

  Xia You, who was the first to bear the brunt, seemed to have been hit by a hammer. She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to vomit blood. horrified:

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