Chapter 182 Spots

  Olga is really ugly now.

  Although her facial features have not changed in the slightest, but...

  For some unknown reason, plaques of different colors were spread all over the beautiful face of the originally bright and clean white porcelain, as if large patches of ringworm and hemorrhoids had grown overnight.

  Any woman, even if she is born with a beautiful appearance, but if her face seems to be stained with paint, full of irregular marks... It is polite to say that it is ugly.

  Should be called disgusting.

  Fortunately, Xia You never thought of pursuing Olga at all. In addition, he slashed and killed the ghouls and the giant world all the way, and had seen countless more disgusting monsters. Only at this time could he maintain the surface calm.

  There was also a slight sense of pity in my heart.

  Olga is indeed worthy of pity. Her boyfriend had just had an accident, and she was seriously injured immediately, and was almost chased to death by the enemy.

  It was hard to escape... The result was completely disfigured for unknown reasons.

  The scars were even uglier than the scars, leaving her beautiful face torn apart, like a survivor who was burnt all over by the fire.

  Even worse than fire burns.

  Because even Xia You had no confidence that he could rely on the red bottle to fix it—Olga's current situation was completely beyond his comprehension.

  Maybe Zhu Yue can rejuvenate with a good hand, but for a woman who met by chance and who still harbors hatred for her in her heart, Xia You couldn't waste the precious "shot opportunity" of the King of the Moon.

  All he can do is to discard the bad senses of yesterday and try to be nice to Olga in the next few days of contact.

  Taking a deep breath, Xia You spoke softly in a calm voice:

  "Very well, now I will help you dry your body, and then find a set of clothes to put on..."

  Perhaps because she was surprised by the change in the attitude of the person opposite, the girl's closed eyes quietly opened a few slits.

  However, she found that Xia You's face was soft, and there was still a touch of pity in her eyes.

  This made Olga stunned for a moment.

  Although she is in a state of abnormal emotional transformation for some reason, it does not mean that her IQ is also offline.

  Moreover, the girl had a very delicate mind and was good at observation, and at this moment, she quickly thought about the reason in her mind.

  At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Xia You, and he whispered tentatively in his mouth:

  "And unwashed hair."

  After speaking, Olga lowered her head, trying to soak the hair behind her head into the stream.

  As a result, on the clear and bright water, I suddenly witnessed a terrifying painted face.

  The sun was shining overhead, the light was bright, and the reflection in the water was extremely clear.

  And finally let the girl see what she looks like at the moment.

  "this is me?"

  Olga's eyes widened in disbelief, and there was horror and trembling in her voice.

  When the familiar outline was finally confirmed, a sense of absurdity and disbelief arose in her heart for no reason, and then she was quickly surrounded by boundless fear.

  The blow of disfigurement is even more unbearable than the death of a boyfriend - after all, although Olga and Veron have known each other for a long time, they only fell in love with each other after a few months in Germany.

  And because they were too afraid to be noticed by Jin Qiangwei, and over the past ten years, they had been restrained and dignified by the strict education of aristocratic families. During the time they spent together in the No. [-] Research Institute, there was almost no intimacy. manner.

  The shortest way to a woman's heart is the yin.

  I have to admit that Zhang Ailing's words are actually very reasonable.

  Just like most marriages without material support are equivalent to castles in the air, the same is true for most people.

  If there is no long time together, and there is no physical intimacy, just a short platonic love, it will never be really deep and unforgettable.

  Those who say that they miss their first love decades later... Ask yourself, do you really remember the appearance of "ta" back then?

  It's just because he stepped into the big dye vat of society, and after suffering countless injuries and blows, he subconsciously recalled the feelings that were pure and undisturbed by foreign objects.

  Even if Olga had a deep hatred for Xia You yesterday, it should only be emotional for a while.

  But this naturally beautiful appearance is definitely what a woman is most proud of, the best treasure bestowed by God!

  But now...

  Thinking of this, Olga only felt a sweetness in her throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and her body swayed.

  Losing is always more unacceptable than not having.

  "Hey, how do you say you're dizzy?" Xia You quickly raised her hand and gently caught the girl's body with helplessness in her eyes.

  He was still thinking about how to comfort Olga, but the girl was so unsatisfactory that she was easily stunned by her own appearance at the moment...

  He probed the breathing of the person in his arms, and found that it was indeed just too much emotion to faint, and there was nothing serious. Xia You breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly washed her blond hair again, then carried her ashore and opened it. Space backpack, ready to find a pair of women's clothing that fits.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

  There were too many messy things in the backpack, and Xia You couldn't figure out if there were any women's clothes, so she kept pulling down the virtual box in front of her and searching for a few minutes before she found the target.

  Well, a red and white sailor suit, after all, the first few worlds are mostly modern.

  This women's outfit... of course it couldn't have been prepared for him.

  At first, Xia You thought that she might live on a deserted island with her sister in the future, so she put some women's daily necessities in moderation, but now it can come in handy.

  "Although there are messy and strange marks all over the face, but the body is still white and clean, there is no abnormality at all... I always feel that it is too weird. Perhaps the change in Olga's appearance is the same as what she experienced yesterday. Serious injuries have nothing to do with that."

  While dressing the girl, Xia You glanced at the plump and delicate body, and thought silently in her heart.


  You say see no evil?

  Damn, as long as you see that terrifying face, you can almost scare ordinary people into peeing.

  Forgive Xia You's natural realm for being too low.

  What if the lights are turned off, you can be beautiful or not, etc... Sorry, Sao Nian probably won't be able to do it!

  "It's lunch time again in a blink of an eye. It's better if this girl faints. You can save a little effort and throw her into the tent directly, and take the opportunity to make lunch quickly."

  Holding Olga, Xia You murmured to herself as she walked into the woods not far from the stream:

  "Otherwise, if she wants to continue to escape when she wakes up, it will be another trouble..."

  Originally, he planned to cure Olga as much as possible. At this time, although the girl was inexplicably disfigured, he didn't want to pursue others diligently, but just to repay the favor of Weilong who was implicated by him yesterday. No matter what the impact, it is impossible to generate disgust because of appearance.

  On the contrary, there was a little pity.

  If Xia You hadn't entered this world, perhaps Olga's fate would still develop according to the plot.

  Even if she and Weilong took a little tortuous process, they could finally achieve a positive result at the end.

  It's a pity... As soon as Xia You, a traveler, came in, the plot was messed up, and the fate of almost every character was greatly shifted.

  Since Olga's disfigurement was also affected by this, how could he judge people superficially by their appearance, and be disgusted in his heart.

Chapter 183 Consolation


  Half an hour later, when Xia You dug through the mound and dug out a few beggar chickens wrapped in lotus leaves, just as he was about to try the taste, he heard a sudden sound from the tent behind him. A terrified scream.

  "woke up?"

  Xia You put down the lotus leaf bag in his hand and turned to look over with a smile.

  Just as she was about to speak a few words of comfort, Olga didn't even look at him after she opened the tent's curtain, and her figure ran into the distance like a gust of wind.

  "Uh...preparing to run away again without even saying hello? Really don't like being with me that much?"

  The smile froze directly on Xia You's face, he scratched his hair and looked a little helpless.

  To tell the truth, he has always claimed to be Yan control.

  In the end, in order to repay the debt of gratitude, and with a few traces of pity in the depths of their hearts, they have already made up their minds to treat the girl beside her with a ruined face and a terrifying mess at the moment.

  However, the girl didn't appreciate it at all, and desperately wanted to escape...

  Hmph, just "four eight zero", aren't you afraid to go out and scare the children and flowers and plants!

  Although she complained so much in her heart, Xia You still stood up, ready to catch up and pull Olga back.

  But just after running a few steps, I found that the direction the girl was running was a little wrong-she was rushing to the previous stream.

  Xia You frowned, she already had some guesses in her heart, she couldn't help but slow down and hang herself behind Olga.

  Immediately, he saw the figure in front of him stopped by the clear stream, took a deep breath, and squatted down.


  The next second, shrill and desperate screams resounded around here.

  Olga seemed to have a great fear of the reflection in the water. As soon as her legs became weak, she fell to the ground involuntarily. She supported the ground with her intact arm, and kept moving her body back, trying to escape from where she was now. ...or, just want to escape the reflection in the water.

  The complex emotions of helplessness and fear are real and easy to understand, and they carry a strong sense of sadness, which makes Xia You, who is following behind, feel more pity in her heart.

  He hurriedly ran over, ignoring the girl's frantic struggle, picked her up from the ground, and joked in a relaxed tone:

  "Hey, I just cleaned your body and changed you into nice clothes, but within half an hour, I saw you rolling around on the ground..."

  Hearing Xia You's voice, Olga made a move, and after a while, she suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry.


  It's a woman's nature to love beauty. They can even get up in the early morning and spend a full two hours sitting motionless in front of the dresser and putting on makeup.

  Proud. As proud as Olga, she has a top family background, and she has been elegant and generous since she was a child, with outstanding wisdom, and she has a beautiful appearance.

  Simply the perfect girl.

  How could such a person accept that he has suddenly become so ugly!

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