Xia You didn't quite know that her actions just now attracted the attention and attention of some people.

  Of course, even if it is clear, it will not be taken seriously.

  Since he managed to set foot in Liverpool and entered Walpurgis as a student, it has been a victory.

  Since then, no one can stop him from participating in the night party and completing the tasks given by the system.

  After leaving the train station, he led Ye Ye to find someone to ask the next way. The pedestrians around heard that he was an international student from Walpurgis, and immediately gave detailed instructions enthusiastically, and even sent the two to the car.

  From this point alone, we can see the influence of the School of Ingenuity on the entire city of Liverpool.

  "Is that Walpurgis in front? The Royal Academy of Ingenuity..."

  Looking at the tall and wide campus gate in the distance, Ye Ye showed a look of amazement, tightened Xia You's hand, and strode in with great interest.

  Xia You glanced around the school gate and found that the tall fence was full of guards, all of them holding black guns, but not for the outside world, but kept vigilance against the students on campus, as long as anyone approached, they would come out Sound drives away.

  "Okay, let's hurry up and sign up!"

  After just a few glances, he stopped paying attention, holding Ye Ye in one hand and the suitcase in the other, and walked to the administration building of the college.

  The Royal Academy of Ingenuity is naturally very extraordinary. There are direction signs at the corners along the way. Even if Xia You has not been there, you will not get lost.

  Soon, the two came to the administrative building, took out the notice to register, and after paying the tuition, a short-haired woman in a white coat received them.

  "International students? Come with me. First of all, you have to take the entrance test. Remember to take it seriously. It can be related to whether you will get out of bed next month, or you will stay here for four years... Walpurgis. Si is the highest institution in the entire magic world, don't think that you can stay in it as long as you pay."

  The short-haired woman is more beautiful, but her attitude is very cold. When the eyes through the lens are swept to the two of them, it is as sharp as a steel knife, making Ye Ye startled, and her small hand tightly grasps Xia You's body. corner.

  "Is there an entrance test?"

  Xia You was not frightened by the stern attitude of the person in front of him, he patted Ye Ye lightly as if comforting, turned his head, and smiled:

  "I'm very confident about the exam or something. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Akabane Xiayu. I'm a doll who came to Liverpool from the Far East to study. This is my partner Ye Ye."

  "Just call me Professor Kimberly." The short-haired woman gave Xia You a light look: "Young man, I just hope your self-confidence doesn't turn into arrogance...Come with me!"

  After speaking, she turned and walked upstairs.

  Sure enough, the original Kimberly...

  Thinking so in their hearts, Xia You and Ye Ye didn't ask any further questions, and quickly followed.

  The three quickly entered a separate office. Kimberly found a thick stack of papers from the drawer and put it in front of Xia You. He glanced at Ye Ye, who was still clutching the corner of his clothes, and pointed to the door. outside:

  "To prevent cheating, the doll is waiting outside first!"

  "Yeye." Xia You gestured and watched the girl go out, then sat on the chair and picked up the paper in front of her with a leisurely expression.

  This is not pretending, he is really relaxed in his heart.

  As early as the few months he learned doll-making with Glass, he took courses from many schools by the way.

  The huge mental power beyond ordinary people has given Xia You an almost unforgettable memory, and there is also the careful teaching of the top puppet master Nizi, if you still take the "second to last" test like the original.... Can be killed here.


  After only half an hour, Xia You put down the pen and pushed the paper in front of her.

  Kimberly glanced at him with a surprised expression, and there was no reminder from her mother-in-law that "it's not time", "check it again", etc., and readily took the stack of papers and checked them one by one according to the standard answers.

  That cold expression finally gradually became soothing and soft.

  There is no doubt that students with excellent grades will be welcomed by teachers wherever they go, even if they have just transferred to an unfamiliar school.


  "Basic subjects are very solid." In the corridor, Kimberly looked at Xia You opposite, and nodded with a satisfied expression: "Although such scores have not been carefully ranked, the top ten in the school are basically nothing more than that! "

  After speaking, she frowned again:

  "But it's just an exam. Don't think that with it, you can see anything. An excellent puppeteer can be famous not only on paper."

  Xia You curled her lips in her heart, but her face did not show any signs, she acted like she was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and listened calmly.

  After a while, Kimberly took out a key from the pocket of his white coat and handed it over:

  "' ˇ The students' dormitories are allocated according to their grades. You can live in the best Raphael House without paying extra fees. Okay, now go to the dormitory and pack your bags. Remember to be on time for class tomorrow and don't be late."

  According to the original work, the dormitory seems to be divided into several grades. The lowest is naturally the Guiliao. The last one and the second one lived in the Guiliao. It was shabby and old, and there was really nothing to say.

  And Raphael's Dormitory was where the Sword Emperor and other thirteen people who stood at the top of the glove holder lived—of course, it was only for men, and there was a separate area for the women's dormitory.

  After taking the key, Xia You glanced at random, then put it in his pocket, hesitated for a moment, and asked aloud:

  "By the way, Professor Kimberley, I want to ask about the night party."

  "The selection of the night party will take some time to start." Hearing this, Kimberly was not surprised, with a smile that was not a smile, and glanced at Xia You and Ye Ye lightly: "Don't worry, with your written test results today, you want to It's easy to become a glove holder...even if you don't have the slightest bit of actual combat power!"

  After speaking, she glanced at Ye Ye who had been following Xia You:

  "Of course, everyone must have self-knowledge. If the children behind you are bad, I advise you not to participate. Although the night party is an opportunity for the students, it can make you young people go to the sky, but it is quite cruel, especially For those who are not strong enough!"


  Being so underestimated, Ye Ye finally couldn't help it. She waved her small fist and shouted loudly:

  "I won't cause trouble for Xia You! Ye Ye is the strongest ingenious puppet in the world, any enemy can definitely be easily defeated!"

  "Then I'll wait and see."

  Kimberly nodded perfunctorily, glanced at Xia You again, turned and walked into his office.

Chapter 211 Classroom

  "Xia You! That Professor Kimberly is so infuriating! He actually underestimates others..."

  On the way to Raphael's dormitory, Ye Ye was still a little angry, her big round eyes hardly blinked, and her cute little mouth was cocked high.

  "Yes, yes, the doll of the moon is the best, and my Ye Ye must be the strongest. What is the mere night club?"

  Seeing Ye Ye's appearance, Xia You was also a little amused. She raised her hand and gently touched the girl's hair, and said comforting words.

  He knew very well that Kimberly was acting coldly because she hated Crafty Puppets.

  I remember that in the original book, it was vaguely told that when Kimberly was young, she used to be a soldier and participated in a war in a certain country, and all the people she cared about were killed by the enemy's clever puppets. He was hit hard and chose to retire.

  Later, Kimberly entered the church and became one of the "grey men" of the church. She was a professor at the Royal Academy of Ingenuity, but secretly she was an undercover agent sent by the church. Of course, for this, I believe that the cunning Edward , is definitely well aware.

  Following the signs on the road, the two quickly came to the dormitory area, registered downstairs, found their residence according to the code on the key, and Xia You opened the door.

  "Wow, it really is a famous school. It seems that the 777 is more magnificent than the glass house! And this design style is so novel..."

  After discovering something new, Ye Ye quickly forgot the previous unhappiness, and ran into the dormitory cheering. Xia You smiled slightly and stepped in as well.

  After closing the door, he glanced at it. The entire dormitory was fully furnished and spacious, with a living room, a bedroom, a dedicated bathroom and toilet.

  And the most important thing is... Walpurgis is basically a single dormitory.

  The dormitory was clean and dust-free. Xia You didn't need to do a big cleaning at all. Together with Ye Ye, she quickly spread the quilt, placed daily necessities, etc., and she was almost done.


  Standing in the center of the bedroom, Ye Ye looked around and cheered happily:

  "From now on, this will be the love nest of the two of us, Xia You, every night is so happy, so happy!"

  She threw herself into Xia You's arms again, and asked in a greasy voice:

  "Are you happy too?"

  "Well, happy."

  At this time, Xia You was thinking about the selection of the night party, but just responded perfunctorily.

  This immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the girl beside him.

  "What, it's not sincere at all!" Ye Ye pushed Xia You onto the sofa and sat down, then stepped onto his lap, and brought the delicate and flawless face close to him: "Just kiss me!"

  "it is good......"

  There is a slut who has no shyness, I have to say, it is definitely a happy thing.

  Hearing the girl's request, Xia You was not polite, raised her hand to hug the delicate body in front of her, and lowered her head to print.

  "That's right!"

  As soon as the wen was over, Ye Ye seemed to be the one who took advantage. With a happy expression on his face, he put his hand on Xia You's neck.

  "Xia You, why after so long, you can kiss, hug and touch me, but you never take the last step of our wedding?"

  Well, the so-called last step is naturally a home run...

  Ye Ye is also an unscrupulous guy. He has never been ashamed to talk about such things, and sometimes even shouts (agbd) in public places, saying some things that others misunderstand.

  It made Xia You feel very distressed.

  Although he doesn't really care about other people's eyes, but... he has been misunderstood by many people, and he always feels that he has not done anything at all.

  Just as he was about to find a reason to put it off at will, Ye Ye in his arms suddenly widened his pair of wine-red beautiful eyes, revealing a sullen expression:

  "Xia You, do you not like me at all!"

  "It's okay, don't think about it!" Xia You raised her hands in a funny way, rubbed her pale cheeks, and coaxed, "I'm just going to save the last step of our wedding for a more romantic night."

  "That's tonight!" Ye Ye said quickly, while unbuttoning Xia You's clothes: "On the first day of entering the love nest, there are no other messy women to disturb, this is definitely the most romantic for Ye Ye. night! Xia You, come on..."

  This is really...

  Facing a slut who was even more impatient than the man, and a slut who was so beautiful that she could almost captivate her soul, Xia You could only sigh, she was simply defeated.

  After a lot of work wasted, they finally stopped Ye Ye's nonsense. The two went down to have a meal and strolled around the huge campus.

  Soon, night will come.

  "Go to sleep, remember not to make too much noise, tomorrow is the first day of class..."

  With a smile, Xia You hugged Ye Ye tightly, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.

  Silent all night.


  The next day, Xia You was woken up by an alarm bell.

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