
  "it hurts......"

  Xia You was still a little confused about the situation. A few senior boys in the distance slowly got up in embarrassment. One of them covered his forehead and complained full of grievances:

  "What are you doing! Are all the current junior girls so irritable? Obviously just seeing her cute and wanting to invite her to join the student club... He actually ordered the puppets to attack us without saying a word!"


  The other boy beside him who was supporting each other said with fear, tremblingly:

  "That guy, now as long as I think about what happened just now, the shadow of that tyrannosaur can't help but emerge in my mind, how cute!"

  Xia You laughed beside him.

  It seems that Charlotte in the original book is indeed not very popular.

  Even if she is very beautiful, except for Phoenix who has ulterior motives, no one, whether male or female, dares to approach... In addition, the so-called "Tyrannosaurus" nickname will not be passed down from this incident. out?

  Just thinking about it, a guy saw Xia You and Ye Ye, and quickly shouted:

  "Hey! Junior over there, don't be stupid, come and help! Senior, I've lost too much blood and I'm about to go into shock!"

  "Learn from your sister! Labor and management should help you!"

  Glancing coldly at the few people in front of her, Xia You turned around and left with Ye Ye regardless of their astonished expressions.

  Damn, a few men blocked a certain girl in such a remote place, but said they were inviting her to join a club... such a strange reason, a ghost would believe it!

Chapter 218 Biology Lesson

  Biology class in the afternoon.

  Just like the university in the previous life, there are also many disciplines in the academy of ingenuity, all of which are to better understand the dolls of ingenuity.

  Biology class allows students to familiarize themselves with the structure of various creatures, which will be of great help to magicians who make dolls or manipulate dolls.

  Of course, Xia You, who is not interested in this, must be perfunctory.

  "Next, we need to go to the laboratory to manually dissect a living animal, in order to more intuitively explore the internal structure of the organism and the arrangement of their organs..."

  On the podium, the old biology professor gave an order and took all the students to the experimental building next to him.

  Standing by the door of the laboratory, Xia You glanced around and found that there were small experimental benches neatly lined up inside, and above the tabletops of those experimental benches, a large frog had been fixed - and it was still alive. of.

  Perhaps the arrival of a large number of people disturbed them on May [-]. Many frogs opened their throats, and the cries of "quack quack" echoed in the wide room.

  "Students, please sit in the row according to the student number..."

  The old professor who entered first pointed to the laboratory and instructed the students at the door.

  Everyone filed in, Xia You and Ye Ye were among the many students, finding their own positions and standing in front of the experimental bench.

  "What a big toad, how did it grow so big, I have never seen it in my hometown..."

  While Ye Ye was so amazed, he picked up a pair of tweezers on the table and poked the frog lightly, with a cheerful expression.

  "This isn't a toad, it's a frog!" Xia You patted the girl on the head dotingly, and explained:

  "It should be a living experiment material specially cultivated in the academy. As long as it relies on magic, it will not be surprising how big it grows... Well, quickly put the tweezers back in place, I'm going to dissect, remember to stay away later , watch out for blood on your clothes."

  Stopping Ye Ye's nonsense, he looked at the neatly placed surgical box and the frog in front of him, and couldn't help but touch his chin:

  "By the way, anatomy or something, I always feel that this plot is a bit familiar..."

  Xia You suddenly remembered a passage in the original book that Sigmund casually mentioned, and hurriedly looked diagonally downward.

  Sure enough, there, a certain blond and arrogant girl wearing a beret stared at the experimental bench, as if she had fallen into inexplicable fear, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

  At this time, the professor on the podium had already put on gloves. He picked up the scalpel and said slowly:

  "Students, please start the experiment now, remember to start cutting from the bottom of the frog's belly and go up in a straight line, but the knife should not be too deep, otherwise it will be easy to cut all kinds of internal organs... Our goal today is to Under the condition of ensuring the survival of the experimental body, accurately find out the location of its five internal organs, as for the rest, you can do it again next time—”

  "Wait for me!"

  In the laboratory, a crisp scream suddenly sounded, interrupting the professor's speech very rudely and attracting the attention of all the students.

  They all stopped what they were doing and frowned.

  "Hey, it's the girl I met by the lake at noon."

  Ye Ye followed the voice and found that it was Charlotte. While wondering, she couldn't help but tap her chin with her hand.

  The previous senior boys were lying in the pothole, their heads were bleeding, and their bodies were charred and black, which left a deep impression on her.

  "Um...is it Charlotte Bilau?"

  The biology professor on the podium looked stunned for a moment. He helped the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked carefully for a while before calling out Charlotte's name and asked:

  "What's your dissatisfaction with my class schedule?"

  "No..." Charlotte blushed a little as she was focused on by countless gazes.

  She quickly put her hands in front of her and shook her palms quickly. After a while, she pointed to the experimental table and answered hesitantly:

  "But doesn't the professor think this frog is innocent? It's going to be killed by us somehow..."

  As soon as these words were said, the whole class looked at Charlotte with strange eyes.

  At the back of the classroom, Xia You was a little amused.

  What kind of innocent frogs... In the realm of an eminent monk who might hurt the lives of ants by sweeping the floor, he knew very well that Charlotte couldn't be so kind, just because girls were naturally afraid of snakes, rats, insects and ants.

  What's more, Charlotte was the daughter of a noble earl a few years ago, with a large family fief, mansion, and maid. Disgusted by the frog anatomy experiment.

  As for what she said just now, it was purely her reason for being grand.

  The old professor above the podium frowned and looked at Charlotte carefully for a while.

  The old man has lived long enough, and he is clear about the little girl's mind. He shook his head and said softly:

  "The strength of magicians is based on profound knowledge, and only through continuous experiments and research can we be able to verify whether the knowledge they have learned is correct..."

  His voice paused, his eyes swept across the girls in the laboratory, and he continued to speak if he pointed:

  "Walpurgis is a famous high school in the magic world. Since you are one of them, you will definitely embark on the road of pursuing the truth of magic in the future. The days of dealing with today's research and experiments are almost everywhere. …”

  "So I hope that everyone here, especially the girls, can get rid of some incompatibility in living habits, correct their mentality, and devote themselves to the ocean of knowledge as soon as possible!"

  After speaking, the professor smiled witty again and concluded:

  "Having said so much, I just wanted to tell my classmate Charlotte that frogs aren't really scary."


  There was a low laugh in the classroom, which made Charlotte's pretty face flush even more.

  The girl was embarrassed for a while, and then began to get angry. Impulsively, she did not make unnecessary protests, but suddenly ordered to the young dragon on her shoulders:

  "Sigmund, quickly destroy this damn laboratory for me!"

  "Charle, calm down first!"

  Sigmong has lived for more than a hundred years, so naturally he would not be so ignorant. He quickly flapped his wings and flew to Charlotte to comfort him:

  "There are many classmates nearby, once they accidentally hurt..."

  "Hurry up! Otherwise, be careful I'll change your dinner from chicken to beans!" Charlotte screamed, covering her ears, "Damn frog, it's so annoying, I'll never hear it again! Don't think for a second! Sigmund, kill them all with the grating cannon! Immediately! Immediately!"

  "...1.3 Okay!"

  The little young dragon sighed very maturely, but still couldn't resist the master's order, got up and flew to the high altitude of the laboratory, and opened his mouth.

  As the magic power surged violently, the white light in its throat became brighter and brighter.

  Seeing Sigmonger's actions, the students below did not realize the seriousness of the matter, but the sharp-minded old professor could feel that there was a huge amount of magic power gathering in the small body of the young dragon. .

  "wait wait wait!"

  He hurriedly used a defensive magic, and quickly shouted to the stunned students around him:

  "Everyone, leave the laboratory and take refuge!"

  As soon as the professor's voice fell, countless devastating rays of light rained down in the air, instantly covering the entire laboratory, hitting all the frogs on the experimental bench, but precisely avoiding the students' figures.

Chapter 219 Chaos


  Seeing the devastating white light falling from the sky, the iron experimental bench in front of them was dissolved into a big hole in an instant, and the students screamed subconsciously.

  The grating cannon didn't actually hurt anyone, but killed countless frogs. However, Charlotte's sudden and violent move still made them feel terrified.

  You must know that if the shot missed a little just now, then you and others will end up...

  Staring closely at the experimental bench that was close at hand, most of it was dissolved, everyone shuddered.

  Under the threat of death, the entire classroom suddenly fell into chaos.

  The students kicked away the table in front of them, screaming like headless flies and fleeing to the corner, subconsciously ordering their puppets to come in for protection.

  No one can guarantee that the blond girl will drive the doll again with a feverish mind... In the face of an unknown attack that can easily penetrate gold and iron, their flesh and mortal body can absolutely not bear it. Live it!

  However, it was precisely because of this order that the scene began to spiral out of control in an instant. 06

  Originally, most of the ingenious puppets with oversized physiques were obediently waiting outside the classroom, but as the puppet emissary gave instructions, they all began to act.

  "Everyone calm down, classmates, the danger has been lifted—"

  The professor on the podium shouted, but the voice was drowned out in the noise, and no one could hear it.

  As for the puppets outside, even if they had wisdom, it was impossible for them to judge the most correct way to do it in a short period of time, so they could only follow the orders of the puppet emissary.

  A lion-like ingenious doll that is more than two meters high is the fastest.

  Its sharp claws just waved lightly, and the window railings of the laboratory ahead were connected to the glass and shattered instantly.

  After the huge body jumped into the room, it immediately removed all obstacles in front of it, desperately trying to rush to the master's side as soon as possible.

  Countless tables and chairs along the way, and even students, will be swept away by its claws at will.

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