The little man responded and quickly raised his hand to input magic power.

  The shape of the octopus-shaped puppet in the front was covered in black light. The tentacles that originally supported the huge body turned into seven or eight lightning bolts, which brought a whistling through the air and rolled toward the opposite Ye Ye.

  Then the leading student in the middle also waved his magic power, and the rhinoceros puppet beside him immediately lowered his head and pointed the shining single horn wrapped in the breeze at Ye Ye.

  At this moment, the girl spoke in a hurry:

  "Are you ready, I'm about to start?"

  After she finished speaking, without waiting for her opponent to answer, she gave a light drink, and the figure disappeared from the spot in an instant. When it reappeared, it was already above the head of the octopus ingenious doll.

  That beautiful right leg stepped down in the air.

  After a loud "Boom", the entire ground nearby shook, and smoke rose.

  A half-meter-deep pothole vaguely appeared under the girl's feet. Numerous ingenious parts, accompanied by tiny bricks and earth, popped out of the pit.

  "The first one!"

  After one blow, she jumped out of the pit like a ghost, turned to look at a huge air cannon that was flying towards this side - it was the attack of the rhinoceros ingenious puppet.

  "Such power is completely vulnerable!"

  With such a casual evaluation in his mouth, Ye Ye pointed his toes quickly, and the whole person actually met the air cannon in front of him.

  He wields a fist full of double diamond power lightly, and the powerful counterattack contains enormous force. With just one punch, the air cannon that has been entangled in a lot of air and its diameter has become two or three meters in size, is spinning violently. It was shattered on the spot, and the aftermath even bounced back in a straight line, and instantly fell on the body of the rhino ingenious puppet.

  The upheaval was fast and urgent, and before the people on the opposite side could react, they watched as a transparent white beam of light flashed past, and the rhinoceros puppet with an air cannon flew high into the sky.

  When it fell to the ground, everyone discovered that its body had already been penetrated by a big hole, and it was powerless to fight.

Chapter 236 Insidious

  "I give up...I give up!"

  Seeing the miserable state of their companion's clever doll, the last challenger hurriedly screamed and surrendered, and the other two also looked at their more severely damaged ingenious dolls, all with expressions on their faces that wanted to cry without tears, and the repair cost Estimated to be a lot of money.

  But at this time, obviously no one paid attention to the frustration and heartache of the loser. The students who were watching from afar had turned from vigilance to awe when looking at Xia You.

  It is possible to defeat the three to join forces so neatly... Even if the strength of the three of them is not very strong, as long as you think about the power of Ye Ye when she moved her body before, you can get a glimpse of her strength.

  What's more, the ingenious girl who calls herself "The Doll of the Moon" doesn't seem to have used any special abilities at all, and only relies on her physical strength to fight.

  And if the real special ability of the doll is exerted once - outsiders don't know, the strongest part of Ye Ye lies in the invincible body and powerful strength.

  The defeat of several challengers did not stir up any waves. Xia You smiled at the Tumen Sun Wheel, who had been quietly staring at him. Just as he was about to say something, someone came from the side. Peaceful voice with praise:

  "It's really amazing, Akabane-san... Whether it's the strength of the doll, or your magic power and manipulation skills as a magician, you're fully worthy of the title of 'the second candidate for the demon king'."

  Felix slowly approached several people, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was really amazed and congratulated~.

  The thirteen glove holders and the others who have not left yet, although they did not say a word on the surface, they all agreed with these words in their hearts.

  The battle just now ended in a flash of light and flint, but this can already express a lot of things.

  The puppet is controlled by the puppet, just like the acceleration of a car when it starts, most people can only increase the speed gradually and cyclically.

  As for the three challengers just now, don't look at them, they also made the puppet burst into a powerful attack in an instant, but that was before Xia You appeared, and he had prepared for a long time, and input magic power into the puppet's body a little in advance to attack. When it is time, just give a command, and then pretend to connect the magic line as a lead.

  These are no secrets, and many people see them clearly.

  And like Xia You, the super high output intensity of the ingenious puppet burst out in an instant, which is completely supported by its own magic and skills... That kind of skill, like a top racing driver, can be done in microseconds Increase the speed to the maximum.

  Of course, even if the racers pass the test, they still need a good car to drive, so the ingenious puppet named "Ye Ye" must be an excellent work by a top master.

  Top-notch dolls are paired with top-notch dolls. No wonder the person in front of you, with the strong support of the academy, was named the second candidate for the Demon King!

  For Felix's praise, Xia You smiled slightly, neither modest nor unhappy, her eyes were calm, but at this time, she heard the guy in front of him continue to speak:

  "From your conversation just now, it seems that you don't really want to form an alliance with the magic princess at the night party, so the object of the alliance is still Charlotte? Hmm..." He pressed his temple, as if inadvertently said:

  "Your puppet should have no other special abilities, or all of them are blessed with physical strength, super defense, and mobility. If you pair it with the invincible magic sword dragon..."

  With a smile in his eyes, he said half-jokingly:

  "It seems that I really need to think about how to solve it. Sorry, although I am a little over-the-top, the position of the devil is not an honor that can be easily given up..."

  This guy seems to be personable, but in the public, he "inadvertently" made the details of Ye Ye's abilities public.

  As for this, Xia You's emotions were still as calm as water, but she was indeed a little more impatient.

  For no other reason, I hate this hypocrite face that is friendly on the surface, but sneaks a knife in secret.

  Anyone who is targeted by such a lukewarm secret, I believe will also feel bored.

  And, without a certain amount of scheming and vigilance, it's really hard to see that Felix is ​​stumbling himself.

  Damn, is this insulting the IQ of labor and capital?

  Xia You frowned, he could already guess the follow-up plot.

  Originally I was going to stop it, but after thinking about it, it's not a bad thing to be picked up by this guy.

  A true warrior must dare to face the hatchet!

  "Hey! Don't put me with that guy casually." As expected, when Felix's voice just fell, Charlotte, who was standing far away, retorted anxiously:

  "How could I possibly be in an alliance with him... no! It should be corrected, at next year's night party, I will never be in an alliance with anyone!"

  The girl proudly turned her head to the other side and made a loud declaration:

  "The position of the Demon King is indeed not an honor that can be easily given up for me, so... as long as anyone who participates in the night party, I will treat him as the enemy who stands in front of me!"

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

  She folded her hands in front of her, waved it vigorously, and continued in a determined tone:

  "For anyone!"

  "Even if it's classmate Xia You?" Felixston showed a look of "doubt": "The two of you, no matter who becomes the Demon King, it should only benefit the other, right?"

  Charlotte blinked in confusion:

  "Why do you think so?"

  "Huh? Isn't it?"

  The look of doubt on Felix's face grew even stronger.

  He glanced at Xia You with surprise in his eyes, but deep down, there was some kind of faint teasing:

  "I remember that a few days ago, Xia You told me that one day you would lie on his bed again and be held in his arms..."

  ... ......


  On the side of the Tumon Sun Wheel, she was surprised, and Charlotte also rounded her beautiful eyes. After carefully recalling the meaning of Felix's words, her pretty face was instantly covered with shy and angry crimson clouds. , even the pair of delicate and cute little earlobes are already red.

  Without confirming at all, she turned around hatefully, raised her finger to the back, and with a gnashing expression and tone, loudly commanded the young dragon on her shoulder:

  "Sigmund, burn this guy to the point of not having a single hair left!"

  However, in that place, only two backs could be seen that quickly disappeared.

  "But... Akabane Xiayou has already left." Sigmund flapped his wings and circled over the girl's head.

  Although it had already seen through Felix's plan to divide the crowd, it couldn't say it clearly, so it could only fall on Charlotte's shoulders and persuade softly:

  "Charle, calm down first, there may be some misunderstanding here..."

  "How can you tell me to calm down!" Charlotte's expression was a little frantic, and she quickly chased after her, "Damn bastard, don't run for me!"

  "Lord Xia You..."

  Tumen Sun Wheel tilted his head and thought for a while, and he was really worried, so he also took two followers to that direction.

  And staring at the few people who were walking further and further ahead, Felix's stunned expression was slightly restrained, and he changed into a faint smug smile.

  "The guy who just transferred from the countryside to the East, but he boldly said that he has nothing to do with the Birao family... Do you think I will really believe it?"

  He thought so in his heart.

Chapter 237

  A week after the qualifiers ended, and even the glove holder slots were fully announced.

  This morning, Xia You didn't go to class and was lying on the lawn with a comfortable expression.

  Well, since the candidate qualification has been obtained, then you can relax for a while, and you don't have to work hard to get up early and return late for a few credits...

  "Xia You, make it clear, make it clear..." The one who made a coquettish voice from the side was naturally Ye Ye, the girl was sitting on Xia You's body at this time, shaking his shoulders vigorously:

  "Is that a joke you said to Felix before?"

  "Please." Xia You showed a helpless look, and spread out his hands with a wry smile: "Yiye, you have been asking this question for a whole week, do you want to hear other answers from my mouth?"

  How dare he not say that it was a joke, otherwise the jealous doll of the moon will definitely turn into a Yaksha. "Twenty-three"...

  "In that case!"

  Ye Ye suddenly showed dissatisfaction:

  "Why don't you explain it to Charlotte these days? Do you have to avoid her?"

  And for this, Xia You had already thought of a reason. Hearing the words, she immediately said with plausibility:

  "If I appeared in front of her at this time, I'm afraid I would have eaten a magic sword before I explained it!"

  Seeing what the girl was about to say, Xia You hurriedly stood up and gently held her shoulders:

  "Okay, instead of worrying about this, let's quickly help me think of a better login code... It's better to incorporate your own characteristics, you know, the reason why most dolls are famous is basically It's because of the strength of the doll you're holding!"

  "Really?" The topic was successfully transferred, and Ye Ye showed a surprised expression: "Xia You willing to give me the right to change his name?"

  "It's just changing the login code, there is no need to change the name."

  Xia You couldn't help but rolled her eyes at her and walked to the path outside the lawn.

  It's almost time for get out of class to end, and now I have to grab a seat in the cafeteria to eat, or I may be blocked by Charlotte.

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