With a relaxed smile on her face, Xia You quickly ran forward, shouting loudly:

  "The autopsy room, the autopsy room, have you forgotten? If I hadn't carried you out, you might have been trampled unconscious by other panicked students. By then, you will fall to the ground pitifully, and your body is covered with Footprints, that's a shame for the Earl of Pilau!"

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  "How dare you mention the autopsy room! The bastard who took advantage of me!"

  Hearing the word "hug", Charlotte recalled the past more than a month ago, but felt that she was not angry, chased after a while, and then criticized in a disdainful tone:

  "Besides, a man who always runs on a lady's treat is never a good thing!"

  "Miss Billau, don't use adjectives indiscriminately, at least please understand the meaning of the lady first... Will the lady keep chasing and beating people?"

  The breeze blew lightly, and there was laughter and laughter on the trail.

  And Ye Ye, who followed behind the two, had a bitter expression on her face, gritted her teeth, and stared at Charlotte's back.

  "Companion, I think you should take it easy..."

  Sigmund flapped his wings with a wry smile and flew around Ye Ye's side.

  Having known Xia You for so long, he is also very familiar with Ye Ye, knowing that it is a very special automatic doll...

  Especially to develop a love for his doll.


  From the perspective of such a clever creature, it is completely incredible, because most dolls actually don't understand what "love" is in their hearts, and their every move is mostly imitating human beings.

  Humans, and even animals, will actively pursue the opposite sex and trace the source, which is basically due to the impulse generated by hormones.

  And the ingenious dolls... they are just made of gears. They don't produce any hormones in their bodies. Of course, it is naturally impossible to have a sense of admiration for the opposite sex.

  But the ingenious girl named "Ye Ye" in front of her, her love is not an imitation, but like a flame, extremely sincere and enthusiastic.

  After living a hundred and fifty years, Sigmund thought he could see a lot.

  In addition, it is very strange that Ye Ye is not unrequited love.

  The doll named "Aka Feather Xiayou" seems to have the same feelings for her, but it's just a little too much, and has a love for many girls... This includes it The owner of Charlotte.

  "Ugh... Xia You is chatting with other girls again, how can this make me calm down!"

  Ye Ye clenched the ribbon on the cuff of the kimono tightly, staring at the backs of the two with very resentful eyes.

  "Okay." Sigmund thought for a while, and then comforted:

  "Maybe you can try to think about it this way - no matter what other girls are, you can only spend a few hours with Xia You every day, but you can continue to be with him from morning to night for most of the day."

  "But I hope he has only me in his eyes every minute and second of every day!" Ye Ye complained angrily.

  The possessiveness of the Moon Doll made Sigmund speechless, shaking his head and sighing:

  "Companion, you are so human-like."

  At this moment, the two found that Xia You and Charlotte stopped at the same time, frowning and looking at the corner.

  A group of people gathered there, and there were also disciplinary committee members with epaulets maintaining order. Seeing their serious expressions, it seemed that something major had happened.

  Ye Ye glanced at Sigmund, and hurriedly rushed over.

Chapter 247

  When Sigmund flew close, he found that Charlotte's body was trembling slightly, and her face was a little ugly. She quickly opened her mouth and asked softly:

  "Charle, what's wrong?"

  Charlotte shook her head and walked to the front corner without saying a word.

  On the other side, Xia You also winked at Ye Ye next to her, and the two quietly followed behind her.

  There weren't too many students watching around the corner. Across the crowd, Ye Ye and Sigmund could see a clever puppet lying on the ground. In addition, there was a big hole in front of it, with some bright magic oil. Slowly flowing from the hole to the ground, it was as dazzling as human blood.

  "this is......"

  Getting closer, Ye Ye only felt a little chill down his back when he saw the location of the big hole.

  "Yeah." Charlotte said coldly from the side: "Eve's heart disappeared along with the magic circuit!" "Five and eighty"

  Dolls are different from humans. Even if the body of the dolls is seriously damaged, as long as Eve's heart and magic circuit are not damaged, they can be restored to the original state by repairing with materials. However, if Eve's heart is damaged, then Will cause the "total death" of the doll.

  All ingenious creatures, their memories, personalities... or souls, are all stored in Eve's heart.

  "Is it because of the competition for gloves?" Ye Ye thought of this question for the first time.

  "According to the situation on the scene, it is not the case."

  A voice came from behind several people, which sounded very familiar.

  Charlotte was still in a daze, Xia You and Ye Ye looked back together, only to see Felix with an armband coming towards him with a heavy face.

  He raised his finger and pointed at a certain student with a gloomy expression on his face, who was talking to a few ethics committee members next to him, and said in a low voice:

  "That is the doll of the victim doll. He is not a candidate for the devil, and he has never challenged the glove qualification."

  "You mean... victimized?"

  Charlotte had turned around at this time, her beautiful eyes widened, and she stared at Felix closely.

  "That's right." Felix nodded, as if he shook his head regretfully: "According to the agent's statement, he forgot a report in the laboratory last night, so he asked the agent to retrieve it. ...and found the remains of his doll early in the morning."

  "It wasn't caused by a normal battle, but a sneak attack on the doll that was left alone..." Thinking of this, Charlotte's expression became even more ugly, and she asked, "What was the murderer's motive for harming this doll?"

  "It is currently under investigation."


  After leaving the corner, several people continued to walk towards the teaching building.

  "It seems that there is not much peace in the academy."

  Xia You, who had never spoken, sighed with emotion.

  He knew very well in his heart that this should be Felix's first move, and it is estimated that there will be more and more similar situations in the future, but seeing Charlotte's face beside him with a heavy face, he quickly changed the conversation and comforted softly. :

  "Charle, what happened just now may just be because of personal hatred... Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, and it can't happen every day, so don't worry, just be optimistic about Sigmund at most!"

  "No." Charlotte shook her head, silent for a long time, then suddenly turned her head and asked, "Xia You, in your heart, what does a clever doll belong to?"

  This question made Ye Ye on the side prick up his ears.

  Facing the gazes of the two, Xia You chuckled lightly:

  "As far as I know, all ingenious dolls have intelligence and wisdom, so they can naturally be classified as a kind of life."

  His answer made Charlotte feel inexplicably better.

  Unfortunately, many things still happen.

  With the unfolding of the first puppet murder case today, in every corner of the campus, it is frequently heard that a single puppet has been captured by Eve's heart and magic circuit.

  The Wind Discipline Committee searched for a long time and could not find the murderer and the motive for the harm, so they could only name the guy who was hiding in the dark "Magic Eater", and called on the students to take good care of their dolls and try to avoid being alone at night. go out.

  Of course, this doesn't have any effect on Xia You, even with a whip, I believe that slut Ye Ye will not be willing to leave his sight.

  However, something that happened thousands of miles away had a great relationship with Xia You.


  Neon of the Far East.

  On the top of a certain Chongshan Mountain, the highest mountain in Kyoto, there is a group of dense houses and courtyards. Through the high vermilion gate, you can vaguely see many white-robed Onmyoji, living leisurely inside.

  This is the residence of the Tumen clan.

  In the quaint room, Domon Kira, wearing a large purple robe, is standing in front of a magic water mirror, with a very embarrassed expression...

  The water mirror clearly reflected the phantom of a blonde woman. She was wearing a thin and revealing pure black dress with a slightly open collar. There were only two suspenders on her white collarbone. She had a pretty face and looked only a dozen Years old, but those orange-yellow eyes are like falcons, and they look full of vigor.

  "Zi Qiangwei, have you considered the question of whether to leave your granddaughter?"

  The blond woman leaned on the leather sofa, raised the white porcelain cup on the coffee table in front of her, put it next to her red lips and pursed lightly, she asked in a playful tone.

  "...I'm very sorry, Lady Golden Rose."

  Domon Kira bowed slightly, carefully choosing his words:

  "Qiluo is really embarrassed about your request. There is a powerful enemy of my Tumen family at this night's meeting, please forgive me..."

  "Stop thinking about my previous proposal?"

  Being politely rejected, the blond woman - Jin Qiangwei didn't seem to be angry, she still had that half-smile expression.

  "I'm sorry, Qiluo's first-year onmyoji will never dare to have the slightest idea of ​​divine ingenuity, but this night party is about the rise and fall of my Tumen family, so I can't take it lightly..."

  "It seems that my request is indeed too much."

  Jin Qiangwei waved her hand, interrupted her words, and smiled very generously:

  "That's it, the night party can use its own means, just hope..." 2.2

  Golden Rose who said so, suddenly appeared in her hand a strange object like an apple that shone with golden light.

  "Wait until a certain moment, Zi Qiangwei...don't regret today's decision!"

  This made Domen Kira's heart shudder, and was about to say something, but the magic water mirror had been cut off by the other party.


  Looking at the blurred mirror in front of her, Domen Qiluo's face kept changing. In the end, she could only sigh helplessly. She walked out of the room quickly, and whispered to several of her confidants:

  "From now on, the Tumen family will be under full martial law!"

  But just as her voice fell, she heard a "boom" not far away.

Chapter 248 The Tumen Family Was Attacked

  "It came so quickly!"

  Domen Qiluo was startled, turned his head to look, and found that the explosion site was the main entrance of Tumen's house.

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