This incident made a few friends beside him feel very strange, and even Olga, who always believed that he could read people's minds, was puzzled.

  Fortunately, after a few days, Dorothy finally returned to normal, and it seemed that she was no longer so obsessed with cultivating Xia You as a "top puppet master", which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief...

  Because during a certain ingenious history class, the girl who was full of resentment suddenly woke up inadvertently.

  She and her father already exist, and their shortcomings belong to "facts". This is a "past" that cannot be overturned, denied, or changed.

  If Xia You really failed to follow the established trajectory and instead became a highly skilled puppet master, then... when he returns to the past one day, the "human" he created will still be Is it your former father?

  A few small changes can completely subvert everything.

  Whether it will exist or not will be the question.

  Dorothy suddenly understood "Sister Sister" Black Rose.

  From those clear eyes with hope and excitement, she could see that Black Rose was extremely happy after reuniting with Xia You.

  However...even so, Hei Qiangwei just stood silently watching from a distance, never approached actively, and was not going to tell him the "history" that Xia You had never experienced so far. .

  Certainly out of fear of change.

  The corner of her eyes glanced at the innocent-looking boy beside her, and Dorothy sighed in her heart, filled with doubts again.

  What kind of majestic power is it that can give birth to such incredible things as "going back to the past and making history"...

  "Ah, Frey is a demon king candidate I met before. She was originally ranked 99, but it's not her who played today. I'm a little surprised."

  Facing the suspicious gazes of the girls, Xia You touched her nose and said with a relaxed smile:

  "It seems that after the incident with the Felix and Zekarus brothers, the night party has added some fresh blood, but I don't know how strong it is..."

  Unexpectedly, as soon as his words came out, no one talked about the night party itself, and they all grasped a certain point.


  "She's still a very beautiful girl!" Ye Ye, who had seen him on the side, spoke quickly, with a somewhat angry expression, and detailed a certain characteristic: "Big girl!"

  For Frey, who had only met a few times, because of her beautiful and foul figure, she was very impressed.

  And as soon as these words came out, Charlotte and Dorothy looked down at themselves, inexplicably feeling the same hatred.

  Olga looked amused on the side, and she was determined to make a move, so she deliberately diverted everyone's attention and asked:

  "Xia You, what are you doing?"

  After listening to her words, several girls looked over together and found that Xia You's originally dark eyes had a strange red glow...  

  "On the record..."

  Xia You replied casually, and the opened magic eyes stared at the open space in front of him without blinking.

  There, the two demon king candidates who played tonight, their puppets have already started a fierce battle.

  The two alternate ingenious dolls are both humanoid, one is covered with a faint cyan airflow, and the speed between running is very fast, and even afterimages are drawn behind them.

  Another ability is more interesting. The arms that are more than twice the length of normal people are raised and slapped forward. As long as the palm hits the enemy, it will cause a slight explosion and muffled sound.

  The puppet entwined in the breeze attacked several times, but as soon as the figure got close, it would be pushed back by the explosion shock wave made by the opponent.

  The opponent's supernormal arm completely blocked the approach of the wind-type puppet, and the wind-type puppet didn't seem to have any long-range attack methods. For a time, it could only rely on its own flexible advantages to continuously charge from various angles.

  "Wind magic increases the speed. This elemental circuit is quite common, but the puppet masters who make dolls are not bad. They can actually increase the speed to the point of producing afterimages, so that the afterimages confuse the enemy's sight."

  Olga commented lightly on the side:

  "As for the other one... His explosive ability seems a bit strange at 3.7. Unfortunately, it seems that he needs to touch the object with his palm to activate it, and it cannot be generated out of thin air, and the power is too small."

  "Yeah." Xia You nodded in agreement, and placed it on the palm next to his knee, a crystal pattern was rapidly forming.

  Although the candidates at the bottom of the ranking, their puppet strength is very limited, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. If you can't let it go, it's best not to let it go. If you see it, record it, and you should expand your knowledge.

  Anyway, the magic engraving is not like the perfect bloodline, so there are no quotas.

  Moreover, students who can become candidates for the devil king, in fact, their puppets will have certain specialties that can be seen. Even if they are weak and vulnerable, they are only compared with Xia You and other strong people. If they go outside, but What a young genius!

Chapter 278 Regrets and Thoughts

  Soon, in the surprised expressions of several girls, the circuit pattern in Xia You's hand was formed.

  "This is..." Olga frowned and asked uncertainly, "The magic circuit of the ingenious doll?"

  The girl suddenly vaguely guessed the role of Xia You's magic eyes.

  You can actually see through the magic circuit inside the doll's body!


  Xia You didn't hide it from her, smiled and nodded:

  "The circuit in the explosion puppet below, I recorded it."

  After speaking, the palm of the hand turned over, and the thing in the palm disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

  At this time, the speed-type puppet in the field used the heavy afterimages behind him to make a trick, dodged the extraordinary arm in front of him, and kicked the enemy's head heavily.

  The huge kinetic energy brought by the extreme speed suddenly kicked the explosive doll out and fell outside the field.

  15 points to win or lose!

  On the first night, the fight lasted about a minute before it was over.

  At the night party, in addition to the opponent's lack of strength and voluntarily admitting defeat, knocking down their ingenious puppets will also be judged as a victory.

  At the moment the referee announced, there was applause around, and the owner of the explosion puppet looked a little dejected, but still had to hand over his gloves.

  "Hey, is this the end?"

  Xia You, on the other hand, showed a very regretful expression. At that time, it was too late to record a clever circuit.

  At this time, he finally realized that his original plan was somewhat taken for granted.

  Although the night party is cruel, for most of the students at the bottom, it is not a battle of life and death, nor does it have to destroy the dolls, or beat the opponents to their hearts.

  If one is not careful and is swept out of the field, it may be declared a failure and lose the qualification to hold the gloves.

  Maybe two people who are strong and evenly matched will fight for a long time, but for the weaker devil candidates who are in the lower ranks, once they encounter a strong enemy, they will be killed in an instant. If you get on a guy who is similar to yourself, each of them may find their weaknesses, and they will quickly kick their opponents off the field and quickly end the battle.

  This is extremely detrimental to Xia You.

  It's like tonight, because the battle ended too abruptly, he only recorded one kind of magic circuit...

  "Is there any way to make these guys extend the battle time limit?"

  Saying goodbye to the other girls, Xia You thought casually on the way back to the dormitory with Ye Ye.

  Although the low-level ingenious circuits really can't help his strength, they are various and have their own characteristics. If they can be collected, they should be collected as much as possible.

  It's impossible to encounter a mosquito biting you in the future, so you can also raise your hand with a magic sword to solve it, right?

  That simply reduces the force of truth-level magic for no reason...

  At this moment, several familiar figures in front suddenly entered the eyes of Xia You and Ye Ye.

  "Frey? Loki?"

  Xia You raised her eyebrows involuntarily, and was about to go over to say hello, when Ye Ye, who was beside her, showed a vigilant look and pulled his hand hard.

  "Sure enough, you haven't forgotten that big girl." The girl's expression was very dissatisfied, and she hummed: "It's so far away that you can recognize it at a glance!"

  "What?" Xia You couldn't help laughing, and then pointed to the ingenious doll behind them, and explained casually: "Look, a dog, a big iron bump, the shape is too recognizable All right!"

  Although the conversation between the two was not loud, it still caused some waves in this quiet night.

  In the distance, Loki seemed to be arguing with Frey. Hearing the movement around him, he turned his head and found that it was Xia You. , turned and left without hesitation.

  Frey still stood there, watching his back, her beautiful red eyes full of stubbornness.

  "Yo, long time no see, do you still remember me?" Xia Youqiang took Ye Ye and walked forward quickly, raised her hand and patted the girl's shoulder, and whispered in her ear: "If you say you don't remember , I will be very sad!"

  Hearing his voice, Frey turned her head to look back, showed a forced smile, and lowered her shoulders weakly:

  "Of course I remember, thank you for helping me last time, 'The bride is Ye Ye' Akabane Xiayou..."

  "Please don't call that login code."

  Xia You's face hurts, but Ye Ye next to him is a little smug.

  Last time, I thought about changing the code name, but Ye Ye dragged him to find life and death, and plausibly said, "If a gentleman speaks, quickly horses and whips! I have clearly promised that the registration code will be in my hands."

  Later, Xia You thought about it, and simply didn't bother to change it.

  Ye Ye has endured for so long with him looking for girls everywhere, so he has to give him some sweetness.

  Anyway, as long as you get the "Ten Thousand Logistics", you will win, and you don't really need to fight to death at the night party.

  What's more, the next time 307 Xia You enters the machine damage dungeon, when it is his turn to appear, the night party is estimated to have reached a critical moment.

  Although Frey is a natural slob, she is still very understanding in some aspects, and immediately changed her words with hesitation:

  "Then... Akabane-san..."

  "Just call me Xia You, anyway, we are friends who have eaten together!" Xia You interrupted her with a smile.

  Ye Ye, who was beside him, complained unhappily, "Have you eaten together and are considered friends?"

  "Hey, what did Loki just come to see you for?"

  Xia You ignored Ye Ye's interruption and looked at Frei with concern:

  "Although it's a bit far away, I noticed that your brother looked very bad. He wants to persuade you to abstain from the party?"

  "Blame me......"

  Frey was silent for a while, her eyes were slightly red, she lowered her head, and squeezed her palms tightly.

  Under the dim light of the street lights, a little tear gleamed in the girl's beautiful eyes.

  "If I can be stronger, I won't be regarded as a hindrance by him..."

Chapter 279 Help Frey to cheat

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