The next day, Xia Youyi went to Olga's place.

  The two fiddled around in the academy's laboratory all morning, but the result made the girl full of frustration.

  After looking for various instruments to observe, Olga was still unable to detect the strange neural "magic circuit" in Xia You's body that could communicate with the soul.

  If it weren't for this process, she affirmed that Xia You's magic power did not circulate in the blood vessels like ordinary people, she almost thought that her lover was joking with her.


  Xia You patted Olga's shoulder and comforted softly:

  "Don't be disappointed if you don't find it. After I thoroughly study my body, I will definitely find a way to allow everyone to have a magic circuit!"

  After thinking about it, he hurriedly told about what happened to the glass last night, so as to change the topic.

  "Eight-eighty-zero" "Is Oboruji..."

  The girl was indeed attracted, and her face was slightly solemn:

  "The doll in that series is the famous work of Master Hua Liuzhai. It is loaded with ingenious magic that can control the nearby gravity at will, even the grandmother praised it."

  After speaking, she frowned tightly and looked at Xia You puzzled:

  "Why did you refuse the deal? Was it because Frey would have an opinion? I don't think that child would care too much about the leakage of circuit data, except for the safety of the doll itself."

  "None of Frey's problem."

  Xia You shook his head with a wry smile and explained:

  "You who are familiar with the grievances between the Akabane clan and the Tumen clan should also know who the military behind me represents?"

  "Purple Rose?"

  "Well, the old lady of the Tumen family is Zi Qiangwei."

  Pulling Olga out of the laboratory, Xia You casually browsed the surrounding early spring sprouts and continued:

  "The reason why I went to the No. [-] Research Institute last year was also because of the transaction with the military... And that time, the Tumen family set a trap for me as a bait, and I had to guard against it."

  "What's more, recently, it's really been too calm."

  Mingming Glass had reminded him a long time ago, saying that the military seemed to have a lot of opinions on him, but now, it has fallen into a strange silence, and no hidden arrows have struck.

  This is the real reason that makes Xia You hesitate.

  If yesterday's deal was another trap, the purpose of which was to drive him out of the night party... Now that the victory is almost guaranteed, why risk it for something that will definitely be available in the future.

  Anyway, according to the story, when Edmund fails to attack the smart city and is wanted, Jin Qiangwei will definitely transfer Oboruji to him in order to protect this important piece.

  Even if there is a butterfly effect, and Edmund does not appear in Walpurgis according to the plot in the later stage, Xia You can also find him by the way while looking for Grigelda during the vacation.

  Where does Xia You know that the reason why the Tumen family has remained calm is because of the double pressure of Golden Rose and Black Rose, as well as the reinterpretation of the prophecy of the Lady of Calamity.

  How could Zi Qiangwei ever trouble him again.

  It should be said that Kira Domen is troubled, she is really not sure what kind of attitude she should take to treat Xia You, the once "helpless orphan of Akabane".

  The inequity in information made Xia You misjudgment once... Of course, this doesn't affect anything.

  "So you're afraid that Zi Qiangwei's old trick will be repeated?"

  Olga's face also sank, she considered for a moment, and said:

  "It's okay to refuse that deal last night. As for the ingenious circuit of the Heavenly Hand, although it is powerful, there will always be opportunities to obtain it in the future, but you must be careful about the qualifications for the night party... Ah, yes!"

  The girl's eyes turned slightly, and she suddenly pursed her lips and said with a smile:

  "So far, one-fifth of the night party has been carried out. It is time to start the second step of the plan that my grandmother ordered me to start!"

  "What plans for step two?"

  Hearing this, Xia You looked stunned for a moment, and turned her head to look with some doubts.

  But seeing Olga's mouth slightly opened, she quickly spit out a name:

  "Sun Wheel..."


  In a short period of time, there was a sudden rumor in Walpurgis... Well, about the grievances between the Domen family and the Akabane family, as well as what happened to Akabane Xiayu, the second candidate for the current Demon King, Domen Ri wheel identity, etc.

  In fact, the rumors did not have much overlap with the students. Before that, they seldom even heard of the "Red Feather Family" and the "Tumen Family".

  After all, the Far East is too far away from the West, and the techniques and inheritance from Onmyoji have always had little contact with the magic world.

  But they really can't stand the bloody nature of the rumors, not to mention that the two main characters are currently high-profile night party contestants in Walpurgis.

  The second-ranked devil king candidate, Akabane Xiayu who has a strange login code, and the seventh-ranked devil girl Tumon Sun Rin...

  While eating in the cafeteria in the evening, Liulian and Ang, the two attendants of Sun Wheel, heard the following conversation from a nearby table:

  "Have you heard? It turns out that the family that Chiyu Xiayou belongs to is an ancient family in the far east, but it was destroyed by his brother Chiyu Tianquan a few years ago."

  A certain guy showed a mysterious expression and whispered to the friend next to him: "Also, the extermination of the Akabane family has a lot to do with his in-law family!"

  "Hey, is there such a thing? Who did you listen to?"

  "It's spread throughout the academy! There are even more bizarre things!"

  Although it is not his own business, but it can attract the attention of friends, this guy feels very proud in his heart, and continues with a bright expression:

  "The seventh Magi Tumon Hiron is the fiancee of Akabane Xiayou, but many years ago, her family and the Akabane family have always been enemies, and the two sides have been fighting for thousands of years... Even the incident of the entire Akabane family being wiped out, it is said that Akabane Tianquan did it on the surface, and there must be a shadow of the Tumon family in the dark!"

  "Isn't that... a fiancee couple with genocide hatred?"

  "That's right! Maybe the engagement between Akabane Xiayou and Tumon Sun Wheel is... tsk tsk tsk! It is estimated that the magic princess chased after them from the east to study at Walpurgis, and was also instructed by the family. ." He touched his chin, with a hint of pity in his expression: "Chiba Xiayou probably doesn't know it yet, it's really pitiful..."

  When he heard this, Ang, who was beside him, couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly stood up and shouted with some resentment: "Hey, don't insult our Tumen family!

Chapter 288

  The students who were talking were startled and frowned.

  When he found out that it was an oriental face who stopped drinking, his expression was slightly taken aback, and then he immediately recognized Ang's identity.

  "The same family as Moji..."

  There are also many people around whispering:

  "It is said that the two of them are Magic Princess's guards in the academy."

  There are only a few oriental students in the entire Walpurgis, which is naturally easier to recognize.

  When the master came to the front, the two were embarrassed to continue, and they kept silent.

  Ang's expression still looked very angry, and despite the dissuasion of Liulian next to him, he continued to speak:

  "Our Tumen family wouldn't do such a rude thing. The eldest lady went all the way to Walpurgis to help Akabane Xiayou take revenge!"

  "You guys don't make arrangements for me if you don't know the situation, or you will damage the reputation of the eldest lady, absolutely..."

  One of the students couldn't help it, and whispered back:

  "The whole academy is talking about it everywhere, but it's not just the two of us! There are even people who say that your Tumen family also participated in the annihilation of the Chiyu clan. Later, because of the uneven distribution of the spoils with Chiyu Tianquan, they finally fell out with the man who chased and killed him. …”

  These 20 sentences caused Ang and Liulian to breathe for a while. After looking at each other, they finally realized the seriousness of the matter. They could no longer care about other things, and hurriedly left the tableware and ran outside the cafeteria.

  They all want to see the current situation of their eldest lady.

  At this time, Tumen Sun Wheel was contacting Tumen Qiluo in the dormitory.

  "So...the annihilation of the Akabane family is really related to our Tumen family?"

  Holding the magic communicator tightly, Tumen Rilun's pretty face was pale, and her big eyes showed a look of bewilderment and confusion.

  After discovering the rumors that had spread in the academy, she mistakenly thought that it was someone trying to run herself out of the night party, and quickly contacted Zi Qiangwei anxiously.

  Unexpectedly, I learned that a certain bolt from the blue...the rumor is true!

  "There is some connection, but the Tumen family has never taken action in person."

  Zi Qiangwei was extremely depressed, but she had to explain patiently:

  "The thousand-year-old grievance between the Tumen clan and the Chiyu clan is true. There is a lot of deep involvement in it, and it cannot be explained in a few words. However, the Chiyu clan was destroyed a few years ago... Although there is our Tumen clan among them. However, it was indeed Akabane Tianquan who really did it."

  When he learned the specific content of the rumor from his granddaughter, Domen Kira first thought of Jin Qiangwei.

  There is no doubt that this must be the attack method of Golden Rose!

  While she was resentful in her heart, she could only try to remove the influence of the Tumen family in the past.

  The current Akabane Xia You is not an orphan who was helpless and could only be at the mercy of others.

  Although it is not clear what chance he got and what his real strength is, just with Black Rose standing behind him, he is no longer a small role that the Tumen clan can treat as he pleases.

  At present, because of the problem of the night party, Jin Qiangwei has almost made it clear that she is in the same boat as the entire Tumen clan. If you offend the Black Rose who may join forces in the future... The end will be very bleak without thinking about it.


  Tumen Sun Wheel wanted to ask more carefully, but heard Tumen Qiluo's tired voice coming from the communicator:

  "Okay, now you go to see Akabane Xiayou first, and listen to his views on the rumors... You can also tell him directly about the things I just told you, without hiding anything."

  With the relationship between Black Rose and Akabane Xiayou, the truth about the extermination of the Akabane clan must not be concealed.

  What's more, there is still a golden rose to interfere with it, it is better to admit it happily.

  Just to verify if that guy is really as Black Rose said, "For beautiful women, the tolerance level is relatively high"...

  "If you really feel uncomfortable, just quit the night party and go home. As for your engagement with Akabane Xiayou..."

  In the tense expression of Tumen Sun Wheel, Tumen Qiluo continued to speak lightly:

  "Sun Lun, you have also grown up. It's fine to make up your own mind about the marriage contract. Grandma will definitely support your decision!"


  Hearing her words, the girl who was in a very sad mood suddenly froze for a moment.

  Although there is no clear statement, doesn't this mean that you agree?

  I still remember that when she left home the year before, Tumen Qiluo was extremely opposed to it, and even planned to help her find a new fiancé...

  compensate?Or do you want to reconcile with the Akabane family?

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