Remembering the compliment that the "foster father" came over to me a few days ago, the girl's originally suppressed emotions were instantly swept away.

  What we have to do now is to finish this last night party well, no matter if we win or lose.


  Frey, who regained her confidence, immediately gave a soft drink, and the rabbi, who was already ready to go, roared and opened her mouth.

  A corrugated wind blade quickly flew out of its mouth and shot directly at the opposite side.

  Unfortunately, when the sound wave hit the steel body of Chi Angel, although the impact force made it take a small step back, it was unable to cause any scars.

  "A weak attack with no power... Are you going to rely on this to continue walking at the night party!"

  With a snort of disdain, Loki took two steps back and raised his hand to input magic power into Chi Angel's body.

  As the mechanical roar sounded, the surface of the Angel of Angels began to heat up rapidly, and some wind pressure blew away the turf on the ground.

  Nine sharp little swords like darts suddenly flew out from behind it, and in the dark night, they pulled up several deep traces, with sharp screams and scorching breath, intertwined and shot at the rabbi.


  "Rabbi, hurry up and dodge!"

  Frey was well aware of the sharpness of those small swords, and ordered quickly.

  However, it was extremely difficult to dodge the intensive attacks. Although the rabbi tried to run and jump as much as possible, he still gradually fell into the attack range.

  Under Loki's precise control, the first three or four small swords quickly staggered around the Rabbi, and the blades kept cutting the Rabbi's black fur.

  A series of sparks were stirred in the night.

  When the attack hit the rabbi's flesh and blood body, it actually caused a phenomenon that is unique in the clash of gold and iron - no defense was broken!


  A startled sound came from Loki's mouth. Because of his distraction, the speed of the little sword controlled by his mind gradually slowed down, and the rabbi hurriedly howled to break through.


  Frey ran over to check carefully with some worry, and found that her doll had no scars on the outside of her doll, and she couldn't help but feel more confident.


  "It seems that I underestimate you a bit, but, my wise angel is everything... wise angel, transform!"


  Angel of wisdom answered mechanically, jumped into the sky, and his entire body suddenly flattened and turned into a giant sword.

  The sword edges on both sides hummed, and the scorching air flowed out from the jets on the hilt, turning into a recoil to hold up the heavy body. middle.


  Loki raised his hand and injected magic power into the great sword in the air, and the great sword immediately rotated and cut in the direction of Rabbi.

  The rabbi's sensitive limbs ran and jumped on the ground, and sometimes opened his mouth to spit out sound waves to counterattack, but when he hit the great sword in the sky, it didn't cause any waves. Those sound waves couldn't even get close to the body of the angel, and were surging around. The hot air is directly offset.

  "It seems that the situation is extremely unfavorable for Frey."

  In the audience, Charlotte watched for a while, then shook her head and sighed:

  "As expected of the rotating flame sword, he probably hasn't gotten serious yet... Maybe Frey can only stop there tonight."

  "The battle in the future will only become more and more cruel. It's better for Frey to exit now."

  Xia You nodded silently, then looked at Loki's funny comment and said:

  "As for that guy...he is too superstitious about the strength of 'Chi Angels', I think he will definitely suffer in this regard in the future."

Chapter 292

  Tonight's night party battle gradually came to an end.

  The ending was indeed as Olga expected, although the rabbi tried his best to dodge, he could still rely on the power of diamond to keep defending.

  But its attack couldn't hit Chi Angel at all, and the sound wave would dissipate as soon as it was blown by the strong hot wind on the outside, and it was helpless.

  In the sky, relying on the hot wind and Loki's huge psychic power, the tip of Chi Angel's sword was aimed at the ground, and it slammed down suddenly, with a huge momentum.

  In just an instant, the huge mass fell like a meteorite, and the sharp sword tip pierced the lawn below, causing soil, stones and grass clippings to fly, and a deep hole appeared on the spot.

  The rabbi had already dodged in advance, grabbed the small gap where the enemy landed, ran and jumped over to scratch and bite with his claws and teeth, but soon he could not bear the high temperature and hot wind that continued to erupt nearby, so he could only retreat helplessly. At the place, continue to use the "three six three" sound waves to carry out long-range attacks.

  In Loki's full drive, the temperature difference in the hot air area of ​​Angel of Chi is almost as high as nearly a thousand degrees, and even the iron can be easily dissolved and deformed. How could the flesh and blood be able to resist.

  Even with Xia You's help to bless it with the vajra power, it couldn't bear it for a long time.

  After the two ingenious dolls were deadlocked for more than half an hour, the magic power in Frey's body gradually became exhausted.

  On the other hand, Loki, on the other hand, had a little sweat on his forehead, but his expression was still as calm as usual, and the movements of commanding the Angel of Chi were not slow at all, and it seemed that the consumption was not too big.

  In fact, these consumptions are the result of Loki's mercy.

  Otherwise, he only needs to display his trump card "Sword Domain", and the nine swords form a closed circle and continuously cut, like a storm, rotating and attacking thousands of times in one second, under the influence of high temperature and hot wind, it will definitely be able to cut gold. Jade, violently crushed, even if the rabbi has the power of diamond to cheat, it is absolutely impossible to support it for so long.

  "......I surrender!"

  After a while, considering that Xia You's help in the audience to maintain the "King Kong Power" would be very difficult, Frey gritted her teeth and decided to take the initiative to admit defeat.

  Anyway, the goal has basically been achieved. As for the position of the devil, the girl never thought about it.

  She just wants to live happily with her "family"... Of course, now she has added a Xia You.

  "Hmph, count you acquainted!"

  Loki was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to the side, and ordered Chi Angel to return to standby mode. After the referee announced the result of tonight's game, he didn't even look at Frey, and walked out of the field for himself. disappeared into the darkness.

  "Compared to the ingenious heart beating in the original book, this result is fairly stable."

  In the audience, Xia You nodded with satisfaction.

  I remember that the orphanage gave the two of them the task of showing "sound pressure operation" and "hot air drive" at the night party. Frey has won more than [-] games in a row, and he should have exceeded the task requirements. Now he is defeated by Loki's wisdom. In the hands of the angel, it is more in line with the interests of the orphanage.

  The "foster father" who came to her should have spared the doll that Frey cared about as promised.

  In fact, Xia You had also thought about going to the orphanage, destroying all the laboratories inside, and taking back Frey's dogs... But such behavior is likely to cause Zi Qiangwei to get hurt.

  Nominally, Walpurgis students are absolutely not allowed to disturb the people. If they are caught and attacked, there is a risk that their qualifications for the night club will be cancelled.

  What's more, Frey has never revealed her life experience, which makes it difficult for Xia You to take the initiative.

  He could only decide on such a smooth transition.

  Anyway, when the second machine damage dungeon comes in the future, the system quest will be over, and the little characters in the orphanage will not be easily destroyed without any restraints.

  However, the world is always impermanent, how can it really be as it pleases.


  "Xia You!"

  Perhaps because of the end of all the battles, Frey's heart became more relaxed, and this time, she couldn't wait to run to Xia You's side.

  Xia You smiled and patted the girl's head, while Tumen Sun Wheel comforted softly:

  "Don't be discouraged, to the point where Frey is now, she should have done her best, as long as she does her best."

  Unexpectedly, Frey showed a brisk expression that didn't care. She narrowed her big eyes comfortably, and shook her head:

  "It's okay, my goal of participating in the night party has finally been achieved!"

  "The purpose is achieved?" Charlotte, who was beside her, recalled the situation of her own home, tilted her head in confusion, and asked inexplicably, "Speaking of which, why did Frey attend the night party?"

  Dorothy, Tumen Sun Wheel, and Ye Ye all looked at this question, and they were actually quite curious....

  Only Olga's eyes remained calm. Obviously, she should have done research on Frey and Loki's background.

  "My purpose... ah, yes!"

  With so much focus on her eyes, Frei's eyes dodged, she suddenly raised her head to look at Xia You, and said with a smile:

  "Today's healing hasn't been completed yet. Just now, my fight with Loki took longer than usual. Xia You must be very uncomfortable..."

  After she finished speaking, she didn't care that it was in the public, so she grabbed Xia You's neck, stood on tiptoe, and took the initiative to kiss it.

  Seeing this scene, Dorothy, Charlotte, and Ye Ye were all stunned, and among the students who had not finished walking around, there were also amazed discussions.

  "Etc., etc!"

  After reacting, Charlotte blushed angrily on her pretty face, and quickly pulled Frey away, screaming:

  "What are you two guys doing-"

  "...Help Xia You mend the demons."

  Frey bowed her head timidly, and repeated the theory that Xia You had fooled her earlier without revealing a word:

  "By exchanging... saliva, it can play the role of synchronizing magic power, so that the magic power consumed by Xia You can be quickly replenished."

  "Fix! Demon!?" X3

  Except for 5.4 Olga, who already knew the cause and effect, all the girls looked at Xia You angrily.

  "Well...I think so..."

  Xia You laughed twice and ran away.

  "Stop for me!"

  "Don't run!"

  "Let's make it clear about the problem of replenishing the devil first... It must be the lie you told to deceive the innocent girl, right? It's too much!"


  The last loud noise belonged to the attack of Chi Angel.

  Hearing the resentful questioning behind him, and the Sword Emperor Loki who appeared from nowhere, even though he had already left, Xia You burst into tears.

  Frey, with such a sudden disclosure of our secrets, I feel like I need to take a second look at your natural stupidity.

  That's definitely natural black!

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