"It seems that we have been together all morning, and we haven't been apart at all, okay!"

  Xia You shrugged helplessly, a little worried about Frey inside, and quickly opened the door.

  "Xia You!"

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, Frey, who was sitting on the sofa with her head down and weeping, suddenly stood up, and then, with her bubbly expression at night, slammed into Xia You's arms, her face full of unease and anxiety.

  "what happened?"

  Xia You backhanded the door and touched Frey's head.

  He was about to bring her into the house, but found that the hands that hugged him were too hard, so he could not help but speak softly:

  "Dear, don't worry, tell me slowly, is there something wrong?"


  Frey's eyes were red, and she took his hand and ran outside:

  "Last time I heard Dorothy say that you have a way to take the ingenious doll out of the school... Quickly take me and the rabbi out! Otherwise, everyone will..."

  When she said this, she burst into tears again.

  "Wait a minute."

  Xia You quickly stopped, pressed down on Frey's shoulder, and asked softly:

  "You tell me what's going on first? Why are you taking the rabbi out of school all of a sudden?"


  "Is that so..."

  Three minutes later, when he figured out Frey's purpose, he smiled and nodded, comforting softly:

  "You just stay here for now, don't worry, I will solve other things soon, whether it's the 'father' who bullied Frey, or the family that Frey cares about!"

  After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Ye Ye aside.

  "¨々No problem!"

  Before Xia You could speak, the doll of the moon put on a ready-to-go attitude, strode towards the door, and said while walking:

  "No matter what the enemy, absolutely can't stop Ye Ye's fist... So let's go quickly!"

  "...You give me a good stay at home too!"

  Xia You hurriedly dragged Ye Ye back. Seeing her look of grievance, she could only helplessly explain:

  "This time I'm going to act with Mr. Kimberly. Yaexia definitely won't be able to use it in front of her, otherwise there may be an accident... Ye Ye, be obedient, and accompany Frey to wait for me to come back!"

  Kimberly appeared to be a professor of Walpurgis, but in fact he was a member of the "Grey Man" sent by the Magic Association to monitor the academy.

  The Magic Association has always been very disgusted with that kind of taboo experiment. As long as you tell her the situation of the orphanage orphanage, I believe that it will be dealt with properly soon - of course, Xia You still has to go outside the school for a trip.

  At the very least, the safety of the clever dolls that Frey grew up with must be guaranteed.

  However, the recent silence on Zi Qiangwei's side made Xia You feel very puzzled. To be careful, it's better not to violate the school rules.

  What's more, with his current strength, it doesn't make any difference whether he takes Ye Ye or not.

  "Mr. Kimberly?"

  Ye Ye didn't understand his painstaking efforts at all. Hearing that, his expression was stunned, and then he asked angrily:

  "Could it be that Xia You has reached out to the ranks of teachers?"

  "...every night!"

  Xia You's forehead was almost full of anger, and she finally looked at her and sighed helplessly:

  "Could it be my illusion? I always feel that it is very difficult to communicate with you!"

Chapter 295 The Disappearing Doll

  The process of reaching Kimberley for help went smoothly.

  After he briefly described the situation in the orphanage, Kimberly immediately frowned and nodded, but suddenly asked:

  "Why did you think of reporting this to me?"

  It stands to reason that although her identity of the Magic Association has no hidden power at the level of the dean, Xia You is an ordinary student. Under normal circumstances, how would she know it.

  "Aren't you a teacher? This concerns Frey, a student of our school. Is the academy going to ignore it?"

  For this, Xia You blinked innocently.

  "...Well, I'll report to my superiors right away."

  Kimberly pretended to turn around and smiled bitterly in his heart. He had been a spy for a long time, and he was really too sensitive to the disturbances around him.

  After coming out of the teacher's office, Xia You ran out of school without stopping.

  There were no dolls with him, and it was very easy to leave the school gate. The guard looked at it twice, and after registering, he was released decisively.

  When she came to a remote corner outside, Xia You used Yaexia to hide her figure, opened Hezi behind her, rushed straight into the sky, and flew towards the orphanage that Frey had told her.

  The orphanage is in the suburbs of the smart city, which is relatively far away, but his flight speed is very fast, and he arrived at his destination in a short while.

  Quietly parked high in the sky, Xia 930 looked towards the ground,

  A large yard is surrounded by a high wall like a prison. There is a low residential house in the yard, and some watchtowers are built around it.

  Just looking at the topography of this orphanage is very problematic.

  How can an ordinary orphanage build a watchtower...

  On the playground behind the orphanage, the two gangs were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire. There were human-shaped dolls like machines, and other dolls in a mess. The dolls behind them were delivering magic power while hiding. Shoot guns in the corner.

  "By the way... Who is the one who attacked the orphanage? It doesn't seem like this has ever happened in the original book."

  Seeing that there were no dog-like ingenious puppets below, Xia You decided to stand still and watch the play in silence.

  After thinking about the attacker's origin, he suddenly remembered the deal that the military was going to make with him a few days ago, and couldn't help rubbing his chin.

  "Is it Purple Rose?"

  Very likely.

  In the original book, when Nizi helped the rabbi to heal, he quietly obtained the circuit information of the sound pressure operation, but in this world, many things have not happened, Xia You also clearly stated that he refused to trade, Zi Qiangwei wanted "sound pressure operation", Naturally you have to rethink.

  "Oh, it seems that neither party is such a good person. It's better not to interfere or not to interfere!"

  Xia You in the sky chuckled lightly, made up his mind, and watched silently here for a while, waiting for Kimberly to come over and control the situation before flashing.

  As for the dog that Frey values... I believe that the Magician Association will not be stingy with a few less important standard dolls.

  Just when he made up his mind, from a remote bungalow, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face suddenly walked out. He was carrying two corpses in his hands, and behind him was a mechanical doll like an angel of wisdom.

  It's just that compared to the original metal-colored Angel of Chi, this doll is more noble, with a body more than three meters tall and golden, shining with dazzling colors in the sun.

  After the middle-aged man came out, his toes lightly tapped, and his entire body was actually suspended in the air:

  "You guys keep stalling here... Are you going to wait for these two thieves who have sneaked underground? I'm so sorry!"

  His eyes were sharp as knives, and he slowly swept across the orphanage that was littered with bullet marks and corpses. He finally settled on the enemy who was still attacking below, and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards in disdain.

  With a sudden flick of his hand, he threw the two corpses he was carrying heavily in front of them.

  Blood splashed and splashed onto the soil on the ground, and the corpse rolled, slowly revealing its face, showing it in everyone's eyes.

  "The action failed, let's go!"

  The gunfire on the opposite side stagnated for a moment, and in the end, I don't know who gave the order decisively. The intruder returned fire in an orderly manner, while slowly retreating, it seemed that he was preparing to leave the orphanage.

  "There is such a big mess, but if you want to say it, come and leave, and you don't care about me Bronson, right?"

  The middle-aged man snorted softly and suddenly waved to the bottom.

  The golden mechanical puppet that had been parked there responded rigidly, and slowly floated into the sky, the metal wings behind its shoulders spread a little bit.

  "Bronson? Remember what seems to be Frey's 'foster father'...and the enemy who killed her parents."

  Xia You raised her eyebrows.

  This character also appeared in the anime.

  In the world of machine damage, there is a kind of person who has a high affinity for magic power by nature. They have a strong aptitude for practicing magic.

  White gods are very rare, only one in a few million people will appear, and Bronson is preparing to artificially create a large number of white gods.

  In order to carry out the plan, he kept abducting qualified orphans all over the world, and then concentrated them in the orphanage to do some forbidden human experiments.

  The basement of the orphanage is also filled with the bodies of many children - just a few known crimes, enough for this guy to be sentenced to death.

  "Stupid, dirty guy, who only wants to win other people's research efforts, but never wants to use his own brains... It is precisely because of the existence of you worms that human beings develop more and more slowly! "

  Bronson seemed to be extremely angry at the intruder's attempt to steal his own information, and cursed in a low voice, sending more and more magic power into the golden mechanical doll's body.

  This sentence made Xia You, who was hiding in the dark, feel very harsh.

  After all, to a certain extent, the traversers actually become stronger by constantly plundering the resources of other worlds.

  Of course, he never thought there was anything wrong with this.

  The so-called natural selection, the lower man labors the body, the middle man labors the wisdom, the master labors the man, and the god labors the world.Very normal.

  Under the high-sounding mask, most successful people must have had a bloody and primitive accumulation.

  For example, Bronson in front of him, for the success of his experiment, this guy is not stepping on the corpses of countless children.

  As a result, someone now wants to touch his cheese and is screaming in anger.

  It just doesn't make sense.

  Thinking of this, Xia You pouted, thinking that you will die if you don't pretend, the puppets are all made into local tyrant gold, look at me...

  An interesting thought suddenly flashed in his mind, he hurriedly flew down, came behind Bronson, and raised his hand quietly.

  The red wing array unfolded, and a few crystal-clear red thin lines rushed out of the body like lightning, entered the body of the golden doll, and instantly took away Bronson's magical control.

  Then, before Bronson noticed something was wrong, he quickly stretched out his hand.

  The next second, that mighty and luxurious ingenious puppet suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

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