The girl complained silently, tilted her head, and was immediately caught by the 0.8 thermos bottle beside her—no, it should be a small card pinned to the thermos.

  Breakfast is here, you must remember to eat it, there are fried eggs, bacon, chicken chops, as well as French fries and stewed potatoes, because I saw you left a lot of tomatoes yesterday, and today I deliberately did not add tomatoes... , I don't know if you will like it.

  Also, get a good rest.

  - Xia You.

  Holding the card in her hand, she read it word for word, and recalled those dark eyes that were as bright as stars. A smile overflowed from the corner of Anriette's mouth, and she felt that her mood was inexplicably much better.

  Even all the apprehension and anxiety of these days seems to have been swept away.

  The world is so big, after all, there are people who care about you.

  So... from now on, should I forcefully put him in my heart...?

  The girl slowly squeezed her palms.

Chapter 308 Assassination

  In the quiet path of Walpurgis, Xia You and Alice walked side by side, walking slowly. Behind them, Ye Ye looked at Sophia curiously.

  "How have you been recently?"

  Glancing at the lush green scenery around, Xia You asked softly.

  The night party has been going on for a month. It is early summer. The clear sky is blue and blue, and the sunshine from the clouds is refreshing and bright, bringing the whole earth a sense of vitality.

  "You want to ask me why I haven't come to see you in the past year?"

  Alice glanced at Xia You with a half-smile, then shook her head and sighed:

  "The last time I met, I said that the institute sent me to another mission, and during this time, I have been busy with the mission... Well, the first step of the mission is to replace Cedric, currently It's almost done."

  Although it is an understatement, how could the hardships be so simple.

  After all, he is the heir to the top famous family in the Eagle Country.

  Seeing that she was reluctant to say more, Xia You also pressed the plan to ask the details, raised her eyebrows and said, "Then what about the second step? It should be related to Anriette who was sent to my dormitory yesterday? 01"

  In the original book, Alice threatened Charlotte with Annette's life, but now... Alice sent her sister-in-law directly into his arms, which made him a little uncertain about the follow-up situation. .

  Maybe... to avoid a bad relationship with Charlotte?

  Xia You thought in his heart.

  If he has nothing to do with Charlotte, it is estimated that Alice will definitely use the way in the plot to make threats. That is the safest way, and there is no psychological pressure.

  It's a pity that Charlotte has been fighting hotly with Xia You recently.

  In order to be able to live in harmony in the future, Alice naturally couldn't do anything too extreme.

  After she figured it out, Xia You remembered the phrase "cooperating to do a small thing" on the note yesterday, and couldn't help but mutter.

  Is this ready to let us go out?

  Just thinking about it, Alice next to her suddenly blinked her eyes, her pretty face was full of ambiguous colors, and she asked quietly:

  "What happened yesterday... Are you satisfied?"

  "Hey, stop quickly, don't make it like a pimp." Xia You immediately showed a serious expression of righteousness and awe, and said angrily: "I haven't asked you yet, and I just gave it to a little girl casually. Aphrodisiac, this is not a good habit!"

  After he finished speaking, he sighed with great sympathy:

  "Alas, in order for Anriette to return to normal, it's a pity that my reputation has really been ruined."

  "Are you sure you have such a thing as a 'famous name'?" Alice rolled her eyes at his tricks.

  The two chatted leisurely for a while, before the girl started talking about business.

  "The next step is not due to the arrangement of the Seventh Research Institute."

  Alice raised her hand and stroked a bunch of asters beside her. After a moment of indifference, she slowly spoke:

  "Since two years ago, Walpurgis has had a secret that is directly related to the birth of divine ingenuity."

  "The Fool's Sanctuary?" Xia You replied with a smile.

  "Huh? You know that place?"

  His words attracted Alice's surprise, but after a while, he remembered that "The Fool's Sanctuary" has always been dominated by Akabane Tianquan under the pseudonym "Magnus", and he showed a relieved look. expression.

  Xia You did not explain this misunderstanding, and asked softly:

  "Tell me, what is your next task? What kind of help do you need me to provide?"

  "Since you have heard of the Fool's Sanctuary, I don't need to explain many things in too much detail." Alice nodded solemnly:

  "This night party is about divine ingenuity. Most of the forces have been relatively quiet, but there are also many forces that have little patience... And the one that has the greatest impact on the academy is close at hand. Eagle Kingdom Royal Family!"

  "There will be an accident, and then the night will be forced to be interrupted. Something substantive must be thrown in order to suppress the eagerness within the royal family."

  "So someone decided to expose the academy's 'Temple of Fools', and if it cooperates with some tricks of the divine... I believe that those who want to make a difference will definitely consider it carefully."

  "Is that so... How are you going to expose the Church of Fools?" Xia You replied casually, but she was very clear in her heart.

  The pressure the academy has endured recently should have come from Silver Rose.

  As the most favored concubine of the current Emperor of the Eagle Kingdom, to a large extent, she can interfere with the attitude of the entire royal family.

  "Using the Felix incident, murder the principal, smash the ground, and let the underground 'Sanctuary of Fools' enter the eyes of others!"

  Alice explained with a smile:

  "Once the news of the dean's assassination...and it is suspected that the nobles of the Eagle Country were retaliating, the emperor's eyes will definitely focus on Walpurgis. Next, presumably the royal family's Small movements will also be a little more restrained.”

  "So you are going to let me assassinate the dean?" Xia You couldn't help but feel helpless.

  It seems that in the plot of the original work, the protagonist is the hero who saved the dean, but when it is his turn, he will bear the infamy... Fortunately, I gained a girl yesterday, and it is not a loss.

  "This is not only very easy for you, but it can be done quietly!"

  Seeing Xia You's reluctance, Alice pouted, put her hand in front of him, and made a gesture of begging for something:

  "If you're going to refuse, then you'll have to bring Anriette back! I'm going to use her to threaten her sister Charlotte to continue the plan... Well, Tyrannosaurus has always been unpopular in the academy. , If you choose her, the effect should be better!"

  "Alright, alright, since it was Alice's request, how could I refuse!"

  Xia You nodded hurriedly, anyway, as long as there is an opportunity to smash the ground.

  As for handing over your sister-in-law or something, don't even think about it!

  "Have you really decided?"

  "Of course!"

  After a question and answer, the two couldn't help but smile at each other.

23 3 "Thank you." Alice grabbed his hand with warmth in her eyes, and said softly, "Thank you for trusting me so much."

  "You are my woman, who can I trust if I don't believe you." Xia You shook her head indifferently, her expression very relaxed.

  However, Alice knew very well in her heart that although she explained a lot just now, in the special context of today, this kind of thing can be big or small.

  You know, if she set a trap... Then the guy who rushes to assassinate the headmaster will definitely be expelled from the night party afterwards!

  If it were someone else, and they got along with each other in different places, not to say refusal immediately, they would definitely hesitate for a long time.

  But the young man in front of him, as the second candidate for the Demon King, who can even be said to be the most promising person to win this night's party, agreed without any pressure.

  This may prove that... he cares more about her than the throne of the devil or even the ingenuity of the gods.

  "It's still the same as always. Sure enough, I didn't choose to miss a man!"

  Staring at this handsome face with a slightly smirk in front of her, Alice felt a long-lost happiness in her heart.

  "By the way, tell me first."

  The two looked at each other affectionately for a while, Xia You remembered the contents of the note yesterday, turned her head to look at Ye Ye, and found that she was surrounding Sophia asking questions in the distance, and she had no time to pay attention here. He quickly approached a few steps and whispered in Alice's ear:

  "What the hell is that 'keep tasting'?"

Chapter 309 Shameless Is Your Second Shortcoming

  "You! Anywhere is fine..."

  Obviously, this question directly shattered Alice's sweet mood just now. She raised her eyebrows slightly, her expression slightly angry, and finally sighed faintly:

  "The only downside may be that there are too many women around!"


  You were the one who brought Anriette to my bed, and you were the one who said you could "keep tasting", but now you're blaming me instead?

  The mind of a woman is really hard to understand!

  Xia You couldn't help complaining in her heart, and looked at Alice innocently.

  The two were deadlocked for a while before Alice curled her lips and said:

  "The effect of the medicine on Annette is not over yet... Well, in the next few days, about every time it was yesterday, the attack would reappear."

  "So that's why you deliberately tricked Ye Ye about what etiquette you learn from you every day..."

  Xia You made an expression of sudden realization, and thought that in the next period of time, she would be able to do something with that shy little sister-in-law every day that would make people blush and heartbeat.

  However, I glanced at Alice from the corner of my eye, and found that although her face was calm, there was a little bit of resentment between her brows, and she was probably jealous, so she hurriedly pretended to express emotion:

  "Oh, then there's nothing I can do. I can only use my fearless spirit to give myself a few more times to save myself. Although doing so will really damage my virtuous character, it's impossible to let An Li... ...what?"

  He was just halfway through his boasting words, when he suddenly saw the girl beside him take out a pill from his pocket and handed it over, he immediately felt a bad feeling in his heart, and asked cautiously:

  "Alice, what is this?"

  "An antidote to remove all after-effects."

  The girl handed her hand forward again and answered succinctly.


  After a moment of silence, Xia You slowly raised her hand and just caught it, but with a "Oops" sound, the pill in her hand rolled to the ground.

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