That brisk tone was like meeting an old friend, with a hint of intimacy teasing.

  Up to now, Xia You has been ignoring the majesty of the Moon King more and more.

Chapter 316 Goodbye to the King of the Moon (2)

  Zhu Yue still stood quietly in the same place, neither turning her head nor making a sound. There was no other decoration on her beautiful jade face, but it was full of brilliance.

  Her ignoring attitude made Xia You feel a little distressed, but facing the Moon King, she really did not dare to be too rude. After a long silence, she remembered some of her plans for Jin Qiangwei, and hurriedly said with a smile. asked:

  "By the way, Zhu Yue, you said you would help me out once, right?"

  Seeing that Zhu Yue still didn't answer, a hint of helplessness flashed on Xia You's face, she thought about it, and reminded softly:

  "Your shot is very important, it is related to whether we can return to the Moon World as soon as possible."

  "How to start?"

  Sure enough, as soon as she heard the return, Zhu Yue immediately changed her demeanor and finally agreed.

  Xia You couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

  If you want to go back so eagerly, isn't it just about to sharpen your knives and peel us?

  "First...I want to know one-thing."

  He coughed lightly, rubbed his hands, and cautiously took a few steps closer, asking with a little nervousness on his face:

  "That, Your Majesty the King of the Moon, when we return to the Moon Moon World, will you trouble me for your unintentional offense last time?"

  As long as Zhu Yue made a promise here, I believe that in her capacity, she will definitely not go back on her word.

  However, what Xia You was waiting for was a long silence.

  This made him more and more uneasy, and silently complained in his heart:

  Hey, you delivered it to your door the last time, but now you actually want to piss off an innocent person like us. It's unreasonable, isn't it?

  After waiting for a while, Zhu Yue did not make any promises, but suddenly asked:

  "Why do you call that world 'Type Moon'?"

  She wanted to ask this question the last time, but she was in a mess at the time.


  Xia You thought about it for a while, but decided to pat the Moon King's ass:

  "I have heard from people in the magic world that the whole world will eventually go to the end of the steel land."

  "When Gaia perishes, there will definitely be very few human beings living on her body... Since Gaia and Alaya will disappear in the long river of history, only the bright moon will last forever, so it is better to put That world calls it 'Type Moon'!"

  "How can restraint be able to judge the way of 'birth' and 'destruction' from your human point of view?" Perhaps Xia You's deliberately pleasing words played a role, Zhu Yue's always cold voice was rare. With some emotions, she sighed slightly:

  "Even if all the parallel worlds cannot escape the end of the steel earth, Gaia and Alaya will not be able to come to an end. At that time, the remaining three major restraining forces will at most just change the way of existence... .."

  Xia You was very puzzled by her words, and was about to ask, but saw an arrogant smile overflowing from the corner of Zhu Yue's mouth:

  "However, Yu likes the name 'Xingyue' very much."

  "...if you like it."

  Xia You hurriedly changed the conversation and complimented without any morals.

  After a few words of conversation, the dead silence between the two of them was swept away. Zhu Yue finally turned her head, her eyes were like the moon, with an unspeakable hazy and bright meaning, she continued to ask:

  "When can I return to the Moon World?"

  "First of all I have to figure out a question..." Xia You said with a bitter face: "When you go back, will you take account of what I unintentionally offended last time?"

  "Yu is the kind of person with a small stomach and chicken intestines!"

  Zhu Yue stood with her hands behind her back, her attitude calm, as if she had already been relieved.

  However, there was still a faint pink halo flashing across her beautiful face.

  In fact, she really didn't think about going back to take revenge. After all, the guy in front of her is deeply involved with the root style, and she is in Gaia's territory, so it is not easy to take action.

  The silence just now was just Zhu Yue's recollection of the past a year ago. She was angry and wanted to make Xia You anxious and uneasy for a while.

  "That's great!"

  Hearing the promise of the Moon King, Xia You couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and then finally told Jin Qiangwei's matter.

  Of course, it must be under the guise of "return mission".

  "Actually, the last time that friend of mine contacted me suddenly, she promised that as long as I obtained the magic circuit in a certain clever puppet in this world, she would send us back safely."

  · · Flowers · ·

  "Although I have some small tricks, I need to record it when the puppet circuit is opened... So, I hope you can help me fix the puppet at that time, so that I can record it without distraction. "

  "No problem." Zhu Yue didn't care whether his words were true or false, and agreed.

  After the two finished talking about business, the atmosphere fell into an awkward silence again.

  Seeing that Xia You seemed to have nothing to explain, Zhu Yue turned around again, with an expression of seeing off guests:

  "Is there anything else?"

  " should feel a little lonely staying here alone. Anyway, I have nothing to do lately. I can come and accompany you every day." There was an endless stream, Xia You involuntarily took up the gesture of chasing the girl and said softly.


  Of course the Moon King wouldn't buy it, and his eyes swept over him calmly.

  "For hundreds of millions of years, Yu Zao has become accustomed to being alone, so you don't have to worry about it."

  Hit a soft nail, Xia You could only helplessly smile, and chatted a few words about what she had seen outside, and found that Zhu Yue was really not interested, so she could only wave at her and quit reluctantly. mental space.

  Opening his eyes and recalling the process of meeting the Moon King just now, he still felt quite satisfied.

  At least this time, it was considered a suitable guest and host, and he was not beaten and driven away like last time.

  She got up and went to the living room, and found that Ye Ye was looking at Annette beside her.

  Under the gaze of the doll of the moon, the sister-in-law seemed to be a little restless, and her expression was very uneasy.

  "Yeye, don't bully An Li!" Xia You hurried over and touched the girl's head.

  "I didn't bully her, I just asked her about her previous life." Ye Ye looked wronged.

  "Okay, okay." Xia You smiled, then turned to Anriette again, and extended her hand to invite her: "It's still early, how about going out to play together?"

Chapter 317 Dean's Assassination

  Although Anriette was reluctant, Xia You still forcibly pulled her out.

  The three of them used Yaexia as a cover, and quietly ran out of the school gate.

  However, when they were about to enter the dormitory area, they encountered Charlotte who was oncoming.

  Seeing the familiar figure of the young dragon standing on her shoulder, Anriette, who was smiling slightly, was shocked, and quickly lowered her head.

  "Yo, Xia'er!"

  Xia You took a step forward with a smile, and casually stood in front of Anriette:

  "It's so late, why don't you go back to the dormitory to rest?"

  "Aren't you?" Charlotte glared at him, a little impatient in her words, but still explained: "I forgot the experiment report to be handed in tomorrow in the classroom, I'm going to "[-]" to get it. ......What about you, you haven't seen anyone all afternoon, and where did you skip class and go to play?"

  After speaking, her eyes swept to Ye Ye's side with some doubts.

  Although the sky was getting darker and I couldn't see clearly, I could vaguely tell that there was an unfamiliar blond boy standing there.

  His expression seemed to be very cramped, and he didn't dare to look this way.

  She looks just like her sister, Anli!

  "This is your roommate Angola? Always feel like..."

  When the words came to this point, Charlotte's voice paused slightly and did not continue.

  It's very rude to say "what's the matter with my sister" when you meet a stranger for the first time, and the other party is a boy... well, it's really thanks to the gift from Alice at this time. magic necklace.

  While covering up Angie's uniqueness, she also slightly changed her face shape.

  Otherwise, it is estimated that it would have been worn already.

  "Yeah, his name is Angola, my new roommate."

  Xia You nodded, seeing the girl in front of her preparing to say hello to Anriette, she quickly smiled and waved:

  "I've been arguing every night just now, so let's do it today, go and get the report, we'll meet tomorrow and talk in detail, bye!"

  Without waiting for Charlotte's response, she turned around quickly, took Ye Ye and Anriette's hands, and hurriedly changed directions.


  Looking at the backs of the three, Charlotte stomped her feet resentfully.

  "Damn it, am I some kind of beast? I just say hello and leave..."

  But after a while, she looked at the backs of the three people in front of her, and more doubts rose in her heart.

  "When did Xia You get along so well with a boy?"

  After thinking about it for a long time, the girl decided to find a chance to ask tomorrow.


  Early the next morning, all the teachers and students of the school were urged to come to the playground to gather. On the large ceremony stage in front, Dean Edward was holding a speech in his hand to make a summary of the recent night party, and his speech was impassioned.

  Charlotte looked beside her, Xia You was standing quietly not far away, and the look of listening attentively was completely different from usual.

  "What the hell is going on with this guy? It always feels a little weird!"

  The girl couldn't help but wonder.

  What she didn't know was... it was just a phantom. The real Xia You was standing quietly on the roof of an experimental building on the edge of the playground.

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