
  Although he knew exactly what was going on, the young man was still pretending, trying to fool him. His innocent eyes widened, he blinked at Kirishima Dong Xiang, and he looked concerned again:

  "Classmate, are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to take you to the hospital..."

  Kirishima Dong Xiang looked at Xia You silently, and there was a pale aura of overwhelm on her beautiful face.

  Obviously, Xia You's unnatural demeanor and the change in her body's rigidity had already flowed into the girl's heart just after she showed her eyes.

  This proves that the guy in front of him saw her eyes.

  asshole!I had already eaten yesterday, why would I feel like I've been hungry for a few months when I met a mere human, and even Heyan couldn't help showing it...

  Exposed on the first day of school!

  The current Kirishima Dongxiang is very regretful.

  Why did you promise the store manager to come to a human school to study!

  If this is a remote corner, then in order to ensure that the identity is not leaked.

  She will definitely kill the guy in front of her without hesitation.

  This way, things will be easier.

  However, the teaching building where the two of them are now is full of people, and the square below is surrounded by dense students.

  There is no way to silently silence.

  When she thought that after her identity was discovered, it would affect other people in the antique store, the girl's mood became anxious and uneasy.

  "That... classmate?"

  Seeing Kirishima Dong Xiang in front of him, killing intent and struggling emotions flashed in his eyes from time to time, and Xia You was also a little uneasy.

  This girl... Although she looks very beautiful, she is a rare beauty.

  But before meeting Kaneki Ken... No, even after meeting Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Dongxiang has always hated humans.

  Judging from the record in the original work, in the state of malnutrition, he was able to defeat Yue Shanxi, and with the help of Dikou Hina, he killed Wu Xu, the real household.

  This proves that her strength is close to or has reached S rank!

  If the two fight now, Kirishima Dong Xiang's identity will of course be exposed, and Xia You will not be able to survive.

  Relying on the unskilled Yanhui skills, facing S-rank ghouls, there is really no chance of winning.

  Of course, he can use a random scroll to escape in a critical moment, but Kirishima Dongxiang, whose identity has been exposed, will definitely be cleared by CCG.

  It can't be said that it was influenced by the original work or what, unless it was a last resort, the teenager did not hope that the girl in front of her would be discovered by CCG.

  "Classmate...you've been holding me like this, and people will be misunderstood."

  Xia You tried his best to calm down his emotions, and while racking his brains thinking about a remedy, he said casually:

  "Of course, if you don't have a boyfriend and you have a crush on me, please tell me quickly~"

  He showed an encouraging look and spread his hands:

  "Because I happen to have no girlfriend~"

  Kirishima Dong Xiang still looked at him silently, ignoring his words at all.

  The girl may still be immersed in her own world, thinking about whether to kill him here.

  "Hey, are you really going to confess to me? Really?"

  Xia You smiled and blinked, lowered her head slightly, and murmured to herself as she approached the pretty face:

  "On the first day of high school, a mysterious and beautiful girl suddenly grabbed me shyly and wanted to confess to me... This kind of development is really exciting."

  "So, I promise you~"

  After he finished talking to himself, his other hand suddenly put on Kirishima Dong Xiang's shoulder.

  Take your heart out.

  Then quickly kissed.

Chapter 8 Classmates

  What's the matter, I used coloring|lure, now, you should be shy and let me go, right?

  Feeling the soft touch on her lips, Xia You thought unruly in her heart.


  Sure enough, his unscrupulous behavior was a complete enemy to a simple girl.

  Kirishima Dong Xiang screamed in surprise, stretched out his hand like a conditioned reflex, and pushed Xia You out a few meters away.

  She covered her mouth with her hand, and two blushes quickly rose from her pale face.

  His eyes were filled with panic, anger, shock, shyness, bewilderment, and unbelievable complex expressions, which made those bright and beautiful eyes keep flashing.

  Under the circumstance of knowing the identity, humans actually took the initiative to kiss the ghouls...

  Could it be that I have encountered a pervert who "as long as it's a woman and alive, I'll show it to you"?

  Obviously, for a girl who has never encountered such a thing, her brain circuits are almost unable to react.

  And the boy who fell not far away was not angry, he still smiled and stared at Kirishima Dong Xiang quietly.

  "This kind of shyness is really cute," he said.

  asshole!Which eye of yours sees me is shy!

  After being slightly flustered, Kirishima Dong Xiang's pretty face suddenly turned red, and a looming blood-colored light had already begun to flash in the incomparably sharp blue eyes.

  This is clearly a performance that is about to explode.

  Xia You slowly got up from the ground, not forgetting to tease the angry girl in front of her again:

  "Hey, my name is Xia You, Amano Xia You, I was assigned to High 1 (C) class, the girl who wants to express her love to me, how about you?"

  Hearing the class number, the girl's heart suddenly moved.

  She quickly calmed down, glanced at Xia You in front of her again, then turned her head away, and replied lightly:

  "My name is Kirishima Dongxiang."

  The first time I saw the heroine of the plot, Xia You wanted to talk to her for a few more words, but maybe the excessive action just now completely angered her. Kirishima Dong Xiang's body has been exuding the coldness that strangers should not enter. breath.

  Those jewel-like eyes were full of murderous intent.

  It's a real, hair-raising killing intent.

  The teenager smiled awkwardly, stopped talking, turned and walked towards the class in the corridor.

  Just after taking a few steps, he found that Kirishima Dongxiang had been following behind.

  Until she entered the classroom of Class 1 (C) of Senior High, she also found a seat behind him and sat down.

  The faint blood-killing light in his eyes can make people restless.

  It's broken, this woman is determined to kill me!

  Xia You felt very aggrieved, obviously he had already sacrificed his first wen...

  This guy doesn't seem to have a good reflection on what his so-called "sacrifice" is.


  "Dong Xiangjiang, are you in this class too?"

  Sitting quietly in the classroom for a while, feeling that the atmosphere was a little weird, Xia You felt helpless and turned her head reluctantly, ignoring the fierce killing intent exuding from the girl, and chatted with her like a family:

  "Which school did you study in high school?"

  Kirishima Dong Xiang said that she was in the middle school where she farted, and she gave Xia You a cold look: "Call me Kirishima!"

  "Uh... You suddenly change your attitude like this, it's really shocking."

  Xia You's tone was a little aggrieved:

  "Mingming was so enthusiastic just now, he still held my hand and wanted to confess to me..."

  After he finished speaking, he touched his own lips|lips with a deep meaning.

  This action made the eyes of the girl behind him almost widen.

  But she still endured it, but she was thinking in her heart that after school, she would deceive the guy in front of her into a remote corner...

  At that time, he must cry loudly before he dies!

  Time passed slowly.

  Before the class, the students below also quickly found their respective classes and sat down according to the assigned seats.

  At this time, the bell for class hadn't rang. In the classroom of Senior 1 (C) class, a boy with glasses looked embarrassed and stood not far from Xia You.

  "This classmate..."

  After a while, he pushed on his glasses and finally walked beside Kirishima Dong Xiang.

  "According to the seating chart, you should actually be sitting..."

  Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted coldly by the girl:

  "I want to sit here!"


  The boy with glasses wanted to tell the difference, but when he caught a glimpse of her eyes, he felt a chill in his heart, didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly walked away.

  In the first class, the teacher was about to distribute textbooks, and asked a few students to help get the books, among them Xia You.

  Xia You nodded irrevocably and stood up.

  As a result, just as he was about to go out with a group of classmates, he found Kirishima Dong Xiang behind him, ignoring the teacher's doubts, and followed him out of his own accord, walking behind him.

  He sighed inwardly.

  Looking at this attitude, Kirishima Dongxiang is definitely not ready to study.

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