Chapter 109 Searches and Diaries

  From a human to a ghoul, eating human flesh for half a month, the black and white sisters are obviously on the verge of collapse.

  At this moment, they suddenly heard that they were able to taste human food again, and they couldn't help being ecstatic, and hurriedly ran into the kitchen regardless of the fact that it was midnight.

  In Xia You's house, the smell of food came out in a short while.

  The two girls were just eating ordinary meals, but they were smiling and full of tears.

  This made him look sad.

  The night outside became more and more intense, the clouds rolled in the sky, and gradually, raindrops began to fall.

  Several people cried and laughed at the dinner table, but they didn't know that certain areas of Tokyo had already been blown up.

  A large number of CCG members are standing in the "ghoul restaurant" like the Shura field, frowning and searching for something.

  "How about it, did you find any useful clues?"

  Marutesai's face was ashen, and his face was full of deep tiredness. He looked at the many subordinates who were searching in front of him, and asked Shinohara Koki who came over:

  "Did Phoenix do it?"

  There was a hint of helplessness and exhaustion in the words of the special investigator.

  This evening, a thunderous news exploded inside CCG—Hei Panyan, the head of District 13, one of the seven special class members, had died in honor.

  The murderer was the SS-class ghoul "Phoenix" who had just emerged a month ago...

  No, today's Phoenix, the level of danger is SSS level, it has almost been mentioned to the height of the one-eyed owl.

  Regarding the matter of Hei Panyan's death, the CCG headquarters was discussing, but in the middle of the process, it received reports from several hotel staff.

  Many hotel guests said that there seemed to be a strong and strange blood smell wafting around them.

  Because there were too many people reporting the case, Marutesai had to stop the meeting, hurried over, searched for a long time in several large hotels, and finally found several "ghoul restaurants" hidden underground.

  However, these restaurants are now as terrifying as the Shura region, and the entire hall is almost soaked with blood.

  Even a few of the special class looked very pale at this time, and the other investigators put on gas masks because they couldn't stand the strong bloody smell inside.

  "Several traces left by the knife-shaped Kuink were found at the scene. In addition, most of the ghouls here were all shot and killed by the remote Kuink... According to these clues, it has been determined that it is a phoenix. For what!"

  Shinohara Yukuki nodded and said in a heavy tone:

  "Today, the surviving personnel in District 13 once explained that there are two Kuink weapons in Phoenix's hands, one is the sword, and the other should be the fort of Bochuan..."

  "It sure is him!"

  Marutesai lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said to himself in doubt:

  "Why did that guy kill so many ghouls? Did he want to share ghouls? But these corpses are basically well preserved, and even the Hebao has not been dug up..."

  After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't understand it at all, he couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at Shinohara Kouki.

  "Which company's property are these hotels?"

  "Most of them belong to the Tsukiyama family." Koki Shinohara took out a stack of documents, handed them to Marutesai, and then said, "But I called just now, but no one answered the Tsukiyama family!"

  Marutesai paused, dropped the cigarette butt in his hand, and immediately turned around and walked out the door:

  "Go! Let's go to Yueshan's house now!"

  Soon CCG personnel arrived at Yueshan's house.

  There was no answer to the knock on the door, Marutesai made a decisive decision and broke through the door!

  However, when they broke in, they found that there was only one corpse in this quiet group of villas.

  "According to the autopsy report, those who died are all ghouls... The famous Yueshan family, their entire family, are all ghouls mixed into human society!"

  While feeling unbelievable in his heart, Marutesai quickly calmed down and waved hard behind him:

  "Hurry up and find it for me, you have to rummage inside and out! Don't let any corner be missed! Be sure to find the clues about the Phoenix guy!"

  As this order fell, the CCG personnel behind him quickly poured into every corner of the manor.

  On the other hand, Marutesai, with his face sinking like water, stood quietly in the study, staring at the corpses of Tsukiyama and his son.

  "Has the He Bao here still not been poached... What the hell does Phoenix want to do?"

  This special investigator, scratching his head, was thinking hard, but what he didn't know was...

  The reason why Xia You didn't poach He Bao was very simple - it was worthless.

  In the entire Yueshan clan, the strongest are only A. rank ghouls, and their he-bags are no longer attractive to teenagers.

  As for the ghoul restaurant, although there were a lot of people there, the most advanced ghouls did not even reach the A. rank.

  She can only use the number of people to give Xia Youdui experience.

  The Yueshan family's search lasted for three hours, 977, and until the sky was getting brighter, there was only a third-class investigator who hurried over and shouted as he ran:

  "Reporting to Marute's special class, I found a hidden compartment with a lot of information... In addition, there is a diary!"


  Marutesai was originally staying where he was, walking back and forth anxiously, when he heard the shouting, he hurried up to meet him, and snatched the diary from the investigator's hand.

  Gently flipping, he found that this was a diary written by Yueshan Guanmu.

  A thick soft leather booklet, most of which were trivial matters in front, he was a little impatient, and was about to put down the diary and go to the dark compartment to look at other materials.

  As a result, there was a diary immediately, which attracted his strong attention.

  "God, god, god, god..."

  A series of emotional words showed the excitement of the owner of the diary at that time.

  Marutesai continued to read it curiously, but the content behind him shocked him all over.

  "...What did I find? Unbelievable! There is a ghoul that can eat human food?!! Did God open his eyes..."

Chapter 110 The Twin Maid Development Program

  Did God open his eyes?

  Special Investigator Marutesai didn't know.

  Yet he had a hunch.

  With the appearance of that ghoul, the world... is about to undergo great changes!

  While worrying in his heart, Marutesai frowned again, trying his best to calm his trembling fingers, and then continued to watch.

  The contents of the diary, no matter who it is, are like thunder on the ground.

  Lines of messy handwriting, simply shocking!

  "I took him back and interrogated him. He explained that he hadn't eaten human flesh for half a year!"

  "Half a year! He eats and sleeps like an ordinary human being, he doesn't have to hunt carefully, he doesn't have to be afraid of CCG, he doesn't have to worry about revealing his identity... What a happy ghoul!!!"

  "Why is he so happy?!"

  "I used all kinds of cruel means to interrogate him, persecuted him, beat him and tortured him, and finally made him reveal something..."

  "A human boy with a special taste... A year ago, he accidentally ate a piece of his meat..."

  "This must be lying to me, right? He must be lying to me! I will continue to torture him, interrogate him, and destroy him! I must let him tell me the real information!!!"

  "It's actually true?"

  "How can there be such a special human being? Is there really such a human being? If it is true, he is simply the gospel of our ghouls..."

  "He died, inexplicably in the basement, bastard! He didn't even explain the appearance of that human!"

  "With new information, I finally found the human boy..."

  "Damn it! The target was captured by the Phoenix... No way! Take it! Take it!"

  "Definitely take that human boy...from Phoenix's hands...completely!!"! "

  The last diary, the messy and strong handwriting that almost came out of the paper, completely showed the owner of the diary, who was extremely complicated and determined at the time.

  Seeing Marutesai here, cold sweat soaked up his back.

  "A ghoul that can eat human food? A boy with a special taste? Was taken by the Phoenix...?"

  If ghouls become able to eat normal food...

  Hearing this news suddenly, Marutesai, who had been a special investigator for more than ten years, did not consider the significance of it and the possibility of peace between humans and ghouls.

  The first thing that comes to mind is...

  Aren't the ghouls more difficult to deal with?

  The battle between humans and ghouls... no, it should be war!

  This war has been going on for an unknown number of years, so long that almost everyone has forgotten the original intention of the war.

  If it is said that among ordinary people, there will be people who think calmly and can understand the difficulties of ghouls from a neutral point of view.

  Then, as CCG members who have been fighting on the front line of the battlefield, they have been born and died many times, and they have witnessed countless tragedies of ghouls killing humans, relatives and friends, and colleagues around them.

  For the ghouls, only Chi. Guoguo's prejudice and... unresolved hatred are left!

  A completely incompatible emotion.

  In CCG's eyes, humans, ghouls, no matter what happens, can only be two extremes of opposites, just like light and darkness.

  After closing the diary, Marutezhai suddenly turned his head, stared at the third-class investigator in front of him, and asked in a low tone:

  "Has anyone else read this diary?"

  "Report to Marute Special Class, no!"

  The young investigator seemed to be flushed with excitement at this time because it was the first time he had communicated with the special class.

  After hurriedly bowing, he quickly replied, "You are the first to see the contents of the diary!"

  "very good."

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