Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

: 076 歪理 can be said by you.

As a result, the three people together ate more than half of the turkeys, and Qi Youxuan ate the least. It’s rare that a lot of meat was in front of him and he just ate a little.

As for the dynasty's take-out, in the eyes of the bright dawn and smile, he didn't dare to move at all.

Qi Youxuan really feels from the heart, and Auntie and Dad are really too matched!

After dinner, Dan Dan went to brush the dishes, because Qi Chenglin was busy for an afternoon, and since she has been taking care of her since last night, she has not been able to rest well all day.

Qi Chenglin was originally not allowed, she is still sick.

However, Yan Danchen said: "I am a cold, but it is not a serious illness. Can you do this little work?"

Without any explanation, Qi Chenglin was pushed out, and the kitchen door was closed. Unfortunately, Qi Chenglin had to sit back in the living room.

Qi Youxuan’s dinner was not full, sitting on the sofa and licking the watermelon, and the mouth and the gang were covered with red watermelon juice.

Seeing that it was almost 9 o'clock, Qi Youxuan grinds and eats watermelon, and he has no plans to go to sleep. After Dan Danchen had finished washing the dishes and opened the kitchen door, he heard that Qi Chenglin was sending Qi Youxuan to go to sleep.

Qi Youxuan stared at the Christmas tree without regret, Qi Qinlin grinned and said: "Get up early tomorrow and then dismantle."

"I can't sleep without tearing down." Qi Youxuan's eyes stared at the gift under the Christmas tree, and he couldn't move it.

"If you don't sleep, I will take the gift away directly. You will not dismantle it tomorrow morning." Qi Chenglin raised his eyebrows and got up and walked under the Christmas tree. He took the gift away.

"Oh, Dad, you wait." Qi Youxuan rushed over, and hugged Qi Chenglin's legs, wrapped around his hands and feet, like a koala, hanging directly on Qi Chenglin's leg, "I went to sleep, Don't take the gift away."

Qi Chenglin really didn't bend over to take the gift, just bowed his head and raised his eyebrows. "Isn't that gone?"

Qi Youxuan climbed down from Qi Chenglin's leg, especially not willing to look at the gift, only slowly climbed up the stairs, the footsteps were particularly heavy.

Qi Chenglin turned and went to pick up Dan Danchen. She just brushed the bowl and her hands were still wet. She took her upstairs and said, "Since you like it, it is better for me to make a lunch and bring it to the company, at noon and you. eat together?"

Yan Danchen: "..."

"Oh, still don't, you are so busy, how can you cook again!" Yan Danchen was hand-held by his fingers, and the other hand hugged his arm, softly spoiled, "just eat. It’s good to have a baby takeaway."

Qi Chenglin raised an eyebrow and said with a smile: "Isn't it just saying that I am doing very well? Is it too much?"

"That, in the cooking, we still need to continue to work hard." Yan Danchen quickly said, "When I practice it, I will take it out and show it."

Qi Chenglin smiled and said, "When you are scared, make you play, if you give it to you, you must wait until it is delicious, and then give it to you."

Qi Dan morning face was reddish, did not speak, spoiled smile, followed Qi Chenglin back to the bedroom.

Qi Chenglin supervised her to take the medicine. She wanted to take a bath in the morning and licked the sweat of the night. Although it was not sticky, it always felt a little uncomfortable.

"I haven't got a good job yet, what kind of bath to take." Qi Chenglin stopped her. "Wait a little better, then you burned, and then burned back."

Yan Dan morning sniffed two of his pajamas. "You are not stinking?"

If she lived in a small apartment like before, it is estimated that she would let herself stink and be too lazy to wash. Can live with Qi Chenglin, always afraid of being dismissed by him. Moreover, I always want to keep the best side in front of him.

"I have been sleeping for a night, and I don't want to give up." Qi Chenglin circled her waist and took her to the bed.

When Dan Dan heard it, he topped him. "Is it really stinking?"

In fact, she really didn't smell her smell, just said it.

"Not stinky." Qi Chenglin quickly said that he bowed into her neck and sniffed a few times. "No sweat, no smell, it is good."

But when he smelled it, it was a bit of a change. The hand began to grind from her legs, slid into her hem and ironed her skin.

The nose of Yan Danchen was not so ventilated. At this time, he could only pant with a messy mouth. He felt that his body could not be burned by him. Afraid that she couldn't breathe, Qi Chenglin didn't kiss her lips. She could only somehow regret sucking on her open upper and lower lips. When she reached the corner of her mouth, she went back and slowly began to spread down. .

Qi Danchen was a bit stunned. Some didn't have much strength. He pushed him softly, and it didn't work. He said weakly on his mouth: "No bath."

After a night of sweat, although it is dry now, it is not sticky, but always feel that sweat absorbs the gray on the skin.

"Not dirty." Qi Chenglin shouted.

Qi Dan morning took a strong breath, the lower abdomen shriveled tightly, his hands clasped his shoulders involuntarily, took back the head that had just risen suddenly, looked down at him, "take care of me one day, cook again at night, now not Tired?"

"Tired." Qi Chenglin answered truthfully, she looked up before her Hungarian, showing a smile, she did not know when she was taken off by him, and he was pressed by him, warmer than before, a little bit Not cold. It’s just that he raises his head like this, plus the relationship of position, it looks particularly embarrassing, especially flowing.

"So come to pick your yin, sucking yin and yang." Qi Chenglin finished, and buried his head.

Yan Danchen: "..."

This stream. Hehe...



Qi Danchen was tossed by Qi Chenglin and was sweating. She had just turned over and folded over. She had never thought that her body was so flexible, she had such potential for development, but it was just like yoga. In the same way, the cockroaches are licking the pain, the arm hurts, the leg hurts, and even the meat on the stomach hurts.

She suspects that if he is always tossed up by him, can the stomach be able to train the vest line.

Now both of them are sweaty, the sweat on their bodies are all together, and they can't tell who is who, just now he can't stop sweating on her.

Speaking of it, this kind of wet is also very uncomfortable, Qi Chenglin holding her, let her kneel in his arms. This is always so accustomed, and Dan Dan is not afraid to press her, and restlessly presses the weight of his body on him.

Yan Danchen felt that his muscles seemed to be stronger. He clearly had no time to work out when he was busy with work every day, and they lived together and went to work together all day long. They also knew his itinerary and didn’t see him in fitness. It is.

His face was on his chest, strong and delicate, and the soft fingertips slowly slid down from the gap in the middle of his chest. The so-called male color reached the peak, so that the woman couldn’t help but move her index finger and instantly turned into Color, female, is estimated to be his degree.

The soft fingertips fell on his lower abdomen, and he couldn't help but move along the texture of his piece of abdominal muscles, as if to be portrayed on it.

"I want to come back again?" Qi Chenglin suddenly grabbed her messy hand and put it on her belly.

Holding her hand in her left hand, the right hand around her waist pinched her waist, and the situation was about to turn over and press down. She could shock the morning, and follow him up to keep him from moving.

"Nothing!" Yan Danchen said quickly, "Don't make trouble, I am sick. You didn't always say that I was sick, don't let me do anything? The result is good, you are so tired."

"I didn't let you do it." Qi Chenglin blackened and narrowed the slight bend. "I am doing it."

"..." Dan Dan looked at him with a red face, "Smelly Flow. Hey!"

Dan Danchen just wants to growl, how can this person flow?

"What flow. Hey." Qi Chenglin couldn't recognize it, and she didn't insist on coming back again, but she couldn't stop her hand, and she didn't let it go. She made the blushing blushing and sighing. The nose was blocked and he gasped with a mouth open.

Dan Danchen thought that he must be stupid.

He also said that he is not flowing. Hey, what are you doing here!

On the other hand, this kind of action, while saying that he does not flow, hey, I am afraid that only this thick-faced man can do it.

Qi Chenglin looked down at her, but she felt that she was cute and had a seductive style, because the cold, the nose was not breathable, the nose was red, the eyes were foggy, and the spirit was somewhat weakened by the cold. Especially innocent.

Can't help it, just pinch her.

"Moreover, the more sick, the more you want to exercise sweating, so fast." Qi Chenglin looked down at her cheeky face, beautiful.

His heart twitched, and he snorted on her face and sucked her cheek. The sucking Dan Dan couldn't help but scream for a pain, and the result was a red stamp on her face.

"What is the truth is what you said, and the reason can be said by you." Dan Dan Chen said, squatting on his slightly wet chest, resting his strong chest, steady and comfortable.

"How is it? You are not much better in your mental state now?" Qi Chenglin raised his eyebrows and smiled. The dark black eyebrows and the black bright eyes were all smiling.

The low-alcohol voice was dumb, and she said that she kissed her forehead and licked the thin sweat on her forehead.

"..." Dan Dan was speechless for a moment, and he really couldn't find a word to refute.

Such a toss, a sweat, but also a very pleasant feeling, just like the feeling of satisfying the happy after the exercise, the brain is not awkward, the human spirit is also, except the nose is not In addition to ventilation, the whole person is a lot of elves.

"Look, this is the reason." Yan Dan morning drums a reddish gangster, a pair of eyes wide open, looks cute.

Qi Chenglin does not refute, especially the smile of the pet, the bend of the eyebrows, with a thin pet.

Her long hair was wet and stuck to her body, making her morning and discomfort very uncomfortable. She rubbed her head, frowned, and said in a whisper: "Let me take a shower, and my body is so hard to die."

Qi Chenglin also felt that it was uncomfortable, and he nodded and agreed to take her to the bathroom.

"I can wash it myself." Dan Dan morning thought about taking a bath with him, still a little embarrassed.

Qi Chenglin raised her eyebrows and held her tighter. "I also stick to my body and wash it together."

"..." Dan Dan looked at him, did not say anything, it would not be how to wash separately.

Qi Chenglin saw it like it. He bowed his head and said: "I am busy today. I started to worry about you last night. I didn't sleep very much. I was in the kitchen at night. I just left the rest of the food. I turned in for you."

He said that the pitiful, to the last sentence, and played a stream. Hey, for the flow of things. This thing is simply deep into the bone marrow, just come, just like breathing, do whatever you want.

But there was no expression on the face, and there was no expression on the face. I couldn’t help but say that Dan Dan couldn’t help but feel guilty. He ignored the last sentence and took the initiative to hug his neck. Opposing words.

Qi Chenglin was afraid that she had just sweated out. It was so cold and hot that it was not good for her health. When she entered the bathroom, she took a bath towel and put it on her. She quickly put hot water and hugged her in.

As soon as I got hot water, Hao Dan morning sighed comfortably, and it was a little dizzy when it was steamed. The man went to Qi Chenglin's arms and felt comfortable sleeping.

Qi Chenglin did not plan to take a bath for too long, just rushing the sweat on his body, and the bathroom took Hu Dan’s morning out, quickly wrapped her a bath towel, wiped her body up, and hugged the bed. She was wrapped up in a quilt, just like serving a prostitute.

When Dan Dan was young, he was not served by such a person. He was so gentlely carried by Qi Chenglin that his gentle strength did not dare to make it, and he was afraid of hurting her.

When Dan Dan’s eyes were sour, he broke into his arms like a cockroach. His face was close to him, and he sniffed the familiarity of his body, which made her feel at ease and did not move.

Qi Chenglin bowed his head and his eyes were clear. The soft voice said with a smile: "How can you be so spoiled today?"

"Isn't it said that it will be particularly vulnerable when I am sick?" Yan Danchen whispered, sniffing the breath of his body. "I used to be sick when I was sick, no parents, now you are squatting, it feels so good."

"You are not sick, I am also jealous of you." Qi Chenglin lost his smile, tightened her, and took a slap on her back, "Sleep."

Yu Dan morning satisfied smile, put it in his arms and close his eyes, but because he slept too much in the afternoon, he couldn't sleep at the moment, just happy to grind him.

It turned out that it was not so greasy, but I didn’t know what happened. When I was sick, I became tired of it.

Qi Chenglin kissed her on the top of her hair, and her cheeks closed her eyes.

He was really tired, so he didn't fall asleep in the morning, but he didn't sleep much later.

Although he was asleep, he still made her sturdy, so that she couldn't even turn over, and he was circled back with a little movement.

Qi Danchen did not know how long it took. Qi Chenglin’s cell phone suddenly rang, and the sound grew from small to small. Qi Chenglin also slowly blinked. Just awakened, a pair of black scorpions are a little bit awkward, a bit awkward, and look very cute.

He is so rare that he seems to be very novel, and he wants to look at him like this in his arms. He is so embarrassed that he will make his hair messy.

However, this kind of dullness is just a moment, how strong is his self-control, and he is fully awake.

The phone that touched the arm on the bedside table was the phone of Guan Liya.

Look at the time, it’s almost 12 o'clock. At this time, Qi Zhongxun and Guan Liya should go to bed early.

Qi Chenglin was also a little worried. Did he have anything to do, and quickly picked up the phone, and even the heart of Yan Danchen followed him.

When I saw Qi Chenglin listening and listening, my eyebrows stretched out and said, "I will go right away."

"What's wrong?" Qi Chenglin hangs up the phone and asks Dan Dan immediately.

"Song Yu gave birth to a child in the hospital. There is no news yet. I used to look at it." Qi Chenglin said, he got up.

When Dan Dan got up, he wanted to follow the past and was stopped by Qi Chenglin. "You are sick, and there are so many germs in the hospital. What if it happened to be badly dyed?"

Qi Dan morning is crying and laughing, how can he say that the cold is like a flooding beast?

"And, when Song Yu gave birth to a child, both mother and child are under low immunity. What if you infect the other two girls?" Qi Chenglin knew that the previous reason could not stop her, so she gave Song Yu and her mother Moved out.

Although his main concern is the body of Yu Danchen, it is clear that the second reason is more acceptable to her.

Sure enough, once he lifted out Song Yu, Yan Danchen no longer insisted.

She wanted to send Qi Chenglin, and she was stopped. When he saw his clothes, Yan Danchen said, "That Song Yu was born, give me a call."

"Good." Qi Chenglin wore an ordinary casual outfit, sweater slacks, and a black coat over the outside.

While talking about the word "good", I walked over and leaned over and kissed on the forehead of Yan Danchen. Her body temperature was normal and her spirit was good. She was relieved.

"You sleep well at home. I heard that there are long hours in life. It is estimated that Song Yu is like that, so don't wait for me." Qi Chenglin said softly.

Qi Dan morning sighed and smiled and took the initiative to kiss his lips. "You drive carefully on the road. After you arrive at the hospital, you still have to call me and report to you."

Knowing that he couldn't wait for his call, she wouldn't sleep, and Qi Chenglin agreed.

Because at this time, there is no traffic jam outside, so Qi Chenglin went to the hospital half an hour later.

When she first entered the hospital clinic, she called her and assured her.

However, he was not at home. Where did he sleep in the morning, he pulled out a blanket from the closet, wrapped it and went to the living room.

She couldn't sleep, just gave herself a cup of milk, watched the video with the ipad, holding the milk, and watching the video, the eyes always fell on the top right corner of the screen.

Vaguely heard the sound of opening the door, Yu Dan morning opened his eyes, only to find that he did not know when he was already asleep, ipad does not know which video has been transferred to this, anyway, it is not the one she had seen before.

Looking at the time in the upper right corner of the screen, it is already more than four o'clock.

She quickly turned off the video and rushed to the door. She saw Qi Chenglin walk in with a cold outside. When she saw that she had not slept, she frowned, and she was very harsh on her. "Not for you." Are you sleeping at home?"

He saw the ipad, the blanket on the sofa, and the cup on the coffee table. He knew that she was staying here for a while. It was a little while.

Although it was said to be harsh, the dry palm with a cool air still fell on her forehead, and the movement was extremely soft, which was not consistent with his harsh tone.

-------------------------------------------------- ---

Free small theater:

"Christmas gift"

In the afternoon, when Dan Dan went to sleep, Qi Chenglin took Qi Youxuan to the supermarket and stared at the gift under the Christmas tree in the living room for a long time.

Qi Youxuan: "Daddy, what gift did you give me?"

Qi Chenglin: "I don't know, I am curious."

Qi Youxuan: "Do we want to sneak up and take a look? It will be fine to seal it with tape."

Qi Chenglin: "Have you used to lie to us?"

Qi Youxuan: "..."

Small theater outside the small theater:

Yanbei City: "I said that it is a box of monthly tickets, do you believe it or not?"

Chu Zhaoyang: "Oh."


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