The banquet ended successfully.

Neither the Emperor nor Petra paid attention to Apollonia, as they were busy negotiating with Bjern’s envoys. That was Apollonia’s greatest success.

She arrived at the front yard of the royal villa. “Come out.”

As she spoke to the darkness, Uriel glided out of nowhere.

“Aren’t you too fearless?” asked Apollonia, drawing a puzzled smile.

“It’s not my first time.” Uriel took a few steps closer. His expression was strangely stiff  upon closer inspection.

“Why are you making that face? What’s the matter?”

He gave no answer. Looking closely, he was chewing his lower lip.

“How strange…”

“Congratulations on your engagement…” Uriel’s voice was strained. His eyebrows were scrunched together, making him look grumpy.


“I’ve been kept in the dark about the news of the imperial family for a while, and I didn’t even know you were engaged. It wasn’t until Sid told me to break into your fiancé’s room and retrieve the documents that I knew there was someone like that.”

He seemed to grit his teeth while he spoke.

“Ah… It had been decided recently. It’s natural that Uriel didn’t know because you were in hiding.”

‘Do you feel left out?’

Apollonia couldn’t discern the pain beyond Uriel’s expression, which was more than simply being upset.

“I brought the documents. While I was breaking into the prince’s room, I didn’t find anything strange nor any perverted traces in it. There was only a collection of old swords that you can’t even use,” he went on grumbling. “Shouldn’t you learn swordsmanship now? Your soon-to-be husband seems to spend most of his life in the training hall.”

“Soon-to-be husband…?” Apollonia blinked dazedly when she saw Uriel kicking the innocent ground with his arms crossed. Only then did she realize there was a misunderstanding.

“Uriel, I have no intention of marrying my fiancé.”

“Yes? I thought you wanted me to dig into your lover?” Uriel raised his eyebrows. At his puppy-like expression, Apollonia couldn’t help but laugh at the moment.

“Uriel, the Imperial Princess’ marriage is like a transaction. No one thinks we’re lovers. I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t worth telling.”


“Also, I asked you to infiltrate his room so I can find a way to break the deal. I can’t do what I must do here if I marry another country’s heir, can I?”

Uriel displayed an expression that she had never seen before as he shut his mouth. He looked very relieved and very offended at the same time.

“Sid didn’t tell me anything… Besides, it’s common to borrow foreign powers to battle for the crown.”

He looked like a puppy getting scolded by its owner for misbehaving, muttering excuses while looking down at his feet. Apollonia unconsciously reached out and patted his head. Uriel’s ears flushed red instantly.

‘How cute.’

Apollonia stopped patting his head. “Where is the document?”

“Here it is.”

After the two confirmed that there were no people around, they both entered Apollonia’s room inside the royal villa.

“As expected,” said Apollonia. She skimmed through the document Uriel handed over. It was a draft contract between the emperor and Bjern.

“With the establishment of the engagement, Bjern will exclusively supply its specialty goods, such as crossbows and horses, to 13 regions of the empire. As for the empire’s side…” She raised her eyebrow as she read. “Will exclusively supply Ran Island’s specialty goods, the Dharmayu Tea, to Bjern for the next 20 years…”

There was a myth that Dharmayu contained some magic in it, and that drinking tea brewed with those leaves would protect you from minor danger. In fact, it was proven to be effective to a certain level, because it could strengthen the body and sharpen the mind. It was never exported because the nation condemned magic

It had almost become a trend in the empire at one point, but now it was buried and only found in the outskirts of the empire. Bjern was a country of warriors, so they might have liked the concept of a tea that strengthened immunity.

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“If they learn that the noble Imperial Princess enjoys drinking Dharmayu tea, it may create a new trend in Bjern as well. It’s a good business strategy that can be quite profitable for the suppliers. The problem is…” She pointed to the next clause in the contract. “As expected, it’s not the imperial family that will sell these goods to Bjern, it’s my aunt’s company headquartered in Luwan…”

This made Uriel frown. “The Duchy is trying to gain profit by selling the Imperial Princess…”

Apollonia laughed bitterly. That was not surprising.

“Such a strange contract. Is there any way to stop this?”

Apollonia briefly touched her forehead and was lost in thought for a while. “Of course.”

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