Two Hundred Dollars, Let Your Funeral Have A Mysterious Past

Chapter 82: The Mysterious Immortal In The History Of The Qin Dynasty Was Surprisingly Discovered By

Chapter 82: The mysterious immortal in the history of the Qin Dynasty, the archaeological team made a surprising discovery!

Hyundai, 2021.

Lishan Mountain, in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

Pass through the Terracotta Warriors and Horses pit and come to the real entrance of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is divided into interior and exterior.

The outer periphery is naturally the site of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses pit. With the excavation technology at that time, as well as the protection of cultural relics and the Qin civilization, it could only be excavated here.

But no one has ever been inside the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and no one has ever been able to get a glimpse of it.

Folks and even the archaeological community are full of curiosity about the interior of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, and countless versions of stories have been extended.

Some say that if you open the bronze door, the tomb passage will be filled with mercury. Others say that if you open the bronze door and enter the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, you will be cursed and the entire archaeological team will not die well.

There are even rumors that an archaeological team wanted to open the bronze door, but as soon as it was halfway opened, the entire archaeological team entered.

Since then, he has disappeared.

In the end, there were even rumors that the bodies of this archaeological team were found in Shiwanda Mountain.

The rumor that there is a nose and eyes is very evil.

But these are all fake and non-existent.

Now, Li Mu, Wang Jianguo and others are standing in front of the huge bronze door.

They looked up at the bronze door that was as tall as three people, with a little shock in their eyes.

"How on earth was this bronze door moved in?" Although Zhao Feng had been here many times and seen the bronze door many times, he still couldn't help but wonder.

Wang Jianguo shook his head: "I really don't know about this. Logically speaking, the technology at that time had not been developed to this extent, but this bronze door...not only was it shipped here, but it was also installed. It's very magic."

Xiao Ma on the side was very interested: "Professor Zhao, Professor Wang, I have heard a lot of legends about the Tomb of the 22nd Emperor of the First Dynasty. Is it really that evil? It is said that there are rice dumplings, corpse turtles, and some hundred-meter-long dragon in it. Corpse?"

Xiao Ma just joined the archaeological team not long ago. He is young and curious about everything, and he is even more interested in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Upon hearing this.

Zhao Feng and Wang Jianguo looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

"That's damn shit. There might be some mechanism inside, but there's definitely nothing evil about it." Zhao Feng shook his head and laughed.

Wang Jianguo also smiled: "We have followed Professor Li and excavated many ancient tombs. Except for organs and the like, we have never seen anything like Zongzi or turtle corpses."

"There is a hundred-meter-long dragon corpse in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, which is even more outrageous. The dragon is a fictitious creature. It is just a totem from ancient times and does not exist.

"You, stop reading online novels, they are all lies."

Xiao Ma scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

Li Mu turned around and looked at everyone coldly: "Okay, open the bronze door as soon as possible. This time, we must enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and announce the secret of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor to the world!"

Zhao Feng, Wang Jianguo, and other members of the archaeological team all nodded excitedly.

They had been thinking about opening the bronze door and entering the Mausoleum of the First Emperor for a long time.

If the preliminary preparations had not been as thorough as possible, they would have wanted to go in as soon as the equipment arrived.

After Li Mu gave the order.

Everyone in the archaeological team started to get busy.

It was very busy to get the equipment, to test the equipment, and to hand the tools to the other.

More than half an hour passed, and all the preparations were completed.

Standing in front of the bronze door again.

At this moment, everyone's mood and thoughts have already changed. is time to open the tomb of the first emperor in Chinese history. "Li Mu sighed with emotion, with indescribable excitement in his tone.

As China's top archaeological expert, it would be nonsense to say that he is not interested in this mysterious tomb of the First Emperor.

All the top archaeologists in China are staring at the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

After all, starting with the Imperial Mausoleum, you can learn more about the history, living habits, sacrificial rituals, and appearance of the First Emperor of Qin.

Anything will bring about subversive changes in Chinese history, and will also improve Chinese history.

He could gain the recognition and trust of his superiors, who appointed him to excavate the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

Li Mu couldn't be more excited.

Now that all preparations were in place, Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum could be opened soon, and his heart was beating fast.

"Yes, Professor, we will likely become the first people to witness the history of Great Qin!" Zhao Feng's tone was trembling.

Wang Jianguo swallowed his saliva and stared at the huge bronze door with excitement.

"Open the door!" Li Mu ordered immediately, with a majestic and serious expression on his face.

After saying that, everyone present immediately stepped back to prevent the tomb from being out of oxygen for a long time, or from being accidentally injured by something like a mechanism.


After everyone had stepped back, the equipment began to operate under human control.


The sound of a series of gears rolling was heard.

The two huge bronze doors slowly opened under the force of the equipment, revealing a gap.

Everyone in the archaeological team present stared straight at the two bronze doors.

As the bronze door was opened little by little, the archaeological team members present all held their breath and concentrated.


Swish Swish Swish

at this time.

Amidst the sound of gears rolling, there were also the sounds of several sharp objects striking through the air.

I saw countless rays of cold light heading straight towards the bronze door where the archaeological team was standing just now.

"That's...that's an arrow feather! A mechanism!" Li Mu shouted.

Everyone looked at the sound.

Then they saw that where they were standing, there were densely packed short arrow feathers left on the ground, which were so deep that they could not be pulled out.

"What a danger, there is indeed a mechanism in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor." Zhao Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The archaeological team members also had some lingering fears.

Everyone fell silent again.



Not long after.

The bronze door was fully opened and the sound stopped.

Li Mu did not lead the archaeological team forward, but waited for a few more minutes.

Li Mu didn't get up until he confirmed that nothing happened.

"When checking the equipment, you must check it carefully. Entering the tomb is no joke. I have emphasized this many times." Li Mu shouted in a deep voice.

All the archaeological team members began to check their equipment again, fearing that something might really go wrong.

"Report to Professor Li, inspection completed!"

"Inspection completed!"

Everyone - report the situation.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Li Mu nodded, put on a gas mask, and raised his hand to signal the team behind him to follow.

Wearing a gas mask is also to prevent poisonous gas in the tomb passage.

Come to the bronze door.

Li Mu looked at the pitch black interior, without any light, and the extremely long tomb passage, and his face couldn't help but become solemn.

I was very excited, but I had to be careful when entering the tomb.

He raised his hand to signal the team members behind him to follow.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and walked along the tomb passage.

Just when they entered the tomb passage.

Swish swish——

Teng Teng Teng

On both sides of the tomb passage, faint firelights lit up one after another. Every once in a while, you could see a wall hanging with candles on the wall.

On the wall are large stones. There are no murals or records on the surface, just ordinary stones.

"What the hell! What's going on..." One of the archaeological team members exclaimed.

Zhao Feng quickly stopped him: "Don't make such a fuss!"

Li Mu turned his head and looked at the team members behind him: "There is nothing weird about this. There has been no oxygen in the tomb for a long time. The people who built the tomb used the technology at that time to seal up the candles. Now that oxygen has been injected, those candles will naturally It will burn again.

"It turns out...that's it, it turns out that Great Qin had such technology..." the archaeological team members exclaimed.

Li Mu nodded without thinking much.

Then he said: "Everyone can take off the gas masks. Since the candles can burn, it means there is no poisonous gas in the tomb passage.

After speaking, Li Mu took off the gas mask first.

All team members also took off their gas masks.

"Be careful. According to experience, there shouldn't be any traps in this tomb passage, but you still have to be careful. Do you understand?" Li Mu reminded again, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Yes, Professor Li."


Under Professor Li's order, everyone present heightened their vigilance and carefully walked forward along the tomb passage.

Not long after.

They came to the "end" of the tomb passage.

It is said to be the end, but it is actually the tomb passage in front. There is no firelight anymore, it is pitch black, and nothing can be seen clearly.

"Professor Li, there is nothing found in this tomb passage, and there are no mural records on both sides of the tomb passage." Zhao Feng observed carefully and reported the results to 640 Ji Mu.

Li Mu nodded.

During the Qin Dynasty, according to historical records, it stands to reason that there would be no such thing as murals.

After all, the use of murals as a way to record things is generally found in places like the Western Regions, because in the Western Regions, paper or bamboo slips are too valuable, so they would rather use murals to record the life of the tomb owner.

During the Qin Dynasty, although bamboo slips were relatively precious, they were not used to record the life of the First Emperor in murals.

What's more, how could the life of the First Emperor be fully depicted in murals?

Looking at the pitch-black scene in front of me, I turned on the flashlight and walked cautiously forward with the faint light.

The archaeological team members behind him also followed Li Mu's footsteps and stepped into the dark tomb passage.

The tomb passage was very quiet, without any movement. Except for the light from the flashlights in everyone's hands, the rest of the place was dark.

“There’s…there’s a mural here!”

At this time, Zhao Feng pointed at the walls on both sides of the tomb passage and exclaimed.

"Mural? How could there be..." Li Mu was stunned and hurried to Zhao Feng's side.

When he saw the corner of the mural on the wall, Li Mu's expression froze.

"Quick, quick! Everyone turn on the lights! Let me shine here!" Li Mu shouted.

Immediately afterwards, all the lights of everyone present were directed towards the wall pointed by Li Mu.

Then, everyone saw an incomplete mural appear in their eyes.

The next moment, everyone felt their hearts trembled, and their pupils could not help but shrink.

"That's...nine black dragons appeared in the sky?"

"'s impossible. There is no such record in the official history of Great Qin!"

"Are the nine black dragons dragging... behind them a coffin?"

"Nine five-clawed black dragons, dragging a coffin? What is this... nine dragons pulling a coffin?"

above the mural.

Astonishingly, in the sky above a huge palace, against a dark background, nine five-clawed black dragons appeared. Behind the dragon bodies, they all used huge iron ropes to drag an equally huge coffin.

The nine five-clawed black dragons are so lifelike that they look real just by looking at them with the naked eye.

It seems that in the next second these nine five-clawed black dragons will break through the mural and descend into the world. .

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