While collecting the tears, I crushed the occasional acharyllis.

Repeatedly, it seemed that the inside of the cage became very heavy.

I took a breath and checked the hourglass in my pocket and noticed that the sand was falling.

"I'm sorry, but it's time I picked up another adventurer."

I guess the adventurers I had transferred in the morning had done their job. We need to pick him up and beam him to his next location.

"Oh, by the way, it's already such a time..."

"I'm sorry for letting you go, but I'm sorry for letting you go."

"Never mind!" I have a job that only Crete can do! "

Without feeling uncomfortable at all, Rox and Helena were reluctant to leave.

It is very different from the black companies of previous generations, where early departure was not often recognized.

Well then, please pick me up by the time this hourglass falls.

Got it.

When you receive a new hourglass from Raid, you put it in your pocket.

If you put it in a subspace, the sand will stop flowing, so you can't store it.

"Let's go have a drink at night after work."

That's great! Well then, when you're done, head to the guild's tavern ─ ─

Just as I was about to take Helena's ride, I noticed Arna staring at me.

"...... Ju"

Moreover, he is deliberately pronouncing pronunciation.

As usual, she had sleepy eyes, but I felt like she was complaining about something.

But I don't know what she wants. The guild tavern is getting bored, so would you prefer a more stylish shop?

Um, Arna-san, what's wrong?

Everyone had no idea, so I asked honestly, and Arna looked straight at us and said.

"... I want to go to Crete's house"

Huh? Is this my house?

"... he said he'd invite me if he had the chance."

Speaking of which, I think I said that before the Harpy crusade.

"No, that's a social gesture, Arna."

"... is that right? I'm sorry." I wanted to see the house that Crete bought. "

Arna was embarrassed by Raid.

Arna longed for a residence in the capital.

Maybe I was wondering what my house was really like.

If Arna was alone, she'd be worried about the opposite sex, but if Rox and Raid were there, it wouldn't be a problem.

“Fine. Let's have dinner at my house.”

"... is that okay?"

Yes, I'll let you do your proud dishes.

"... I did it"

It wasn't me who made them, but Elsa and the other maids.

Aruna raises her voice of joy in a voice that doesn't hold back.

Helena stares at our interaction in a daze.

Of course, Helena-san, Raid-san, and Rox-san will be joining us.

Hehe!? Are you sure you want to go with us?

Yes, it's the usual launch.

"Oh, I see! That's right!" Well then, I won't hesitate to bother you! "

Helena looked relieved even though her face was red.

I feel like I've been misunderstood as personally inviting Arna.

That said, the mistake was clear, and I didn't have to go into the dark, so I went through it.

Are you sure, Mr. Crete?

In contrast to Arna and Helena, who were innocent and delighted, Raid turned to her carefree gaze.

Somehow she looks like a mother who is sorry to hear her child's selfishness.

"I'm always looking out for everyone in the [Sword of Thunder]." Besides, I'm glad to have someone who can invite me to the King's House. "

"If Creto can tell me that much, I'll be honest with you."

That's right.

When I honestly revealed my feelings, Rox and Raid also agreed to be reluctant.

I had a friend in Howlin Village who casually invited me home, but I was a little worried that there was no one here but Emilio. I'm glad to have a friend who has built up enough trust to call me home.

Well, we'll see about that later.

You may want to give the approximate meeting time and meeting point to the time when you will be picked up again.

When I tell you the least you need, I'll be transferred to the Royal Mansion.

Before you pick up the adventurers, let Elsa know you're inviting friends.

Ringing the bell and waiting in my room, Elsa arrived shortly afterwards.

"Welcome home, Master Crete."

"I'd like to invite a friend in the evening, but is that okay?"

I see. Nina-sama, right?

No, it's not. It's a friend of an adventurer who works in the capital.

When she answered, Elsa opened her mouth and looked surprised.

However, the agitation quickly subsided and returned to the usual sober face.

"... excuse me." You're a friend of the King's City, aren't you? "

"Was it really empty for a long time now?" Could it be that you don't have any friends here other than Emilio? "

"There is no annihilation." Besides that, may I ask you a breakdown of your friends' men and women? "

I feel somewhat misled, but I don't have time to ask because I have an upcoming appointment. I had no choice but to move on.

"There are two men and two women." If you can, I'd like to cook a meal with tartare. Can you do that? One of the women I picked today is a big favorite. "

"This is a wonderful piece of paper." No problem. Dinner will focus on Tottsu cuisine. ”

Looks like you know a lot of things, so you can cook without any problems.

Any ingredient can be left to Elsa to make it tasty, so I feel very safe.

She is truly brilliant.

"Thank you. Then I'll get back to work, and I'll take care of it."

Yes, please come in.

I'd like to explain it a little more politely, but I'm going to keep the adventurer waiting.

All the specific preparations and hospitality were tossed round to Elsa, but since this was her stance in the Royal Capital, there was probably no problem.

I muttered in my heart to myself, and I transferred to the adventurer who transferred me.

"Well then, let's go report to the guild!" If there's another one, please! "

Yes, thank you for your hard work!

When I transferred to the capital and came back, the adventurer's party rushed into the guild with a smile on its face.

I have done a number of requests using transfer, so today's entry will be well-known.

When I saw the adventurer leaving with a light footstep, I took the notebook out of my pocket and checked it.

The list of adventurers I transferred today. Draws a line to the last remaining party name.

Alright, this is the last of the adventurers.

Just in case, I'll show my face to the guild and ask them to check for any adventurers who haven't returned.

I was transported far away, but I forgot to pick you up. What happened is not a shame.

In order to avoid major accidents, it is good to pay careful attention to these kinds of checks.

Make sure everyone is back and wait in front of the guild.

Helena and the others are supposed to meet here after work.

If we wait here, Helena and the others will come.

There is no exact clock in this world like that of a previous life, so we can't set the exact time as if we were meeting.

It is only natural that the time promised should be around an hour.

But I don't know if it's because of the clock, or if it's because of everyone. There is nothing to blame for being a little late.

I guess that's because I'm not bound by time.

I don't think I can afford to look at the clock anymore.

Hey, Crete!

Ah, thank you for your hard work.

Helena and the others came as they thought about time.

When I saw it coming from Chuo Ward, I might have finished my work early and wasted my time shopping.

Let's go to my house right away.

"Oh, please!"

The idea today is to invite you to my house. It would be better to talk about the Mansion slowly than to stand outside. We started moving quickly.

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