"Wow, this bracelet is beautiful!"

Looking at the merchandise, Nina stopped at the ornaments corner.

A small gemstone is embedded in the silver chain.

It's not decorated in a luxurious way, but it seems like a dish that can be used for everyday use or as a little fashion.

The price is one silver coin, and the price is affordable. Even people in Howlin Village who don't spend a lot of money can give a gentle amount.

"Hey, there are various colors of jewels and they're beautiful."

"Just the same color as our hair!"

When Nina told me to look next to it, it seemed that jewels similar to our hair color were embedded in vine, gold, blue, and black.

"It's true."

"Don't feel like you're destined for something."


Carmilla's words mumbled next to her unexpectedly leaked out a fervent voice.

"What?" That's rude, Lord Crete. I'm also a woman's edge. Sometimes I think about it. "

"Excuse me."

I didn't expect that word to leak from Carmilla's mouth, and I reacted rudely.

I'm sorry, but I can only apologize.

"...... I think I'll buy this."

Hmmm, that's fine! Let's get it all together!

Nina and Alte made an unexpected suggestion.

With those words, Carmilla and I spoke up in a stupid voice.


"Don't worry, Crete and Carmilla will thank you every day and I'll buy them for you."

Buying and wearing matching bracelets is only puzzling because it was not my experience living as a man.

It's impossible to wear it with a male friend, and I didn't give it as a gift because I thought it might be heavy even when I had a lover. I don't know how to respond.

Carmilla wouldn't have done much of that either.

It turned out that she was in trouble, too.

"I'm so happy that we all have matching bracelets!"

It's us who are puzzled, but we can't deny it when we see Nina's super happy face.

Ah, ahh

Thank you very much.

We decided to honestly accept the courtesy of Alte because she said that she would pay for our share.

Nina takes an embedded bracelet with the same jewelry as her hair color to the register, and Alte takes her share and mine and Carmilla's share to settle.

Come on, it's for Crete and Carmilla.

After the liquidation, Alte comes back and gives me the bracelet.

The two of them quickly put it on their arms and the silver bracelet shone on their left arm.

Arte has a small vine gemstone like an amethyst, and Nina has a lemon gemstone like a topaz.

They matched their beautiful hair colors very well and seemed to bring out more of their charm.

"Follow me, both of you!"

Carmilla and I also wore bracelets as we were gazed at the brilliance of the bracelet.

Carmilla is a blue jewel like a lapis lazuli, but I have a black jewel like an obsidian.

When the two of them asked me to put on the arm and looked at it, I felt itchy.

Now all four of you are aligned!


Nina and Alte burst into a burst of smile.

I'm glad to see it. Carmilla, who is loosening her cheeks, must feel the same way.

How many decades has it been since we all bought matching products like this?

I would never have bought it on my own because I was embarrassed. Thank you for the kindness of Alte, who bought it as a gift.

Is it a coincidence that a gemstone with the same hair color as ours?

Emilio and Rodney sneaking around? Nah, why don't they do that, too? Let's be honest about it as a coincidence.

Me, Nina, Alte, and Carmilla all walked around the Harvest Festival stalls, chatting calmly with the villagers sometimes, and going shopping again - all the fun time was quickly over.

When I realized it was already evening.

At some point, the sun is setting, trying to hide in the distant mountains. It was sad to see the stark light coming from the mountains.

"Somehow it was all in a flash." But thanks to Crete and Nina, it was the most enjoyable festival ever. "

Yeah, I think so too.

The National Festival could not be attended in a hurry, but the Harvest Festival in Howlin Village was properly attended at the beginning

It was a pleasure. It was hard to negotiate with the harvest work, but I was very satisfied to be able to participate from beginning to end.

The feeling of moderate exhaustion is very pleasant. I'm tired, but I'm very satisfied with the feeling I never had when I was working for the Black Company.

Huh? The Harvest Festival isn't over yet, is it?


Nina's words drew me back to reality as I immersed myself in it.

I was just saying my feelings at the end of the Harvest Festival, and I was just a little embarrassed.

"It's true that there are many stalls that are folded when you look around, but the vibrancy has not been lost." Rather, from now on, it's the real thing. ”

Carmilla calmly looked around and said.

Most villagers seem to close their stalls, but not all.

Timber and wood are carried along the central square, and instead of stalls, large tables and benches are set up. It was the opposite of the thin air at the end of the festival, and the upcoming event was lively enough to be said to be the real thing.

"Nina, what are you going to do now?"

"It's a campfire! We're going to have a big fire, we're going to eat, we're going to sing, we're going to dance!"

Nina speaks with her hands wide open to show the scale of the fire.

It's like the Late Night Festival of Culture.

"I see. If there's a big event left, we can't go back!"

“That's right, we have to have fun until the end.”

If there's still a big event, it's a waste to have fun.

I decided to abandon the tingling feeling and press the switch again in the festive mood.

That said, there's nothing we can do until we're ready.

Help the villagers clear their stalls or transport tables and chairs to designated areas.

"Crete! Excuse me, can your magic move the wood?"

“Yes, I can. I can help you.”

When I was helping, André called me and I moved to the central square.

There was a line of wood that was much bigger than my height. It was very difficult for me to use my own manpower to do this.

But if I can use space magic, I can do it right away.

“Where do I put it?”

"I'm putting up a lot of soil. Please do it around here."

When André told me to look at the ground, it was plump.

It was probably a measure to avoid damaging the ground too much with flames.

Now that I know where to assemble, I'll activate my spatial magic.


Transfer firewood one by one, and form a formation so that the wind passes easily.

When it was piled up with a transfer so as not to collapse, a single-story private house was completed with a high fire.

How about this?

"Whoa, whoa! It's perfect!" It's always been a long time to prepare for a fire, but thanks to Cleto, it's been a breeze this year! "

Andre and the other men who were driven out by the firemen raised their voices with joy.

It weighed about three Andrés just by lifting one.

I'm glad you helped.

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