Transferred from the village of Howlin, me and Refilia came to the capital of the kingdom.

"Ah, my house... it's only been three months since I moved, but I feel kind of nostalgic."

If you feel that way, it means that life in Howlin Village is intense.

I've moved to the village of Howlin, but Lefiria hasn't left our house.

The Emilio Chamber of Commerce also cleans regularly, so you can enter without any problems.

Would you like to stop by?

No, the purpose of this time is to procure painting materials, so it's okay.

Suggesting it, Lefeelia shook her face slowly to the side.

There are feelings of nostalgia, but now it seems that the feelings of painting are stronger than that.

“Okay, let's head to the painting shop.”

Yes, I'll show you around.

I followed behind Lefeelia, who laughed and walked out.

I think it would be nice to be able to go directly to the painting shop where I went to buy paintings. Refeelia's footsteps were very light.

My nose is leaking, but I don't think I am consciously doing it. The calm Lefeelia's innocent expression was smiling.

Head south on a road that's about three streets off the central avenue.

There were a lot of houses around here, and the small shops that were rooted in them seemed to be lined up.

I have passed through these places many times during the transfer, but I have never carefully walked through these places. It's a place with a strange atmosphere that makes you feel like a king but not a king.

"Right here."

Walking around looking at the surroundings, Refiglia stopped and said.

When I looked at it, I saw that there were large windowpanes and a lot of painting materials.

Among the many brick buildings, only black stone is used here.

And yet, it's strange that it's buried unobtrusively. Even though I was distracted by my surroundings, I didn't feel any discomfort until I got close.

Let's go in.

When Lefeelia opened the door, a cool bell rang.

The light of the warm magic lamp is lit. Although the store has a large area, there are too many cabinets installed and it felt like they were too small.

There seemed to be a few other customers besides us, but everyone seemed to be getting serious pictures and scrutinizing them.

When I entered the store, Lefeelia walked out with a happy face.

I'm only going to accompany you.

Refeelia watched as if she missed the store that she had come to for a long time.

The paintings on the shelves are simple as paintings, pallets, brushes, pencils, drawing paper, frames, easels, etc., but the amount is not unusual.

"Isn't this paint the same?"

The colors are the same, but the workshops are different.

Ah, it's true. It's a different workshop.

When I took a closer look, the name of the workshop on the bottle was different.

But isn't the manufacturer different the same?

“Different workshops have different production methods, so the same colour may be slightly different from one another.”

When I look at the two colors, I don't know the difference at all.

Can you tell the difference in colouring by applying it?

I may know Lefiria with a sharp sense of colour, but I don't think so.

Walking through the paint like that, I found another amazing paint shelf in the deepest part.

Amazing number of colors.

Hundreds of colors line the walls filled with bottles. It is so rich as to make you think that all the colors of the world are available.

Here is the color created by the owner himself.

"The shopkeeper!? That's amazing. I've never seen it in any other painting shop before.”

I thought that they were purchasing and displaying the colors created by the large workshop, and it was actually handmade by the shop owner.

The shopkeeper is an adventurer who creates a variety of colors by crushing, drying, and mixing the monster materials he has acquired.

I was surprised to find myself using monster materials to create colors.

When I listen to the details, it seems that they are also crushing and melting ore and crystals, and using the beautiful outer skin of insects.

Making colors is also deep. I don't have any image of myself, but it seems like it would be fun to create colors while trying and trying.

"By the way, what color is the 'sad autumn sky somewhere dry'?"

This is it!

Asked, Lefeelia grabbed the bottle without hesitation.

It is relatively thin blue, and the bottle is painted with a miso color.

There is a pale blue next to it that I think has hardly changed, and amateurs don't really understand it. A vague metaphorical expression makes sense if she doesn't get the color she wants.

"After all, shouldn't you remember the official name of the color you use often?" You may know that people with a sharp sense of colour like Refiglia, but it's hard for an amateur like me to tell the colour. ”

"That's what Creto says, isn't it?... I see." I'll also make a note of the official name of the color I need. ”

Asked to put it from the front, Lefeelia began to take notes straightaway.

It doesn't mean that I can be brought to the King's City by the transfer forever.

It's possible to go to another country for work or to stay for a long time.

It would be nice if the patrons, Emilio and Refiglia, could communicate smoothly.

Um, Creto-san.

What is it?

"There are various colors I want, so it will take a little time, but is it okay?"

"It's okay, I don't have any plans today." Even if you buy a lot, it can be stored magically, so please take a look at it. ”

Thank you!

Having said that, Lefeelia smiled the most today.

I came all the way to the capital. It's a good idea to buy enough of what you need on this occasion.

I thought so and waited for an hour while searching for the painting materials for my use.

When I returned to the paint shelf thinking it was time, Lefeelia was still looking into it.

I wonder if you're checking the colors one by one, but you're looking very serious.

I guess you're still choosing the color. I gaze at the artwork in the store in an effort to squander a little more time.

And after about two and a half hours, I'm tired of waiting. Isn't it a little out of the time frame?

Lefiria-san, how about now?

"Excuse me, please wait a little longer."

Ah, yes.

I couldn't stand it anymore, but Lefeelia told me so without turning around.

There is no such thing as a lonely, attentive woman. It was just the face of a greedy professional looking for himself.

An hour or so has passed since then, but there is no sign of Refiglia moving from the paint shelf.

I tried calling again, but the words returned were the same.

A female customer in the store calls out when she is at a loss about what to do.

"Oniisan, is that her boyfriend?"

“No, it's not. It's just an escort.”

"Oh, that's pathetic."


"When she comes to this store, she's stuck there all day, so I don't think she'll come back for anything." I've seen that kind of thing over and over again. "

Oh, my God. It looks like Lefiria is quite a sitting demon.

This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

I don't have any plans today, but I don't want to spend the whole day.

“Is there any way to peel it off?”

"I wonder if she'll be satisfied, or if the store manager will kick her out when it's closing time."

A female customer answers with a bitter smile.

When I gave a look of despair, the friendly female guest smiled bitterly and left a voice saying, "Good luck."

If this is André or Emilio, he will appropriately slap, threaten and bring them home, but it is difficult to do such a thing to a woman, Refiglia.

After all, there was no offense to the person himself, and it was difficult to do such a thing because it was serious.

That said, it seems stupid to hang out for a day without a purpose.

Refilia-san, I'm going to show my face to Emilio for a moment.

"... yes"

The gaze was always on the paint, and it felt more like a reflex response than a nod of understanding.

But if you're stuck here all the time, you won't have any trouble meeting up.

After confirming the closing time of the store, I moved to Emilio's office.

"Oh? What's the matter, Crete?"

Emilio looks at me suddenly and asks me if I can help.

Emilio nodded convincingly when he told him how he was to come here.

"Ah, she stays in the art shop all day." You don't have to say anything. I've been through it so many times when I took you to another city. "

"I knew it..."

"For the first time in three months, she must be roaring too." I won't be out for at least half a day, but what do we do? If I'm free, do you want to do some work? "

"... I think I'll do that."

I thought it would be nice to work on a holiday, but I feel that even if I go back to Howlin Village and take a break, I will be worried about Refilia.

That way, you don't have to worry about what you're doing, and you can cut down on what you're doing in the future.

It seems that the souls of the company animals of the previous life have not disappeared as they suddenly thought like that.

Eventually, Lefeelia was kicked out of the store at closing time and returned to Howlin Village at night. Contrary to my exhausted expression, her expression was satisfying.

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