"I'm back."

Oh, you're home early.

I'm sorry to bother you.

Oh dear, you've come to Crete this time, haven't you?

Greeted with a gentle face from Andre's side, Stella rolled her eyes and smiled.

“This is chicken soup. Drink it if you like."

Thank you for your courtesy.

Andre seemed to like it too much, so I brought a hot pot in warm condition.

As soon as I decided to drink it, Stella took it to the kitchen and poured it into a cup.

Oh, it's got a fireplace on it.

"As expected, I can't get past this in winter."

The fireplace in the corner of the room was running.

Sounds of crackling and bursting firewood echo in a quiet home.

Warm flames swayed, creating irregular lights and shadows throughout the house.

It is naturally warm when I stop by.

I feel a little smoky because I am burning firewood, but it can also be said that there is a way.

If you're too close, the powder will make a hole in your clothes, so be careful.

Got it.

Even though it is in the house, the principle is not much different from the kindling that is going on outside. Andre advised me to step back a little.

Staring at the swaying flames of the fireplace, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

Ah! It's Crete!

"Hey, Nina, I'm sorry to bother you."

I thought I was out because I didn't see her, but it looks like she's upstairs.

I have some chicken soup that Mr. Crete brought me, but how about Nina?


Looking at Nina nodding cheerfully, Stella poured her soup and brought it to me.

I drank enough at home, so I got water.

"Warm and delicious"

The flavor of the chicken is staining.

Nina and Stella leaked their feelings as if they were relieved.

My chicken soup seems to fit the two of you.

"But why did you suddenly go to Mr. Crete's house just now?"

Andre, who came to visit me at my house a while ago, came right back with me.

It was only natural that Stella should be wondering.

"When we talked about winter, Creto said he wanted to see the cage making. Stella was just making it, so I thought I'd show it to you."

Andre explained, nodding as Stella convinced herself, clapping her hands and bread with a smile on her face.

In any case, why don't you not just look at it, but also make it for Mr. Crete?

"What? Me?" That sounds like fun, but I've never made it before. "

"Then it's better." Crete may have a cage-making talent, so let's try it. ”

“Ok, please.”

The ingredients may just be broken when I'm an amateur, but Stella recommended it to me, so I decided to sweeten it.

Look, Crete-san is here, why don't you try it with Nina?

"Um, well... fine."

Nina nodded with a subtle face, wondering if she would reply calmly.

It was an unusual attitude for Nina.

Basically bright, she seemed to be the type to try anything that seemed interesting.

Stella's ears touched as she ran around.

It's not a bad muscle, but I don't seem to like it anyway.

I see.

I hate it all the time, but today I'm very honest thanks to Crete.

Apparently, the reason why I strongly encouraged Nina to join was that it also meant to encourage Nina to join.

In Howlin Village, it is said that there are women who are good at making cages, so this is probably the feeling of a mother who thinks of her daughter.

Because Stella was building a cage earlier, there were already many ingredients and tools lined up on the table.

This branch is a bit damp, isn't it?

"I'm soaking it in water to make it hard to break."

I see, was it a plan to make it easier to knit?

I didn't know there was such a process to make a cage.

The lilacs, surrounded by fruit trees, are used on the bottom of the basket, because the shiitake, shibamisu and toneri branches are tough, and soft things such as strawberry trees, roses and crematis seem to be used on the sides.

I didn't know that they were well used according to the characteristics of the trees.

"First, cross the vertical cores in four flat bundles. A long vine is wrapped around it to secure the crossed vertical cores."

Seeing Stella knit the branches while explaining, I knitted them to imitate them.

However, I couldn't clean it up like a stella that was woven without stains.

The branches she's weaving will pass through, but the branches I'm weaving won't pass through as I'd like.

"Oh, it's broken."

I regained my mind and tried using a new branch, but again, there was a rattling sound.

It's broken again!

"Ufufu, that's what it was at first." Don't worry, do it again and again. ”

Stella smiled at me like that.

It seemed like a path for everyone to follow in building a cage. There is no guilt that has ruined the ingredients, but I will continue to give in to kindness.

"Crete, if you put a little more effort into it, it will be beautiful."

Nina gave me some advice as I braided through a struggle.

When I let him go as he told me, he passed through the branches brilliantly and became beautiful.

"Oh, it's true. Thank you, Nina."


To thank her honestly, Nina laughed as if she had been illuminated.

When the bottom is formed, the branches are wrapped and braided. Gradually, I braided the sides so that the cage stood up.

I feel like I'm building a cage when I get here.

Yes, I also like this process that gradually takes shape.

Is this the first way to build a cage? I was wondering, but as Stella and Nina proceeded as they said, the shape became more like that.

It's fun to take on the shape of a cage as you knit.

When braided to the desired height, the remaining vertical core was pointed with a knife and inserted into the gap. Now that I've finished this fine cage...

“Not Beautiful”

The cage I made was rattled with mesh. The shape is also distorted, and even if I put it on the table, it leans to the left.

No, Creto-san is a good beginner.

Is that so?

"If you don't like it, you can't shape it." I think Creto has a great talent when he's finished. ”

"Yeah, yeah! I threw it out!" I think it's amazing how suddenly Crete can do it! "

I was the first to build a cage, but it might be the case if the experienced Stella and Nina say so. When I saw the strange cage, I felt that my depressed heart had lightened.

Nevertheless, Nina's cage is pretty good.

The cage that was sitting in front of Nina, unlike mine, had a clean mesh and no distortion.

"Huh? I see?" But compared to your mother's things, it's normal for me. "

Nina told me to turn my gaze towards Stella.

What was there was a splendid cage.

The mesh is so tidy that I don't think it's very handmade. Above all, the overall silhouette is beautiful and does not feel distorted at all. The pattern on the side is very stylish.

While we work hard to make one, she's making even more arranged objects with different shapes.

To be honest, that's a professional. Levels like those sold in the specialty stores in the capital city.

With such a mother close by, I don't even know how Nina feels, who would be humiliated if she wasn't too bad.

"It may be true, but it's amazing to be able to do things like this at Nina's age." I've seen a lot of products for business purposes, but even Nina's cage is at a level where she can sell enough. "

"Huh, is that so!?"

Oh, yeah.

Rather, when you go to the neighborhood, there are often cages of far inferior quality to those made by Nina.

"Oh, that's right!" Ehehe "

When I told you that fact, Nina burned her face.

It seems that I was happy to learn that my cage making skills were higher than I thought.

She was in a good mood, singing a song and making a new cage.

Looking at her like that, Stella shrugged.

What Nina lacked was not so much motivation as confidence and motivation.

It may be easier to be convinced by a third party than by people close to you.

I'm glad that Nina started making cages with pleasure, no matter how good she is at making cages.

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