After spending time at the Youth Terrace, the winter momentum grew in earnest, and the village of Howlin was covered in snow.

When you open the window, the world is silver. There is snow everywhere.

"It's completely snowing..."

The sky was covered with thick gray clouds, and it was still spitting out snow.

If I lived in the Tohoku region, it might be a familiar sight, but I lived in Hachioji. It has never been so snowy.

It is the first time that fields, roads and houses are so covered in snow, so I feel half fresh and half confused.

"It's cold anyway."

The room is heated, but cold air comes in because the windows are open.

Just by letting the wind blow in, it seems to be chilling from the core of your body.

If we had another base in the opposite climate, we wouldn't be struggling in summer or winter.

Thinking about such an efficient way of life, I am now completely fond of life in the capital and Howlin village.

I didn't intend to live that way now because it was efficient.

Looking at the snowy landscape, I heard the crunchy sound of snow stepping next to me.

Good morning, Cletto!

"Good morning, Nina."

Nina was wearing a dark green poncho.

It has a mini skirt underneath, black tights underneath and shearling boots at the foot.

In winter, it tends to be a mocking fashion because of the increasing number of pieces to wear, but Nina seems to emphasize the ease of movement even in winter.

You've got a lot of snow!

Oh, I woke up in the morning and it was all white, so I was surprised.

It was snowing the day before yesterday, but it wasn't enough to pile up.

Nevertheless, the accumulation means that a lot of snow fell in the middle of last night.

"Yeah, my dad and mom have been in a hurry since morning."

In rural areas, we carefully prepare for winter from over summer by collecting and drying firewood and making preserved food.

It's not overflowing with heaters like it was in the past, and the supermarket is empty all day and you can't get food. Literally, advance preparation is an important factor in winter's success.

I must have been surprised by the sudden accumulation of snow.

Nevertheless, everyone is used to winter life. We've already done what we need to do, and no one is going to get in the way of our lives.

When I was chatting with Nina, I heard the sound of snow stepping on her again. Andre called out to me.

He was wearing something like a leather flight jacket and had a scoop in his hand.

"Hey, Cletto! You haven't snowed your house, have you?" How do you do that? Because of the weight, your house will be destroyed. "

What? Are you serious?

I went out in a hurry, and there was a lot of snow in my house.

The accumulated snow is quite heavy and is said to cause house collapse if left unattended.

André's right, I think I'd better snow it right away.

I rarely experienced snow, so Andre might not have noticed. Thank you.

I hurriedly wore my jacket and took the scoop out of the subspace and went out.

"Crete! I'll help you too!"

"The roof is dangerous, can I ask you to look around the house?"

Yeah, I got it!

As expected, I asked Nina to snow on the roof, so I asked for a safe place.

Nina listened lightly and went back to get her own scoop.


I activate my spatial magic and transfer it to my roof.

As soon as I landed, my legs sank and I was frozen, but it didn't break my balance and fall down.

It's hard to transfer when there's snow.

I can't imagine how much snow there is on the ground.

Failure to transfer carefully may result in a fall and injury.

Maybe I shouldn't use it in unstable places.

Nevertheless, the view from the roof is very good.

I don't usually climb on the roof of a house, so it's fresh.

That said, the snow made the surroundings pure white.

There is no big change in the height of the point of view.

André's house seemed to have finished snowing, there was no snow on the roof, and the snow around the house had been cleaned out.

"It's tough being alone." I'll help you, too. "

Andre is here with Nina, who's back with Scoop. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Isn't there a ladder?

"Ah, I climbed it with magic... and Andre-san will move it with magic, too."

Transfer Andre to the roof.


You're scared when there's snow, aren't you?

"It's bad for the heart, this."

It seemed like he was a little freaked out just like me.

I trust André's motor nerves, and if they fall, I can move them by magic.

You won't get hurt if either one of them falls.

"Nina! Stay as far away from the snow as possible!"

I know!

Just in case, Nina responded firmly.

It moves toward a courtyard where no snow falls, and it moves snow to ensure a minimal passage.

When I saw it, I decided to move Scoop.

The scoop pierced and lifted the snow.

"Whoa! It's heavy!"

"Hahaha! Some of the snow on the roof is melting, hardening, and icy. It's heavier than ordinary snow."

Andre laughed as he groaned unexpectedly.

The snow around the house was rough, but the snow here doesn't seem to be.

It makes sense that Scoop's snow is heavier than I thought.

The scoop of snow weighed many kilos.

"... this is coming to your waist, right?"

If you say that, the village grandfathers will yell at you.

All the old people in Howlin are fine.

When a young man like us said that, he saw a future in which he could yell at us.

Let's do our best a little bit more.

Andre moves his scoop in a smooth motion while I snowflake him. The amount of snow I dropped at one time was also wrong.

"Hahaha, you should train your body without using all of Crete's magic!" You weaklings! "

"Ugh, I can't argue with this situation...!"

It was snowing on André's side, but there was a lot of snow left where I was working.

Maybe Andre is right. Should I put a little more weight on my spatial magic, walk around with my feet, and train my body?

But my job is a merchant and a wizard. I would imitate an adventurer, but I wasn't actively fighting. Now I'm training my body.

I think it's better to explore the useful use of magic than to train my body like Andre does.

I wonder if I can make it as easy as harvesting rice this time.

After thinking for a while, I came up with a fuzzy method in my head.

Andre-san, can I ask you to step down because I have some magic to try?

"Are you going to do something funny again? Okay, let's get out of here."

Andre shifted downwards with a smile.

As a precaution, have Nina downstairs step away from you.

At a sufficient distance from each other, I activated space magic on the snow on the roof.

"Sub-empty storage"

In the same way as storing things, snow is stored in subspace.

Snow is also fine water and inorganic matter. As long as it's not a creature, it can be stored by spatial magic.

My prospectus seemed to be correct, and all the snow on the roof was sucked into the subspace.

"Whoa, whoa!? What's that?"

"Wow! The snow on the roof sucked me into my hole!"

Looking at the snowless roof, Andre opened his mouth and Nina spoke innocently.

My job is a merchant and a wizard. I didn't have to train my body like Andre did.

With the momentum of storing the snow on the roof, I am storing the snow around my house.

The accumulated snow disappeared as if sitting on a vacuum cleaner, leaving only light snow and damp ground.

"Well, that's it." It doesn't look like there's a problem with snow. "

"Please, Crete! Let's clear the snow around me!"

"No? Because Andre-san is training his body, he doesn't need magic, right?" It doesn't seem like I'm a weakling.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Making fun of André's words earlier, he bowed his head desperately.

It was just a joke, and I didn't expect it to go that far.

No, I'll help you without having to apologize so desperately.

I see. Thank you.

Did you hate snowing that much?

"It's tough to get rid of the snow every day."

Asked unexpectedly, André returned an honest word.

I think it's fun because the snow is still fresh, but not from the people I'm used to.

It was an exchange in which the spiciness of snowmaking in the middle of winter flourished.

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