Six days to continue trading by transferring all over the place like Donkel village.

I was able to get around a place I had a close relationship with the Emilio Chamber of Commerce, and I finally finished my work.

As soon as I sent Emilio and the others to the Chamber of Commerce in the capital, I decided to return to Howlinville.

After six days of travel and work, I was feeling exhausted and wanted to relax in the Mansion, but I promised to go back to the secret base with Nina as soon as possible.

Well then, I'm going back to Howlin Village.

"Thank you. Say hi to your daughter."

Emilio, who knew why he wanted to return quickly, smiled bitterly and allowed him to return.

The time is about past noon. Return to Howlin Village immediately and you will be able to make your way to the secret base.

I left the rest to everyone else, and I transferred to Howlin Village.

I returned from the capital to the village of Howlin.

For the first time in six days, it is Howlin Village, but as usual there is snow and there is nothing unusual about it.

For the time being, let's show Nina our faces. I think so, and I visit my house.

“Hi, I'm Crete.”

Creto-san! Have you seen Nina?

Knocking and calling out, Stella opened the door vigorously and said, leaning forward.

"Huh? Is that Nina? I've just returned from the capital and I was going to show my face to Nina..."

Oh, is that so?

In response, Stella leaned down anxiously.

If you can't see Nina, can you?

“Yes, I went for a walk in the morning and I'm not coming back.”

"... maybe you're playing somewhere late."

Unlike me, Nina has extensive interaction with the villagers.

Maybe I'm just running late by going up to someone I know to play with or help with work.

I hope so.

Stella's face still worries me, even though I'm going to give you a possible option.

It must be worrying to me as a parent if my precious single daughter doesn't come back soon because she's gone out.

I'm going to fly around the village looking for magic.

If so, I'll go look for it too!

"No, Mr. Stella, please stay here." It's possible that Nina will come home by mistake. "

We need to think about the worst, but if we don't, someone should stay at home. Maybe Nina will come back.

"... I see. I'm really sorry it's your day off."

"I'm the one who always gets help, so don't worry about it"

Stella and the others have been very helpful in their everyday lives, such as farming and mushroom picking.

Nina is a great neighbor to me, and she doesn't break my bones.

"I can't see Andre, but what about him?"

“No, I don't think I know today because it's a lookout day.”

I don't know what I'll do later if I don't call Andre. It might matter a little, but if he's around, he'll be able to reach out to the villagers and find them efficiently.

Well then, let's ask Andre-san to cooperate as well.

I'm sorry, thank you very much.

"If Nina comes back home, please use this magic tool." If you press this button, I will absorb the magic power and release the fireball. "

I see.

Well then, I'll go.

As soon as Nina finds out that she's back, she hands Stella the bracelet magic tool and I'm transferred to the entrance of the village.

As his vision warped sharply, he reached the entrance of Howlin Village.

At the entrance of the village, André, dressed in cold weather, was carrying a spear.

If you're not moving, your body will get cold.

"Oh! Crete, you're back here!" Did you get a job in the capital? "

André, who doesn't know anything, chats to me, but now it's not enough, so I shoot him.

It looks like Nina hasn't come home since she went for a walk this morning.

"What!? Tell me more!"

Knowing it was a disturbing event about Nina, Andre quickly squeezed his face.

I'll come back this morning and tell Andre what I heard from Stella.

I suddenly thought I'd jump out, and Andre listened calmly to me.

I'm just keeping an eye on the village, and maybe I know how important it is to listen to information in an emergency.

"It's true that I might be playing somewhere and getting late, but I'm worried that Nina didn't come back after she lost time." Find Nina. "

“Is the lookout job okay?”

"I'll get the right guy." It's a little important, but I'll call out to the others to find it. I'm sorry, Crete. Can you help me find it? With your magic, you can go around a lot of places quickly, right? "

"I intend to do that from the beginning." I'll look for Nina too. "

"Thank you. I owe you one."

I'm going to do it from the beginning without Andre asking me.

With a nod, Andre smiled in relief.

I'll call out to my acquaintances from one end and take a look around the center of the village.

I'll take a look at the walking route Nina likes to take.

I roughly told them where I was going to look at each other, and I told them about the magic tools I gave to Stella.

Once he had communicated what was needed, Andre immediately returned to the village and I decided to trigger a transfer and start searching for Nina.

First, take the walking route we always take.

When you come back to the front of the house, you will be transferred to the sky.

I looked for Nina by looking down from a high place.

Perhaps because one side is buried in the snow, the vision is almost pure white.

Most of the villagers are at home, so no one walks outside.

When he confirmed that he was not in the vicinity, he shifted forward and looked down at the surrounding area in the same way.

I could see people snowing on the roof and women laughing at barter. I don't see a child like Nina.

I'll transfer again and try to follow the walk.

There was a beautiful creek running around here, beautiful flowers in the spring, and lush leaves and creatures in the summer.

Next to it is a favorite place to rest and eat lunch during a walk, with just the right amount of shade.

However, it is also buried in snow, and it is not a place to rest in the current season.

"...... is there anybody around here?"

Take a walk like that and see Nina's favorite spots from time to time.

But even so, I couldn't find Nina.

The village of Howlin isn't that big, but when you find just one girl, it feels big.

A feeling of worry sprang up from the back of my chest.

But it is at this time that we must be calm.

No matter how many metastases there are, it takes time to find them in the dark clouds.

Even my neighbors, Stella and Andre, must be more worried about me. Even so, it's amazing to be a parent because each of you is calm and acting optimally.

When it comes to Nina's other place to go, it's Lefelia's house.

On a nice autumn day, he went to Lefelia's house and slept well. Maybe it is the same this time.

That's why I moved to the front of Lefelia's house.

I tried knocking, but there was no sign of Refiglia coming out.

I turned around and asked from the window what was going on, but it didn't look like the magic stone lamp was lit, and I simply didn't feel anything that seemed like a sign of a human being.

Apparently, there was no Refilia. If so, Nina wouldn't be here either.

Where else would Nina go?

"Oh, Mr. Crete, can I help you?"

When I turned my heel back, I was suddenly called out.

When I raised my face, I saw my landlord, Lefia, in front of me.

The scarf and long coat are wrapped around me, and the pure white skin may have become slightly red due to frostbite. Since he was holding painting materials and tools, he probably painted them even in the snow.

I'm looking for Nina, have you seen her?

If it's Nina, I've seen her go into the woods.

I was surprised because I didn't expect a detailed sighting report from Lefeelia.

At the same time, when I heard that Nina was heading to the forest, my spine froze.

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