Winter has passed and spring has come.

The bitter cold was gone, and it was surrounded by a warm air that was very pleasant to spend time in.

Emilio, we're done with what we were asked to do.

"Thank you, Crete."

I don't have any more work, do I?

Unless otherwise stated, when asked in the sense of leaving, Emilio took the letter out of the office table shelf.

"Can you write to the village chief in Howlin?"

"All right."

A letter to Leroy is probably about a borscht mushroom.

Emilio and Leroy have been in frequent contact with each other since they met at the Harvest Festival.

I don't seem to know exactly how the Borscht mushrooms are grown yet, but I think I'll be on track eventually.

Once the letter I received was stored in a subspace, I returned to the Mansion.

The view switched from Emilio's office to the Mansion's private room as the spatial magic shifted.

I'm happy to be able to get home quickly without being stuck in my place of work in vain.

Do what you like, when you want.

This is what it is to live happily as a human being.

The door was knocked on as soon as I rang the bell to announce my return.

"Welcome home, Master Crete."

Elsa, the head maid, greeted me as she shook her silver hair.

The act of standing was still the perfect maid to serve the Lord today.

"Are you ready for lunch?"

"I'm ready. Would you like to enjoy it?"

"Oh, please."

Elsa opened the door and guided me as she nodded.

As I went down the stairs to the dining room, Lalasha waited and pulled out the chair for me, so I sat down.

I'm getting used to being cared for somehow.

"Last spring, I've been afraid for a long time."

Lalasha grinned as she adjusted the chair.

I was really surprised when Emilio introduced me to his servant when I first acquired the Mansion.

Elsa and the others used a word of respect at first because I had never been taken care of by such a beautiful woman at such a young age, and I was sorry every time I was taken care of.

It is embarrassing to recall the state of the jaws at that time.

"However, Lord Creto is still not aware enough as a person standing on top." There is no need for the Lord to bother opening doors for his maids, or to give way with care. ”

Unlike Larasha, who admires growth, Elsa's opinion is harsh.

Well, I'm not an aristocrat, so I don't care about details.

Even though I'm an employee of the Grand Chamber, I'm just a civilian.

I don't think it's necessary to be so hard because I'm not an aristocrat.

When I said that, Elsa took a sad breath.

Perfect maids may also seek perfection from the Lord.

When Lurua and Arche come in pushing the wagon, the main topic of standing behavior is interrupted.

Today's menu consists of spring vegetable pasta, salads, and consommé soup.

The menu focuses on spring vegetables caught in Howlin Village.

The pasta contains spring cabbage and rapeseed blossoms, which are really colorful.

It was served with cream sauce, and the sweetness of the cream and the bitterness of the spring vegetables were nicely balanced.

The salad uses freshly caught vegetables that were preserved in the subspace, so the freshness and sweetness are different. It is served with basil sauce, but even without dressing, it feels delicious enough.

Consommé soup is also slowly simmered to remove the acupuncture, or it has a clear shade, and the flavor was very refined.

It's really delicious.

I'm afraid so.

Elsa and Lurua, who were focusing on cooking, smiled particularly happy as they muttered their thoughts.

I thought it would be a heavy burden to leave the cooking to the two maids, but I didn't need to worry about that.

In other words, they have raised their arms and their repertoire is enriched, not to mention the delicious taste of each dish.

It's no longer much more delicious than the restaurants they serve around here.

While I was in King's Landing, I often ate at various cafeterias and restaurants, but I ate at the Mansion more often.

That's how much I liked the food the maids cooked.

You can cook for yourself, but it's nice to have someone at home to cook for you.

“What will you do in the afternoon?”

After lunch, Elsa asked me if I was drinking tea for break.

"I'm going to visit Howlin Village." If you stay in the King's City, Nina will be mad at you again. "

And if you stay too much in Howlin Village, you'll be angry with Emilio, right?

Elsa jokes with a serious face.

I know you're kidding, but it's a really serious problem.

I don't mean to be particularly biased, but it seems to me that they are biased.

Since we met at the Harvest Festival, we started to fight each other strangely, so it was troubling.

When I finish my tea, I get up slowly.

"Well then, I'll go." Maybe she won't be back for about three days? "

Ok, take care and go.

Elsa drops me off in the dining room, and I activate my spatial magic.

When I noticed, I was not at the King's Mansion, but in front of my house in Howlin Village.

The landscape overflowing with buildings quickly passed, and the view was full of rich nature such as fields and forests. Every time the wind blows, the smell of soil and grass tickles my nostrils.

There was no sound of miscellaneous people living like the royal capital, and only the sound of the branches swaying was slightly echoed.

The royal capital is full of various things, but it's also a good place to live in the countryside, which is rich in nature and quiet.

"Oh! Crete! You're back here!"

While enjoying the view of Howlin Village, André, a neighbor, arrived.

"Yes, I just finished my work."

I'm going hunting in the woods, but are you coming with Crete?

Not a spear for the usual guards, but a big bow and arrow on his back.

With more animals in the woods in the spring, I think I'll go get some precious food.

"Sounds like fun, but I'm sorry. I have an appointment with Nina."

I promise to play as soon as I get back from work. If I put it off and played with Andre, I must have strangled him.

"That's right." See you later. "


As André and I headed home, Stella was harvesting vegetables for spring in the fields.

"Welcome home, Mr. Crete."

I'm back.

Stella, who greets me with a gentle smile, is like my mother in this world. I'm very relieved.

Nina is in the back, please show her face.

Stella told me so, and I frankly go around the back of the house.

The look on my back is strangely satisfying, but I'm just curious.

Aside from such questions, I went around the back of the house, and there was a vast meadow where Yukiro, Yukinko, and Nina ran around energetically.

Since then, Yukiro and Yukinko have completely missed Nina and started coming out of the forest.

The animals were harmless, so Yukisilo and Yukinko were completely settled as Andre's pets.

The winter has passed, and in spring the hair of the two cats has turned brown.

When the snow falls again in winter, it will be dyed white so that it can be mimicry.

I'm looking forward to seeing how my hair changes.

Ah! It's Crete!

When I show my face, Yuki Shiro, Yukinko, and Nina come here at once.

Welcome home!

"Whoa!... oh, I'm home"

Nina suddenly hugged me, so I hurriedly hugged her with my body and hands.

Was it funny how impatient she was? Nina said, "Ahahah!” He laughed upbeatly.

After saving herself from the Armored Bear in the winter, Nina felt like she was starting to have a strangely direct skinship. However, other than that, it's normal and it doesn't change anything in life until then.

I don't know if she's trusting me more because it's pure Nina, or if she's starting to have other feelings.

However, if it's the same as usual, you won't have to worry about it.

Occasionally, Stella smiles strangely satisfied, but André, a parent idiot, is not particularly noisy, so there will be no problem.

When I peeled off Nina, I stroked Yukishiro and Yukinko who were rubbing against her body.

The hair is tougher than in winter, but this is good.

I stroked it as much as I thought it was frightening. When I stroke a cute animal, I feel calm and happy.

Should I have kept a dog when I was a company animal?

No, you can't have a pet when you can't take care of yourself.

Nevertheless, there is now a lot of room for income and spirituality.

There are Yukisilo and Yukinko in Howlin Village, so you don't need them, but maybe you can keep another creature in the Mansion.

While stroking Yukisilo and the others, Nina began to stroke by mixing them together.

Nina had a pink petal on her ponytail.

It's spring in Howlin 'Village.

I see! It's the first spring since Crete started living here, isn't it?

"Oh, that's true."

Will it be a year since I first lived in two bases in Howlin Village and King's Capital?

Including the time I spent working with Emilio as a merchant, I spent about a year and a half.

I was suddenly sent to another world, but I feel that my life is much more fulfilling than when I was living in Japan.

It was a life of no family, no friends, no money, no hobbies, but it changed dramatically when it came to another world.

Blood connections with Andre, Stella, and Nina were able to build a warm family-like relationship.

Thanks to that, I found a place to return to, even though it's a different world.

Emilio, a business partner.

I was given the convenient magic of space magic, but without him, I wouldn't have been able to make money so efficiently. I am very grateful for your understanding of my life as a two-base life.

There are places where people are a little rough and black, but I think they're equal friends, so I appreciate it. At our age, it's hard to make close friends.

Elsa and the other maids who supported my life in the Mansion, including the [Sword of Thunder] and the guild staff who recognized my worth. I was surrounded by a lot of people when I noticed.

Thanks to the magic of space, I was able to live without having to worry about money, and my hobbies such as agriculture, cooking, painting, and travel increased due to my involvement with various people.

If I lived in King's Landing, I would not have met everyone in Howlin Village, and if I lived in Howlin Village, I would not have met people such as Emilio.

It's an unusual lifestyle of living in two bases, but I sincerely think it's good to try it.

"If this is your first spring, you have to enjoy it!" Hey, let's go to the flower garden on the north side of the village. It was full of beautiful flowers, so I want to show them to Crete! "

Looking back on life in this world with emotion, Nina stood up.

The pink petal that was on her hair falls faintly.

"I'd like to see that." Let's go check it out together. "

"Yup! Yukishiro and Yukinko come too!"

Standing up and walking, Nina nodded happily and lined up next to her.

The two Snowfoxes, who had been caressed and in a trance, stood up and followed behind them as if they were happy.

This is the first year that I have lived in two locations in a different world.

Life has stabilized, but there's still a lot I don't know.

In order to continue to have a pleasant life, I will travel to the capital and the countryside with spatial magic.

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