"Kusha cried at me, and I'll leave it at this today..."

Sending my last adventurer to the guild, I decided to get the job done.

If any more adventurers make a request, the Alliance staff will likely collapse due to overwork.

"Do you fit in the forwarder's cleat?

That's what I thought and when I tried to get out of the guild and back to the inn, someone called out.

Turning his gaze, there was a blonde young man with a fair face and a brown boy.

Young people have long hair and white skin like women. Sleek hands and feet, and thin stature.

He was as good and handsome in style as a foreign actor.

The virtues and upbringing of growing up are seeping out and you don't look like an adventurer.

The boy has dull brown hair and doesn't see the elegance of a young man.

It's like a boy everywhere.

"... yes, but what about you?

"I'm Emilio. A merchant doing business in Wangdu. This is Rodney, an employee."

He named himself that with a young beautiful grin named Emilio, and a boy named Rodney nodded silently.

Merchant. Someone in the industry I was hoping to get in touch with.

"What can Mr. Emilio do for me?

"Will you be my partner?

"... excuse me. I don't have that kind of hobby, so hit the other one."

"That's not what I meant partner!

What is the difference? I would ask you not to put it in a confusing way.

When Emilio strongly denied it, he coughed up and regained his mind.

"Let's change the way we say it. Why don't you hire me at my chamber of commerce?

"Is that to belong to your Chamber of Commerce and do the forwarding work?

"Oh, yeah. I've been paying attention to your power here. [M] It'll take a week and a half to get to Aub Forest in an instant, so I'm surprised."

Apparently you've been watching where I'm sending adventurers on a transfer.

I guess he was even looking at how far I had sent the adventurer and instantly returned.

He seems to have a pretty cautious and thoughtful personality. That's just what I call a merchant.

"We can use that power to make an easy profit by purchasing and selling items. You know that, don't you?

"Right. I was going to make money that way."

You can make far more money buying and selling items cheaper than you can transfer adventurers and get paid for them. You would make hundreds of gold coins in a single business, especially if you dealt with expensive ones.

"Then the story is quick. Will you accept my invitation?

"May I ask you to tell me the Chamber of Commerce to which Mr. Emilio belongs?

"It's the Emilio Chamber of Commerce. And I'm the president of the Chamber of Commerce."

"Excuse me, but you've never heard of the Chamber of Commerce, have you?

"Oh, did you grasp the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce?

"Yeah, because I was thinking about selling myself in one way or another."

The hurdles are high for me to wake up the Chamber of Commerce when I come to another world.

Especially since it takes a lot of credit and financial resources to get a store out in Wang Du.

I still don't have enough knowledge or connections, and I was thinking of belonging to a chamber of commerce that would buy me high in my abilities first.

That's why he was checking out the stores he was opening in Wangdu, while making requests for deliveries in his guild.

"You can't eat it for your cheeky face."

"It's unnecessary to have a boisterous face."

You seem impressed, but I don't think you're getting any compliments.

You've been told that I can't stand it for a long time or that I have a boisterous face.

"Besides, there's no point in Cleto not knowing about my chamber of commerce. In the meantime, I've just opened a store."

"... does that mean rushing out?

"Oh, you will."

Emilio, who has no shame in my inquiry.

It's just a grand attitude that it's not a problem.

"When you hear about the rushing chamber of commerce, you feel disappointed, don't you?

You guessed from this subtle look. That's what Emilio says.

"Yeah, well. I was going to make it a big chamber of commerce if I were to sell in..."

I was going to make it a big chamber of commerce if I belonged anyway. That's because you have a wider sales channel, a larger number of products that you can handle, and you have a route to get rare items.

"Honestly, I wouldn't recommend Cleto sell into the Grand Chamber of Commerce."

I thought you were trying to attract attention because you wouldn't get on your own invitation, but he's a merchant who could have opened a store in Wangdu, even if he was running out.

Even if there was another intention, it seemed worth asking.

"Why not?

"When it becomes such a big chamber of commerce, Cleto is definitely tied up. Besides, the sales made by Cleto can be sucked up by a lot of people, right?

Indeed, the more people involved in business, the more the profits will be dispersed. It has also been experienced in previous life when there are many people with a lot of smudges.

It's easy to work because it's a big company, and it doesn't mean your salary is unconditional. Rather, because it is a large company, it can also be said that it is not able to respond flexibly.

There will be a lot of trouble when I get into a place like that that that is irregular.

"At that point, you can rest assured of my Chamber of Commerce! Anyway, there are only two members, me and Rodney! You don't have to tie me up, and you don't mind me taking it on whenever you want! Besides, we're going to pay Cleto enough!

When I was worried about taking advice, Emilio just sold me in here.

A good voice sounds outside the guild in vain.

Many passers-by women were dyeing their cheeks when they saw Emilio.

"Sure, but is there a sales channel?

"Don't worry about that. I'm making connections so I can move quickly."

"Do you have the funds to buy the goods?

Looks like I have some credit and connections because I was able to open a store in Wang Du, but it doesn't start without funds.

When you question it, Emilio gives you a big leather bag out of the bag.

"There are fifty gold coins in there"

Emilio told me to open the leather bag, it was exactly packed with tons of gold coins.

Fifty gold coins is a lot of money. Depending on the location, you can build a small house in the Wang capital. I'm pretty sure it's not just the amount of money a runaway merchant can make available.

"I see this is the first funding and..."

"No, that's a reward for Cleto doing the forwarding."

"Fifty gold coins a month!?

"No, it's business of the day. I'm sorry I can only pay this much now because it's small, but I'm going to pay more when I get more revenue sooner or later."

I'm surprised at the amount of 50 pieces of gold paid per day, not just the monthly salary.

"So you're okay?

"No problem. With Cleto's help, I can make more money than that."

Emilio had a confident grin in spite of all the big money he would pay.

I guess I'm pretty confident because I slap my big mouth.

"How about again, Cleto? Why don't you join me?

... Hmm, either way, it's Emilio who finances the risk.

Assuming my mouth alone fails, there's no risk whatsoever to me.

Like Emilio said, it seems like it would be nice to run up from a small place and get the best of ourselves.

Most importantly, I have myself a little intrigued by a young man named Emilio.

"Fine. Nice to meet you, Mr. Emilio."

"You can call it off, Cleto"

"Well, nice to meet you. Emilio."

Only three chambers of commerce, me, Emilio and Rodney Boy, were thus set to move.

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