Three months after that. I was forced to move around as Emilio told me to.

Buy cheap specialties such as ingredients and crafts, textiles, medicines and demonic materials that are the only ones on the land and sell them high in the distance you will want them.

That's the basics of business, but not only that, Emilio was buying information quickly and responding ad hoc.

If you hear that some city is about to expand its walls, purchase stone toward the mine with a transfer and sell it immediately. If I heard that a gastronomer's nobleman craves delicacies, I went to buy it on the transfer and sold it in the same way.

Anyway, the gathering power and accuracy of the information was tremendous and the movement against it was fast.

I know where he has what specialties in his head and where he can sell them the most expensive.

Plus, my previous appearance and excellent communication skills allowed me to be an immediate courtesy with my trading partners.

That broadens the circle of people and allows further information to come in and move in their favor.

The goal of making more than fifty gold coins in a day, which I had declared when I first met him in Wang Du, was accomplished lightly.

Now I made more money and my daily allowance was over a hundred gold coins.

In just one day, it's over a million yen. It's a silly amount to think about how much it would be if you calculated it on a month.

But behind such revenues is the fact that a space wizard named me worked like a small-time user.

It had already been subjected to multiple metastases.

It was so awful that it seemed warm to me that I was doing requests for deliveries in the Adventurer's Guild and transferring adventurers.

A guy named Emilio was greedy for business and didn't make compromises around it.

Well, this one's getting paid pretty high, so I was convinced to do it.

The Emilio Chamber of Commerce, which raised such revenues, had grown to be able to set up a splendid shop in the first class of Wangdu. There have been more employees, and the shelves are overflowing with a variety of products.

It was the difference between a cloud mud and a temporary store outside the Wang capital that I first saw.

These days, it has been called the Emilio Chamber of Commerce of Islam or even to say that there are no items that cannot be prepared for the Emilio Chamber of Commerce.

Well, that's because of my transfer, but only Emilio and Rodney Boy, and a very small number of employees, know the reality.

Even if you don't rely on my transfer when you get so big, the Emilio Chamber of Commerce is starting to be able to purchase goods.

It's still a rapidly expanding chamber of commerce, so it won't even be stable, but it'll be a cornerstone in a few years.

My role nowadays was often to go out when goods, rarities, and powerful people were looking for things that could not be purchased without metastases.

I'm still coming to buy something difficult without my magic.

Balein, a blacksmith town that digs up and processes ore that can only be harvested in the volcano Valerio.

It is also a place where many craftsmen set up workshops here or come to training.

Walking down the street there are many martial arts stores lined up and you can hear the sound of slamming iron all over the place.

Because it is one of the leading blacksmith towns in the kingdom of Ardeus, or it brings together a wide variety of races in search of it.

Many of them would be knights with a taste for martial arts, adventurers and mercenaries.

Each of them crosses the store to get quality weapons and protective equipment.

It is a vibrant town in a different direction from the Wang capital.

Follow the path of such a man, and I will enter the workshop where I found out.

"Mr. Zalm, I've come to purchase as usual -"

Once inside, there was a dwarf appraising various types of ore with monocle glasses at the reception.

When he noticed this way, he gently placed the ore on the reception deck.

"... Also using Emilio"

"Yeah, it's Cleto from the Emilio Chamber of Commerce. Do you have any excess ore or anything mined at Valerio Volcano?

Yes, while Zalm is a blacksmith, he is a strong miner of ore and precious metals that he himself uses as a material.

Zalm has very good mining skills and digs out good quality stuff, so buying ore here is often done in this workshop.

"I thought it was time to mine more. It's in the back storage room. Speak up if you choose what you want."

"Thanks for everything! Okay, excuse me!

I don't hesitate to interrupt the storage room because I have proper stock and permission from Zalm.

Then there were numerous things like ore, precious metals and gems boxed in there.

From brightly colored crystals and gems to black ores like you've never seen before. There are many different kinds of things overflowing. It would be a mountain of treasure if anyone saw it.

This was picked because Zalm's mining arm is good and he is a sleepy Valerio volcano in a fertile mine.

"It's just so much harder to get here."

I have to cross a bunch of mountains on top of the hassle of heading there because it's at a high altitude.

We have to go through the danger zone by the time we get here, so we have to hire adventurers with quite a few arms for a long time for the merchants to come.

Still, I can't even cover getting there safely, so come on, it wasn't the place where the present Chamber of Commerce could head.

But not if I can use the metastasis. That's why I get driven out when I buy the products here.

"Um, it's certainly Elektraum to Platinum Diet that Emilio asked me to do. And Mithril..."

Emilio asked me to make a note and check the items, comparing them to the ore in the room.

"Yeah, you got them all."

When I made sure they were in place, I told him what I wanted him to go back to Zalm.

"... one hundred and twenty gold coins in total"

"Yeah, that's okay"

Almost the same amount that Emilio expected. I'm afraid for our chairman of commerce because he can also make these fine estimates.

When I give him a leather bag with the amount of money as I was told, Zalm confirms it firmly.

"... no problem. Take whatever you want."

"Okay. Thanks!

I will go into the storage room and store what I bought in the subspace. When you're just an ore, it's impossible to carry it alone.

"Well then, excuse me because I did receive it"

"... Not at all, still handy today. Every time, how the hell am I supposed to carry it out?"

"It's a trade secret."

When I say that to Zalm, who turns his gaze to surprise me, I go outside the workshop.

And when you enter an invisible and proper alley, you move to the Emilio Chamber of Commerce.

Then the landscape changed from a dim alley to a nice indoor with fine carpeted goods.

This is the office of the Emilio Chamber of Commerce.

It's a room where only a limited number of people, including me and Rodney, can enter.

And there Emilio, the Lord of the Chamber of Commerce, sits in the chair doing paperwork.

"Emilio, I have purchased what Mr. Zalm asked for."

"Help me. Leave me in the back storage room."


I'm used to moving indoors, and Emilio said so looking at the paperwork without any particular surprise.

Upon entering the storage room in the back of the office room, the items of purchases stored were removed and placed.

"I left it there. Is this the end of the day's work?

"Oh, that's enough for today. I have my reward right there, so take it."

There seems to be a bunch of gold coins stuffed on the clerical table.

It contains more rewards than the amount I just spent on the purchase. I guess I can sell that item higher than that and make money.

"But our chamber of commerce has grown."

Throw a rewarded leather bag into the subspace and watch the sights outside through the office window.

Only the first class, facing the main street of Wangdu, has great views.

I could well see people walking outside getting sucked into the shopping space on the ground floor.

"Right. But I'm still relying on Cleto. Then we have to do something soon because we're going to tie Cleto up."

"Is that why Emilio's been busy here lately? I did say freedom would be nice, but you don't feel that heavy, do you?

It's getting better for Emilio and the people at the Chamber of Commerce. Sure, I didn't want to be tied to one place initially, but now I'm not feeling that much pain.

Emilio was terrible at first, but from then on, she's letting me make money after giving me my freedom.

Are you sure you want to work here for the rest of your life?

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm not ready for that."

"That's too bad. Don't hesitate to tell me if you feel like burying a bone in our chamber of commerce, okay?

"Say it a little better than that."

It's like a worker holic to bury a bone in a chamber of commerce.

"That said, Cleto would have enough money to live, too, wouldn't he? From here on out, it's more about how to have fun coloring your life than making money. Are you making up your mind about that?

"You certainly haven't made up your mind about that..."

Four months have passed since I came to the other world. I got my money a lot faster than I originally planned.

What will you do next if you stabilize your life? I don't think I thought about it.

"Well, it's Cleto himself who decides that. As far as I'm concerned, I have the ambition to make this Chamber the best in the world, so I'm glad it helped."

As the strange air flowed, Emilio said so in a truly easygoing way.

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