When I finish breakfast by revealing the space magic thing, I ask what I was wondering.

"How can I have a house in this village?

If it's Wang Du, buy citizenship, buy a house at a realtor, and later the realtor will submit the paperwork to the bureau.

But in a country like the village of Howlin, there are no realtors or bureaux. The land has its own rules.

"That would be easy. All you have to do is ask the village chief for permission. That way, all you have to do is go into an empty house and build a house on an empty land"

"May I have your permission?

"I assure you that Cleto is a good guy, and the village chief won't refuse because he sent me a letter last time."

Andre laughing off my anxiety.

Well, for once, I've come to Howlin Village to fulfill my request. Maybe it's in my ear lightly at that time and makes a better impression.

There's a powerful guarantor named Andre, and even less would not be the outward treatment that came all of a sudden.

Walking away inspired by Andre's words for a while.

In the heart of a slightly dense private house, he reached a large bungalow house.

"This is the village chief's house. Hey, I'll come through."


When Andre knocked on the door of the village chief's house, his grandfather, who had grown a good white beard, came out.

When Andre talks, someone like the village chief turns his gaze here, so I'll have a light meeting.

"Cleto, come here!

You told me the requirements a little bit, and Andre called me, so I run over.

"I am Leroy, the village chief of Howlin Village. You want to live in this village, Cleto, right?

"Yes, my name is Cleto"

"I heard from Andre lightly, but you think he's going to have a special way of living like a two-base life? I don't know, can you do that?

If you live normally, maybe it's quick to talk, but in my case, I lived in two bases.

There is no confusion or compelling for the village chief to live a completely unfamiliar way in this world.

Besides, we need to teach you about spatial magic to make that happen.

"You can. I'd like you to experience that, but do you have a moment?


Leroy leaning his neck asked me to experience space magic like Andre and the others earlier.

And when he returned to Howlin Village with the transfer, Leroy nodded a little tired.

"I see. You use this power to live in Wang Du and Houlin Village."

"That's what I mean"

"I have no objection to Mr. Creto living here because Andre is the one who introduced him or actually talked to him."

"Thank you"

"I just wonder one thing, how did you decide to stay in our village? With your magic, you could live anywhere?

From the mayor of the village of Howlin, that's a concern. How come I'm a city citizen from a few of them?

Have you chosen the village of Urin?

"Where nature is rich and quiet. That the food is fresh and delicious. And so on, but the big reason is that through the Andre family, I learned about the warm atmosphere of the village. I don't already have anybody I can call my family or my hometown. I wanted to live in the village where Andre and the others lived."

"... I understand how Mr. Creto feels. I'm glad you're so attracted to this village."

"Hehe, I can't help itching to be told that from the front."

Leroy and Andre looking somewhere embarrassed by the words from my heart.

The person who said it wouldn't stink either. Yeah, that's not a dialogue I can say more than once.

"I also wholeheartedly welcome Mr Creto to live in the village of Howlin. If this is the place to be, take your time."

"Thank you, Mr. Leroy"

I bowed my head deeply to Leroy for his kind words.

This is how I got permission from the village chief to officially live in Howlin Village.

"So where does Mr. Creto live?

"When you come from outside like me and you make a house, what does it feel like?

"You often live as is in a house that has largely become vacant. If you can afford the money, you may ask a carpenter in the village to rebuild or remodel it from scratch."

It would take months to rebuild from scratch. The quick thing is to stay in an empty house.

But I consider this village a place like home. We live here in search of healing and livelihood, not wanting to go into the right house and spend some time.

I want to live in the ideal house of my own imagination because I can afford the money anyway.

I guess the realistic line would be to remodel the empty house.

"For one thing, why don't you come around the empty house with me? You just have to take a closer look around before you make up your mind, okay?

"I like that"

I still haven't looked around Howlin Village, if you think about it. I'd like to take the opportunity to look around at this.

"Now feel free to speak up when you decide where you want to live"

"Yes, I will ask as soon as I decide!

I broke up with Mr. Leroy, and I walk about Andre, who leads me to an empty house.

Unlike Wang Du, there is plenty of land left, and there is no way in.

You're free to go anywhere but in fields, livestock farms, etc.

"First of all, it's an empty house in the heart of the village. The house around here is a little old, but don't be too cheap to live in."

"I see."

The first empty house Andre led us to is a private house with a cozy bungalow.

It's a little narrower and older than Andre's house when it comes to intervals. It feels like an interesting ancient folk house.

It is somewhat beautiful to see if someone takes care of it regularly, but it still seemed a little worn out when I looked at the walls and roofs.

"I'd prefer a bigger house if I could. Because I don't really care about the cost of living there."

Anyway, the money is in the luxury. I don't want to waste my money on a house to live in relaxation.

"I thought Cleto would say that. Well, I thought I'd show you the lowest line ever. Okay. That's a bigger house. Mind if I step away from the center?

"Yes, I don't care about the location because it can be moved quickly with a transfer"

When it comes to housing, I care about access to the workplace and mainly the facilities I use, but I didn't have to worry about it at all if I could use the transfer.

It doesn't matter if you're quite far away and inconvenient to travel. Even in my previous life, if this magic could have been used, I could have lived without worrying about the location.

"You did. Cleto can live on the mountains."

"Just give me a break about that."

"Just kidding. Then we'll go over Don and the empty house."


Then me and Andre go around a bunch of empty houses.

Properties near the woods or in a very large area with no other private houses around.

Peek at them and indulge, when the sky began to stain with a sea color. Andre asks.

"What do you say? Did you have a home you liked?

"None of this is bad..."

Until now, we have been thinking mainly about good access to places we head to, but when it is taken away, the range of choices we can make is widening, so we get lost in this again.

Sometimes I'm indecisive, but I want to pick a pin because I'm in the house where I'm going to live.

"Then will this be the last day in the next vacant house"

"I'm sorry I let you go out with me"

"Don't worry about it! I told you it would help!

Andre laughs cheerfully and moves on to where the next empty house is.

But the path is a very familiar one. I mean, almost enough to call it a way back to Andre's house.

"It's a little close to my house, so I lost track of recommending it, but this house is actually empty, too"

That's what Andre talks about in the light somewhere.

The empty house that Andre brought in is a two-story house thirty meters walk from Andre's house.

"Is this an empty house, too?

"Yeah, I lived here until three months ago, and I moved out."

I thought someone lived there because it was a little bigger and prettier than Andre's house.

"You didn't have to worry about being a neighbor or anything, did you?


When I said it as a nimanima, Andre answered with a pussy out of sight.

"Rather, proximity to the Andre family may be a more attractive value than the vacant homes we've had so far."

"Ha... you were the one who could honestly say that. Something's gonna light up over here."

"Can I have a look inside?

"Oh, wait. I'm gonna unlock you now."

Ask Andre to unlock it and enter the empty house.

"... you have a big living room"

The living room in the room is very large. Not only that, but the number of rooms was large and overall loose.

"There was a family with a lot of children living there. It's bigger than the rest of the house. A little tough for a lone crete, huh?

"No, cleaning isn't that bitter, and I'm glad it's bigger because I plan to bring a lot of things and luggage."

In some cases, I would have liked a room where I could put my Chamber luggage here or keep things organized and stored all sorts of things.

So it's not much of a negative element that it's too big for me. Rather, it was my dream to have a large house in these long idle countryside.

I go upstairs and there are different rooms. It's too big to be used alone, but you could use it as a storage room for things or as a room for visitors.

When I opened the window, the fluffy wind came in and the view was nice.

I went down to the first floor again and found the back door, so I'm going out.

There are plains spread out there, and in the distance you can see forests spread out.

"It's nice to see nature at the back entrance"

"There's a creek nearby, so if you clear your ears, you'll hear the water flow."

"... true"

Clarifying his ears as Andre said, he heard the streams flowing.

"On a beautiful day, you can bring a chair here to bawl or eat with a view of nature"

"Ouch. My secret pleasure is burning in these backyards, eating roasted cheese and sausages, and swallowing ales."

"What is it? I'm too jealous."

It is absolutely good to create a fire with a view of nature, where it is decided to be an evening out.

"I've decided! I'm going to remodel this house and live there!

"Dude, can I make this decision right away?

"Of all the vacant houses I've ever had, I could imagine my future life."

"Right. That's best if you thought Creto was good. Well, let's report it to the village chief."


Thus my new home was successfully decided and I was able to obtain a new base in the village of Howlin.

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