With the money I got from selling off my mourning, I got some common clothes that I could blend into this city.

Vest on shirt with slightly stiff hemp fabric. Plus shoes made of long trousers and leather.

It's a common outfit, like a human man crossing the street.

Five silver coins in a set. Forty-nine gold coins and five silver coins are on hand.

I don't even know how much money this is in this world.

It is very difficult because we cannot interact without knowing the value of the currency.

I need to know the value of the money first. But the question is from whom do we hear that?

I want you to think about it. A 27-year-old adult offers a hundred yen balls and asks how many yen this is. If I ran into an adult like that in my previous life, I would definitely be a jerk.

At least I don't pull.

"... Um, would you like flowers?

When I was thinking about how to grasp the value of the currency, I was pulled on the hem of my trousers.

When I accidentally glanced, there was a young girl there who picked a lot of flowers in her basket.

About six years old. Somewhere tongueless words are so adorable.

... If you're a solid adult, ask him about the value of the money and it might be a dong pull, but a toddler girl might be fine.

I felt it was my chance. I sit back and gaze at the young lady.

"Instead of buying you flowers, I need to ask you something, okay?

"Really? Well, buy flowers first! Then I'll give you an answer for anything!

The young girl was surprisingly firm. If you want information, ask to buy the item first.

"Okay. How much for a bottle?

"Two Copper Coins"

Maybe it's for information, though it could be bogged down.

When I offered him one silver coin, he returned eight copper coins.

Does that mean it's worth one silver coin for ten copper coins?

"Will you answer the question?

"Yeah, fine."

"So you're gonna tell me what the money's worth?

"Is that okay with you?

"Yeah, don't help me if you tell me"


As I expected, the young girl, unlike the grown-ups, answered me slushly without exposing her vigilance.

There was a little bit of clutter in the explanation because of the toddler girl, but this is what it looks like when I gather that information.

One white gold coin = 100,000 yen

One gold coin = 10,000 yen

One silver coin = 1,000 yen

One copper coin = 100 yen

One blue copper coin = ten yen

Seems like a decimal law at a price like that.

In that case, my handheld funds will be 494,800 yen in Japanese yen.

Considering that the general price of a meal can be covered by no more than five copper coins, that's a lot of money.

Apparently, mourning has been a good fund for me to start living in another world.

Though the nostalgia may not be warm, you will be able to stay in the inn and stay active enough.

"Nothing more you want to hear?

I would have felt good explaining everything. The young girl asks me in an attitude she seems to want me to hear more.

"I want you to tell me the name of this country and this city next time."

"This is Zerar, king of the kingdom of Ardeus."

After all, there came out a place name I'd never heard of.

I'm not familiar with geography, but I don't know such a country name and city.

"Do you know a country called Japan?

"Really? I don't know."

I've asked for the country name of the original world to try, but it's a bare gesture like I've never heard of it.

You wouldn't even know how to go home more than you don't.

Though there are limits to the knowledge of a young girl, she won't be able to go home any time soon, and I'm not going to.

"I'm looking for a place to work in this city at the end of the day, but don't you have an establishment or something to introduce me to the job?

"Uncle, are you unemployed?

"... Oh, yeah, 'cause you're just a traveler here"

I was more shocked to have been called my uncle than the word "unemployed" for a young girl.

Twenty-seven years old was quite a shock when you actually said it, even though it was a remarkable age to hang on or off my uncle in my previous life.

Named travelers and others were unconscious words to mitigate the shock word joblessness.

"If you want a job, you should go to the Adventurer Guild and be an Adventurer!

"... an adventurer is anything store that makes that request and gets paid?

"Yeah! My dad said if you're a man, take down demons and grab a thousand bucks!

Maybe the father of a young girl is an adventurer.

There are familiar demons and adventurers in this world, even in the fantasy world, and that seems to be a profession that anyone can be.

A toddler girl advises me to be an adventurer there and make a request if I'm in trouble.

"Okay. First, I'm going to the Adventurer Alliance. Can you tell me where it is?


Following the advice of a flower selling toddler, I was coming to a building that looked like an adventurer guild.

A two-story building facing the boulevard.

I try to get inside, even though I'm freaked out by the wild, fat voice I hear from inside.

In the guild it is built wide for the price, and in the center there is a receptionist counter.

There were several armed men and women in the process.

Various requisitions are sticking out on the bulletin boards at the end of the line, and there are people looking at them seriously.

Despite the daytime in the co-located liquor store, a snuggly man was seen squirming and making noise.

Some of them come looking at me like I deserve to be newly in.

To be honest, I'm so scared, but I dare to be grand because I'm just extra tangled up when I'm still around.

It's like going through a convenience store where the bad guys are hanging out. You can walk away casually.

Heading to the reception in that spirit, the receptionist smiled and spoke to me.

"Welcome, what can I do for you Adventurer Guild?

Woman with up orange hair. The top of his head has rounded bear-like ears.

It would be a race called the Beast Man.

I want to stare seriously, but I'm rude, so I try my best to get out of my sight and tell him what to do.

"I'm becoming an adventurer"

"You want to register as an adventurer. Do you need an explanation about the adventurer?

"Just in case, please"

I only have knowledge of games and online novels, so I decide to listen closely.

"Yes, I did!

Adventurers have a rank of S, A, B, C, D, E, F, and are promoted by doing requests or achieving some kind of achievement.

The S-rank, which is the pinnacle, seems to be strong enough to have only a few people in the country.

The request begins with the cleaning of drops and cities, deliveries and easy work, and when the results are achieved, you will also receive more challenging things such as collecting materials, crusading demons, capturing, exploring and escorting.

By the way, it looks like you can also challenge the rank above with the strength of the party members and the authorization of the staff.

I get a lot of other rules and precautions, but it was just a preliminary thing to not ramble in the guild, not steal things, etc.

"That's more about the adventurer. If you don't have any other questions, are you sure you want to pay the registration fee for the five pieces of copper coin?

"Yes, please"

I have some minor questions, but suddenly I can't help but hear them.

I need to register first, so I can make some money.

"Now put your hands on this crystal"

Paying the registration fee, the receptionist has put a blue crystal on the counter.

"What's this?

"It's for registering adventurer information. These are also installed in Adventurers' Guilds all over the place, where you can view registered information anywhere."

"That's very convenient. How does that work?

It's like a simple network. What the hell is the principle?

"I'm sorry. Teaching you that…"

"Right. I'm sorry I asked you something weird."

"No, blah, blah, blah. I don't know much either."

I'm about to get stuck in the true meaning of the salaried leaking receptionist.

Even if I knew, I guess it's natural that you wouldn't tell me if you asked me what would hit a trade secret.

"Now put your hands together. That's all your information will be displayed."


The receptionist prompts me to put my hands on the crystal.

Then, the crystals glowed and the letters were notated.

Hutae-Kreto, human, twenty-seven.

Rank F

aptitude magic space magic

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