"Dear Creto, what will you do today?

"We should be finishing remodeling the house in Howlin Village, so I'm going that way. I'm not going back to King's Capital for about three days for now."

A week and a little while after moving from the Inn to the Mansion of the King's Capital. In the meantime, I spent my days collecting furniture and utensils to make myself comfortable in Howlin Village while doing my occasional chamber of commerce work.

At first I wasn't used to the daily routine with the maid, but as time went by I also felt much less uncomfortable. If you have a problem, you'll do it right away, and it's a comfortable life because it prepares you well ahead of time to see if you're capable of reading minds to Elsa.

Today is the second week on the completion date.

I decided to head to Howlin Village from today because the house should be remodeled in Howlin Village.

It is the beginning of a full-scale two-location life.

"I've told Emilio in advance, but I need a message just in case."

"Yes, sir."

"In the meantime, I'll be back at the mansion in three days, so please keep the mansion until then."

"Yes, you're welcome to come"

I relocated to Howlin Village as Elsa dropped me off, bowing my head respectfully.

The view then switches from the mansion's living room to the front of Howlin Village's home.

"Oh, that's a little unusual!

If you look at your home, the roof and walls are newly painted and clean. There was a little fence around the house and a little garden at the back door.

I'm in the house, excited about the slightly upgraded look...

"Oh, yeah. You didn't have the keys."

When I changed the doors and doors, I changed the keys with them.

And I haven't received that new key yet.

I have to go get this to the carpenter's house...

It's troublesome that you want to look inside quickly.

"Ah! It's Cleto!

Thinking, for example, Nina was waving from a little further away.

neighborhood to the point of being a little far from the Andre family, but each other's homes look good because there are no other obstacles.

There's no discomfort in Nina noticing me. It's not in the Wang capital, I dust somewhere near that distance.

"New home keys! We're keeping it! I'll take it with me now!

"Oh, is that true? That helps!

Apparently your landlord, Andre, gave it to me when he realized I wasn't in the village. Honestly, I didn't know where the carpenter's house was, and that consideration helped a lot.

After a short wait, Nina came back home with the key in her hand.

"Yes, this! New key!"

"Thank you, Nina"

"Hey, can I see my new house, too?

When she receives the key, Nina asks at the top.

"Oh, of course. Nina's our first customer."

"Yay! First customer!

Granted pleasantly, Nina rejoices in her energy.

Would it be so cute if I had a child myself? Recently, I thought I wasn't interested in sex work, but will I want to have a family someday?

... Well, I don't have any women to worry about right now, and I guess for the time being it's a priority to enjoy a two-base life.

It's a new building now rather than that.

Plug in the new key and open the door. Then a slightly wider front door greets you than the average house.

"Wow, beautiful house."

"Wait a minute, Nina."

"Huh? What?

Nina, seen as the beauty of the new building, is about to go in flat, but I'll stop it.

"My house is off-limits."

"No earthfoot?

"Yes, when you go in, you take off your shoes and change them even though they're like light grass called these slippers."

Remove the slippers made by the artisans of Wang Du from the subspace.

Again, I'm very uncomfortable about going into my house with my shoes.

Wang Du's mansion is built to function with its earthly feet, and it's a maid who cleans it. Besides, there are basically cobblestones laid inside the king's capital, so shoes are rarely dirty.

But the path of Howlin Village is a wild road full of dirt and grass. If you go up to the house with your earthfoot on, the dirt will not be the ratio of the king's mansion.

So I made sure I had space to take my shoes off and made steps to keep dirt and dust from coming in. It is one of the major renovation points of this House.

"Is this the culture of the king's capital?

"No, this is my detention."

"Heh, Cleto's a little strange."

Nina takes off her shoes and wears her slippers.

I know it's nothing else, but the kid surprises me with honest words.

With a bitter laugh, I take my shoes off and change them into slippers, too.

"Ah! But this slipper is so easy!

But you noticed the comfort of the slipper after just a short walk, and Nina rejoiced to flatten her hands back.

"Right? It's comfortable without tightening your shoes, and there's no dirt on the floor."

"That's amazing. I like slippers at home, too."

What a laugh. Me and Nina go behind the front door.

The first one that came in was the living room, which is co-located with the kitchen.

Originally separated from the kitchen, I wanted to spend some time spacious but had the walls smashed through for it.

The living room looks very spacious because of it.

"Wow, the kitchen is so big!

"When the kitchen is small, I don't feel like cooking. The kitchen is also the point of detention."

I plan to cook and enjoy myself in the country.

I only had one bite of stove in the 1K of my previous life, and I didn't like the kitchen where I had trouble with condiments and dishes.

The kitchen in this house was spacious, as if to clear up that depression.

"Can you cook Creto?

Nina asks me with a decent face.

"Oh, I've lived alone a long time. We can do quite a bit of that."

"Heh, it's amazing how you can cook even though you're a man!

Nina says it that way because there are few men in this world who cook.

In that case, I was a man of a rare culinary age.

"Thank you. I'll cook with you if I have time."

"Are you sure!?

"We all cook and eat together... because we make them spread the word so we can do that. Even when I don't live at home, if it's Nina or Stella, you can come in and cook for me."

So that you can be like that family. I want to do something that allows me to connect with people.

In my previous life, I had no family, no deep relationship lovers or friends. So in this otherworldly village of Howlin, we want to have a warm relationship that we could not have created in our previous life.

Besides, I don't have the guts to rot the house while I'm away.

Some had lived in two bases in their previous lives, and others had lent them to others when they did not live there. It is up to me to try to emulate such a way of doing things.

Maybe I can even let them use something when they have a little rally or banquet.

"I'll definitely do it! I'll tell your mother!


After that, he checked every corner of the house such as the backyard, empty room, upstairs bedroom and storage room.

All in a satisfactory finish, the carpenter did a brilliant job. You don't complain.

I'm no match for the size and breadth of Wang Du's mansion, and I'm no servant, but this is undoubtedly my house.

Instead, maybe this one has a stronger sense of home because it feels the size it had on its length.

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