"Hey, Olga. Why don't you sell these tomatoes in the king's capital?


Olga raised her dumb voice to my suggestion.

"How long do you think Wang Du is going to take from here? You can't go and sell it like that."

Olga has a good point. It takes more than a week and a half by carriage from here to Wangdu.

No matter how great the tomatoes Olga is making, in this world where preservation technology is not so well developed, it will be painful and no longer available for sale during transport.

But that's in the case of regular transport.

I could save the tomatoes in subspace, and I could head right to the king's capital with the transfer.

"Distance, freshness, that kind of problem I can solve."

"No, you can't"

I assure you so, Olga, you're turning your gaze on me like you're looking at a crazy guy.

"All right, then we're going to King's Landing now."

I'm used to you not believing me, so I transfer Olga to the king's capital, just like Andre.

Vision switches from the tomato fields of Olga in the village of Howlin to the central square of Wangdu.

"What are you talking about - where the hell!?

"It's the king's capital. I flew all the way here with my magic."

"... are you serious. I was in Howlin Village until just now."

He returns to the village of Howlin where Olga swallowed up the situation a little.

"Oh, oh..."

When he came back with a metastasis, Olga gave him a reassuring and complex look that he spared.

"With this power, I'd like to go and sell it to the King's Capital. How about that?

"Wait. Let them sort out their thoughts."

Did you not envisage anything like this at all, or Olga stands up with a strange face?

"If I had the power now, I knew I could go for sale that Crete would be the king's capital. But is it for sale?

"Even if it looks like this, I'm a pretty good employee of the Chamber of Commerce, so I have a handout to sell properly"

"... where there are a lot of people like that just now, you can sell my raised tomatoes?

"What? You freaked out seeing Wang Du for the first time?

I have no confidence around Howlin Village, nor do I know what it would feel like to see a big city like Wang Du.

"Ugh. In fact, what do you say?

Olga takes a really serious look at it when she tries to tear it up.

He really wants to know if his tomatoes are likely to sell.

But that's a stupid question.

I answer Olga's questions confidently.

"I'm speaking up because I think I can sell it."

"Heh, then try it. I'd like to see if my tomatoes work in Wangdu. And..."


"I want money"

I just thought words like determination would continue, and suddenly a straightforward desire came out of Olga's mouth and was about to stumble.

A conscious dialogue as an absolute tomato farmer today would have been about to continue.

"You, you look so serious and you say that"

"You don't make a lot of money in a country like this. Even farmers want money."

"Right. Money is important, and you want it."

I need money to live. I wish I had a minimum amount of money, but it doesn't hurt to keep it extra. Money isn't the only happiness, but the more the breadth of life is.

And most importantly, we want money, so we work together to sell things. How easy to understand.

But I guess that's Olga's blindfold and you really want a bunch of people to eat your own tomatoes.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be the first to ask if I could sell my tomatoes.

I haven't seen him for a while, but I know Olga isn't being a little honest.

"Right? That's why I say hello."

"Oh, I'll take care of it"

I checked to see if there was any dirt on Olga's hand I had offered, and I shook hands.

Having decided to sell Olga's tomatoes in the King's Capital, I visited the house of Mayor Leroy when I cut up a walk.

It's still a personal area, but I thought it would be better to talk to Leroy, the village chief.

"What's wrong with you?

"Actually, I wanted to talk to Mr. Leroy..."

To Leroy, who opened the door and came out, I would like to sell some crops from Howlin Village in the King's Capital.

"If it's true that Mr. Cleto's magic can sell even the crops here. I think there are limits to business around Howlin Village."

"Thank you!

Leroy's permission has been granted, and this will not frustrate the plan.

Nevertheless, I just want to sell other crops because Olga tomatoes alone are weakly pressed.

I haven't been able to grasp the crops I'm growing in Howlin Village yet, but if you ask Andre or Stella, they might introduce you to crops like giant leeks.

Kind of got fun considering selling a lot of stuff.

It even seems rushed between Leroy's house and Andre's when it gets fun, and I accidentally use the metastasis.

Then he quickly came from Leroy's house in front of the Andre family.

This is probably the first time I've had such a short distance transfer in Howlin Village. They say it's less than fifteen minutes walk away.

While I laugh bitterly at myself for getting caught up in it, I try to put my face on the field behind the house.

Then there's the Andre family.

Andre and I are off hunting and security today, and it looks like he's helping with the house field work.

"Ah, it's Cleto!

Nina will raise her voice and wave when she finds me.

As he walked into the field waving to respond to Nina, Andre and Stella, who were taking care of the crop, also looked back.

"Sorry to bother you while you're at work"

"Oh, I don't mind that, but what's up? Was there something you didn't know in the field of the house?

"No, I came here today to talk to you about a separate matter, not that way. I was wondering if I could sell the crops that Mr. Andre and the others are growing in King's Capital."

The one thing that surprised me most about my suggestion was Stella rounding her eyes.

"... do you have the crop we grow?

"Yes, it is"

"Are you sure our crops will sell? It's a regular crop everywhere, huh?

"No, some crops aren't normal at all! Especially the leeks you fed me during this time! There are no such sweet, splendid leeks around Wangdu either!

I also get a fever for my words when I follow Andre, who doesn't look like he's noticed at all.

I felt that it would be unbearable to let such delicious ingredients rot here alone.

It may be hard for me to think that way, but I can easily jump over the many obstacles that Andre and the others have.

Potatoes are still at the stage where I grow them, so I can't measure their ease and stability, but that could also be a big product ahead of me.

"Uh, that's normal from us, but you said it wasn't from the Cretes"

"Yes, there were no other tomatoes in Olga, so I plan to sell them"

"You sell Olga tomatoes, too?

"Yeah, I just got to know you."

"Heh! I love Olga tomatoes!

Nina says innocently laughing at her.

This information has nothing to do with the business story, but it healed me, so I'll just gavel, "I love you," too.

"I also have Mr. Leroy's permission, and how about that? I belong to a chamber there called the Emilio Chamber of Commerce, so I was hoping I could put it on the market or wholesale it to a restaurant or something."

"Yeah? Wasn't the Emilio Chamber of Commerce the most dynamic Chamber of Commerce right now?

"Oh, Mr. Andre, do you know?

It was surprising that the name Emilio Chamber of Commerce sounded familiar.

"Something used to rumor about the occasional pedestrian stopping by. Something's growing at an unusual rate."

"But I think you'll be convinced to hear that Mr. Cleto's magic is involved."

"No, no, my work is insignificant."

It was no surprise that information was coming from the Wang capital as far away as the village of Houlin.

But it doesn't look like Olga, who's in the same village, doesn't know or is still well-known to the countryside.

Maybe that's why Andre and the others at the village desk as security got to know.

"So what do you think? Will you let me sell Mr. Andre's crops?

"Well, it's Cleto's favor, and that's a good thing because from us, you make more money, right?

"Yeah, I was overwhelmed with the crops I grew every year."

"Thank you. If you like, can I see any other crops you're confident in?

"We don't have a lot of crops growing in our fields, but there's a lot more of them growing delicious crops. If you like, why don't you go around with them?

"Be sure, please!

That day I was shown the fields of the Andre family and went around the fields of the other farmers.

Not only the Andre family leeks, the Olga tomatoes, but other farmers had a number of special crops such as green aubergines, tricolored edamame beans and large egg watermelons, convinced that they could be sold in the king's capital.

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