After collecting firewood and food, Nina and I moved back home.

Large quantities of firewood and food were collected, but they were thrown into subspace and returned from the transition, so fatigue was minimal.

Nevertheless, since it is summer, it is unlikely to perspire at all, and I am thirsty if I collect it for a long time.

"Would you like to get some rest before you come back?"

"Yeah, I want some ice!"

Nina will be back as soon as she loses her job, but the temptation for something cold seems unbeatable.

Take off your shoes and change into a slipper.

Thanks to Nina, I was able to collect not only a lot of firewood, but also food.

I'm sorry I only serve water normally, so I'm going to treat you to chilled iced tea.Of course, a glass with only ice is also available separately.

"Thank you for waiting."

"What is this?"

Iced tea.


"One of the teas sold in King's Landing is called black tea.It's a cold drink. "

"Hee, it smells good.It's completely different from yogi tea. "

Nina grabbed the glass and smelled it.

There are a lot of teas around here that use wild grass such as yogi, so I think it feels fresh to have a fragrance like this kind of tea.

Conversely, there were a lot of different kinds of tea I didn't know and it was fresh in a different way than Nina.

"It's not that sweet, but it smells good and it's easy to drink!"

Yeah, it sounds like a kid's honest opinion.But ice tea tastes like that.

"Iced tea isn't enough, but it's just the right thing to eat with."

"Woah, cookies!"

They gave it to me once as a souvenir and found out the contents of the box I showed them.

When the cookies were removed from the box, they were placed on small plates.

"Eat cookies and then have ice tea.It'll taste even better. "

The sweetness of cookies spreading through your mouth.The crunchy teeth feel very good.

Tiredness from weeding and picking up firewood in the morning seems to melt with sweetness.

Drink ice tea while you feel the sweetness in your mouth.

Then, the sweetness of the cookie was added to the ice tea, and the aroma was high but the sweetness was strong.And finally, the iced tea feels cool.

It seems like you can eat this loop forever without feeling the sweetness of the cookies.

Simulate what I'm doing, and Nina mouthes cookies with her little mouth.

When I moved my mouth, I looked happy, and then I rushed to eat ice tea.

"It's true! It tastes better than normal!"

"Isn't that right? This is a bit of an adult tea taste."

"Wow, there's so much I don't know about King's Landing."

Nina murmured enviously as she put ice in the glass.

Cookies and tea that are hard to get here.Fun way to combine them.

I wonder if I've spoken too much of Nina's unknown kingdom.

Nina's pure reaction was fun, and she might have been too proud to show off everything.

"... do you want to go to King's Landing?"

"Eh!? Are you sure?!?"

I'm sorry to suggest that Nina raised her upper body.

The teased expression becomes bright and bright.I smile unexpectedly at Nina, who is so emotional.

"I promised you I'd take you there before."

"Gotcha! Let's go!"

"Yeah, but what if Andre and Stella gave you permission?Even though we're going on a transfer, we're both worried about going to King's Landing. "

I can assure you that there is no danger on the road because the transition is a bit tight.

But Andre and Stella should be worried about going far away.

It's not a place where we can go just by our judgment, like the firewood pickup we just saw.

"Okay! I'll ask!"

When I explained that, Nina put on her shoes and ran to her house carrying a wooden basket.

No matter how fast you hurry, it's great to bring home firewood.

Even with Stella's permission, I don't think my parent Andre would allow it.

Well, let's have them give up honestly then.

As she waited in the living room, Nina came back with Stella.

"Crete, come on!"

I am surprised at the words with a smiling smile.

"Did Andre forgive you?"

"I didn't tell Andre.If you say so, I know you'll definitely stop. "

Unexpectedly, Stella answered with a bitter smile.

I agree with the answer, but is it really good?

Is that okay with Stella?

"If you're going on foot, there's Crete's magic.Honestly, I think it's safe wherever Crete is. "

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I think my childhood experience will be a better treasure than anything else.That's why I want to show Nina the world. "

Stella's eyes gently stroked Nina's head as she glanced at her loving eyes.

Nina accepts it naturally and looks really pleasant.

Looks like Stella is really making a decision about Nina.

If my mother had lived, I would have built this relationship.

"Okay, if that's what Stella says, I'll take your daughter with me!"

Yes, thank you very much

That way, Stella lowers her head lightly.

He trusts me with this.I'll never protect Nina.

Nevertheless, there is only one concern.I sneak up on Stella and whip my ear.

Just don't let me get killed when you get back.

"Leave it to me, Andre. I'll tell you what."

I was relieved by Stella's very reliable response.

Honestly, I was much more afraid of André's rampage than of Nina's safety in King's Landing.

Well then, let's head to King's Landing.

"Wait, I'm sweating and I'm going to be more stylish!"

I tried to get there right away, but Nina left home.

"I'm sorry, that's what this is all about, so please wait a moment."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'll wait here."

Stella smiled and waited after Nina.

I didn't expect Nina to say such a thing.

Even though she's still ten, Nina's a girl who's conscious of that.

I feel a little sorry for not being able to do so with that kind of care.

Can I get changed too?

I don't have to be nervous just because it's King's Landing, but it's not okay to wear clothes that are still sweaty.

Inspired by Nina, I sweated properly and changed into new clothes.

"Thank you for waiting, Crete!"

Nina cried out as she changed her shirt and waited in the living room.

When I went out, there was Nina, who had completely changed her clothes.

White sleeveless blouse with dark blue culotte skirt.

The blouse has a ribbon on the chest and a cute handmade shoulder bag hangs from the shoulder.Moreover, the tip of the ponytail hair was curled more than usual.

Well, what do you think? Isn't that weird?

Nina asks anxiously.

It was so different from usual that I couldn't speak for a moment.

I'll give you my thoughts as soon as I return to you in Nina's words.

"Oh, isn't that amazing? It's very fashionable."

"Really!? Isn't it weird walking in King's Landing?Don't you float? "

"Do not float, do not float. Rather, it's more beautiful than the children in King's Landing."

That's too much to say.

Nina laughs bitterly, but I really think so.

I thought it would turn into something fashionable because I was a cute kid from the beginning, but I didn't think so.

"If you wear these clothes all the time, it would be even more intense."

"Hmm, that might be hard to wear every day.I wonder if it's just a special occasion, like a harvest festival. "

Nevertheless, this part was Nina.

Well, I usually work in agriculture, so I can't even wear these beautiful clothes.

It's a little too good for me because it suits me so well.

"Mom, isn't your hair weird?"

"It's okay. I don't care much. Touch it and it collapses."

Nina touched her hair tip with concern and Stella embarrassed herself.

I'm sure Nina coordinated it with Stella. That's my mother.

Well then, we're ready and let's go.

"Yeah! Mom, I'm coming!"

"Go and stay close to Crete."


While Stella waved her hand to see her off, Nina and I made our way to King's Landing.

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