I was coming to the Adventurer's Guild the next morning when I revealed the first day of the other world in an inn there in the heart of the Wang capital.

Now that we have a grasp on space magic, it is to make money by making some affordable requests.

It's not absolute because we just walked a little bit through the Wang capital, but perhaps this world is not so well trafficked.

People are probably traveling on foot, to the extent that the precision travels on things like horses and carriages.

There are no automobiles or bicycles, as in previous life, nor do they look like they go by train or Shinkansen. It's not a plane.

This is a fantastic different world. Sometimes magical powers and inflexible demons serve those purposes, but not everyone will be able to go anywhere as easily as in previous lives.

When that happens, I can move the place instantly with a metastasis, which is a big advantage.

It's a world where you can't get around. I can easily make money by buying goods over there and just selling them out.

But it's dangerous to imitate like a merchant with no knowledge of the other world at all.

Whatever it is, I don't know what I can sell or where.

Now it would be best to make money while gaining knowledge, form connections and get ready.

That's why I'm going to study while I do my request.

There are still many adventurers in the Adventurer Alliance today.

In the co-located liquor store, I saw a number of groups seriously discussing breakfast with their mouths open.

I guess it's something that usually parties like that and makes requests.

Normally a beginner, I should also learn to do that, but the disadvantages were greater from me being able to travel instantly with a metastasis.

It seems that my magic can be transferred not only by individuals, but also by more than one person, given my personal convenience and circumstances.

Well, I don't think anyone wants to work with a rushing round adventurer who's not even wearing decent weapons or protective gear either way.

I look at the bulletin board all by myself, even as I feel masochistic.

There was a wide variety of requests out there.

That's the escort of the merchants moving from the game to the city and village from demonic crusades such as goblins, oaks and slimes. Request to collect medicinal herbs, fruits and nuts.

Cleaning, hauling and finding stray dogs in Wangdu's facilities.

"... you really have a lot of requests"

There was a wide range of requests out there that exactly deserved to be called a store for anything.

Nevertheless, the only requests I can take are those of the F-rank.

What you get when you do is quite narrowed down, and there are few crusade requests you can get.

Most of it was a near-field collection request, otherwise things like carrying loads in the city, cleaning and delivering letters were overwhelming.

I guess this is what the rushing adventurers do, brush their knowledge, connections, and arms for e-rank, and get crusade requests.

There was no objection to that. I'm an ordinary person who has lived in a peaceful world here and there.

Whether you had irregular magic or not, you didn't have the courage to suddenly go crusading demons.

Let's do a chore request in the tunnel.

The only thing I've ever laid eyes on is a delivery request.

Simple request to deliver luggage. The amount requested is not very high, but you can do the number.

Travel time is the most neck, but from what I can transfer with space magic, nothing went wrong.

Instead, you'll be able to make rough money while gathering information.

I take about five requests for deliveries and walk to the reception.

Then again today I had a receptionist sister who gave birth to bear ears.

"Hello, Mr. Creto. Are you getting a request today?

"Yes, please make this request"

Exactly yesterday, some of them registered and they seem to remember my name.

Submit the requisition to be ordered, even though you remember to be a little happy.

Then the receptionist, who had a smiling smile, looked subtle.

"... Um, Mr. Creto. Can you take five?

"Yes, it is"

"Sure, it's not a bad thing to do more than one of these requests, but suddenly I think it's risky to get this many, right? Because if you don't make it by the due date, you'll be fined. I know it would be a hassle, but it would be better to complete the request and come back to the guild in due course to be ordered..."

"It's okay. Because I have confidence in my feet."

To be clear, the receptionist grinned like trouble.

I guess that means she's actually pretty tough to do this many.

But I have metamagic. Even if there is no problem with distance away.

"Still, it's tough when it comes to this delivery point. Luggage is also in considerable quantities, which is impossible considering going back and forth. You can't make people take requests that you can't achieve."

But a receptionist who didn't know my circumstances like that didn't shake my head vertically.

Being solid is great as an organization, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

"... ok. Now, I'm going to take just two of these."

"Yes, then I think we can do it without a problem. Now you're in the process of ordering!

Concessionally, the receptionist proceeded with a howling grin.

I can't help but say that those with no track record can't.

Let's show our track record first and then we'll take it all at once. Seems like a long way around, but that's a shortcut.

There are two requests I received in the Adventurer Alliance.

The first is to deliver a chair to a family living away at the request of an old man named Brom.

The second is to deliver the goods from the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu to the branch on the other side.

I decided to do the first request first.

"The client's house is in the south section and the shipping house is in the east section..."

The first thing you need to do is pick up a chair towards the house where your client lives.

From me, who only travels around the Adventurer Guild, I don't even know where it is, but if you use the metastasis, there's no problem.

First, transfer to the soaring bell tower.

From there, my client will have a house. Look over the south section and stare at the map written on the request.

"Around there, by the way."

Activates a metastasis when approaching a destination.

It quickly moves to the roof of the building in the south section.

I have to resort to this kind of means because I can't transfer once I've been there, but that's only the beginning. Once you go, there's no problem.

Whenever I make a request for a delivery, I have two birds with one stone because it increases the extent to which I can get there with the transfer.

"There it is! This house!

I found something that matched the characteristics of the house that was written in the request.

Not a minute has passed since the Adventurer's Guild in the center of the Wang capital.

As far as I could tell from the bell tower, a few kilometers were such a distance that a decent walk towards it would have passed a considerable amount of time.

Quickly knocking on the door, Grandpa came out of inside.

"Excuse me, I'm an adventurer with a delivery request"

He was a grandfather who looked suspicious, but grinned when he presented the requisition firmly.

"Oh, you came to take it fast. I keep the chair in the garden that I want it delivered. Bring it to my granddaughter's house."


There are two bigger chairs ahead of Grandpa's point. They just need to deliver this.

If you are an adult male, it would be a hassle to take it on foot, though not as much as having two at the same time.

But it's none of my business.

"Okay, I'm coming."

"I asked for it."

I lifted two chairs, and I'm out of the house.

"Sub-sky storage"

Then when I activated the spatial magic, the subspace opened.

This is storage, one of spatial magic. There is no concept of time in this subspace, and matter can be stored without deterioration of any size.

It's a game, like an item box or a magic bag.

With this, I can easily carry any item.

Throw two chairs in there and it doesn't matter what the weight is.

I activate the metastasis when I get to the bare hands.

Returning to the bell tower in the centre, I look to the east section thinking of the map I remember.

Just like earlier, we make a roughly transition to the east section and repeat the transfer until we find a building that looks like a destination.

"Right here."

Took me a little while to squeeze out the house to deliver, but it hasn't taken five minutes.

I'm ready to take out two chairs stored in the subspace in front of the door.

When I knocked, a young woman came out.

My hair color is the same as Mr. Brom's, and my eyes are somewhat similar.

"Excuse me, I'm an adventurer who took requests for deliveries. Brom asked me to bring you two chairs."

"Oh, that's the chair your grandfather used to say during this time! Thanks for the delivery!

When I gave Mr. Brom his signed request, the woman wrote me an autograph of receipt in a manner she was accustomed to.

I guess it's not uncommon for adventurers to take on that role in Wangdu, where express courier and others are underdeveloped.

But when will you be thanked in this way while you are at work? Basically, there was a lot of desk work, and my boss was a race I couldn't work with.

It's been a long time since I've felt ashamed to be thanked by people like this. But it's still a pleasure.

"No, then excuse me"

Submit the signature of the Client and the Shipper Lord to the Alliance and the request will be accomplished.

Now the first request is complete.

It took me a while because of the few ranges I could still transfer, but it hasn't been long enough since I left the Adventurers Guild.

We're going to do the request, and if we go to a lot of places, we'll be more efficient.

In that case, it won't be hard to do one request within two minutes.

"Okay, do you want to head to your next client's place!

I checked the second requisition and activated the transfer again.

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