"... that's a nice picture."

I left the museum and whispered as I walked down the coffee shop street.

I've never been so impressed with just one painting.

The picture I just painted is too beautiful to get out of my head.

A strange feeling similar to the feeling of loss was spreading.

It's a little early, but I think I'll finish lunch at the coffee shop.

I didn't feel like actively moving around because of the finish of the painting earlier.

In the meantime, when I draw up a code of conduct, I turn my foot to a nearby coffee shop.


A stylish wooden coffee shop.There are only women and couples in the shop who look through the glass.Then I turned to the terrace seat, and you were the same guest group.

Although seats are slightly vacant, a man my age will definitely float if he enters alone.I can't stand the air anymore.

Let's make a difference.

Make an immediate judgment and peek at the coffee shop you saw next.

But you have the same audience, and no one like me has a single client.

When I looked at the coffee shop opposite diagonally, I found that most of what was not a couple were occupied by female customers.

It still has a nice atmosphere and is a popular place for women.

Elsa felt uncomfortable even if she went in alone, but it was a high level place for me.

Let's take a military retreat.

The coffee shop street that Elsa recommended to me, but it was a high level place for me to go in alone.

As I continued walking from the crying coffee shop streets, it became a calm city and the flow of people decreased.

A small, brick-made coffee shop that you can see inside.

It says "Black Cat Cafe," and a small sign resembling a black cat hangs on the door.

How about this place?

Looking out the window, I could see the unified interior with antique furniture.

There is no bias in the audience as mentioned earlier.Less crowded and moderately comfortable.

It soon became apparent to me that I decided to go in immediately.

I feel tired from walking around looking for a coffee shop.

"Welcome, have a seat of your choice."

When I entered, a woman a little younger than me said so, so I sat down on the seat of the empty end.

A wooden table with a comfortable chair and a nice touch.

The color of the walls is calm and the lighting magic is just bright.

In the back kitchen, the dandy face master polishes the glass.

"Yeah, it's a good vibe."

This is not the kind of coffee shop that everyone knows Elsa recommended, but this is a good place.

It may be good to visit famous shops, but I don't think it's bad to know a calm shop.

"How would you like to order?"

"Well, let's have a sandwich lunch. Drinks are iced fruit tea."


The waitress dropped off with a lovely smile when she asked for a cuisine that was a classic in the coffee shop.

As soon as the ice fruit tea arrived, I watched the book I bought while drinking with the little one.

When I was spending time like that, the waiter brought me a sandwich.

"Thank you for waiting, it's a sandwich for lunch."

"Ooh... big!"

There are two sandwiches on the plate.

The ingredients were touched, but the size was quite large.

Wrapped in wrapping paper, without which the ingredients would not be pinched.

"My dad says that little sandwiches aren't sandwiches."

"It looks calm, but it's gorgeous."

It is surprising that Dandy's uncle, wiping his glass with a calm expression, says such a delightful thing.

"By the way, the ingredients always change."

That kind of place is whimsical by tracing it to the name of the store.

That's right.

The waitress smiled and said, "Please take your time."

Inside the sandwich are egg grilled winners, bacon and tomatoes, all thick with lettuce.

The customer developed a rash while holding it firmly by hand.The taste of aromatic wheat and the taste of salty and savory winner.From there, the taste of the egg, the sour tomato, the fluffy lettuce and each taste are chained.

"... delicious"

The taste was more delicate behind the pleasant appearance.

I ate a chunky sandwich and got my stomach full. I read while drinking ice fruit tea.

A quiet space isolated from the hustle and bustle of King's Landing.

Read here today and visit the shop again, then go to the right restaurant for a drink.

Then you can transfer a little pinch and liquor to the bell tower and have a drink while watching the night view.

Hi, Crete.

Emilio stood in front of her when she set such an ideal schedule.

I saw Emilio with a refreshing smile, and I heard the hallucinations of my plan breaking apart.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm a little busy with Crete.Oh, I'll have ice milk tea, please. "

Emilio sat in the seat in front of her as a matter of course and placed an order with the waitress.

"How did you know where I was?"

"Elsa taught me."

"But you're far from the coffee shop street Elsa taught you about."

I wonder if there are any magic tools or watchers that could tell me where I am.

"Crete can't get into such a fashionable shop.I could easily imagine looking for a quiet café with my butt in it.I thought it was a coffee shop around here. "

Kh, my thoughts are completely visible.I regretted it, but I couldn't say anything back because it was a fact.

"... so what do you want from me?"

I was offered milk tea and asked when the service had left.

Emilio himself came looking for me, either in a hurry or in a serious matter.

When I realized the holidays were gone, I threw the book I was reading into subspace.

"Actually, someone asked me to connect with you."

"Does that mean you know I work for the Chamber of Commerce?"

Brokering with Emilio means I know I belong to the Chamber of Commerce and do business in transit.

"That's what happens. If you look at the Forwarder and my Chamber of Commerce that showed up in the Adventurers Guild, some people will think that Crete and I are working together."

Well, it's not that secret.

For now, I'm the only one with space magic, and I can't imitate it as tasty as I know it.Whether you listen to me or not, it's overwhelmingly faster for me to get away with the transfer.

"Anyway, it's unusual for Emilio to have a request like that."

If you want to do it, you can take the noble one with you in transit.However, the Chamber of Commerce does not do such business at all.

Because buying and selling supplies is much more profitable than doing so, and it has the power of a chamber of commerce.

"Well, my client has known me for a long time."

"Hmm, what's he like?"

I'm simply curious about Emilio's old acquaintances.

Emilio is highly communicative, but I've never seen such a private acquaintance.

"Talk quickly if you're interested.Actually, I'm waiting outside, so can I come in? "

"Are you out there? Well, that's good."

Even though it's a shade under the roof, I'm sorry to have you wait outside all this hot season.I nodded immediately, worried more than nervous.

Emilio opened the door and called out, and a woman came in from outside.

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