"Yes, sir."

That's what Refilia said, and it was at dusk that she put the brush down.

She drew up the scenery without interrupting any focus since she decided to do so.

On the large canvas is the view of the village of Howlin overlooking from the hill.

Rich plants, trees, and cool streams that flow to sew the ground.

And you can see the view of the fields in the distance.There is no doubt red fruit on it, it must be in the tomato fields of Olga.

The gentle view of the village of Howlin was delicately expressed in a pale hue of watercolour paint.

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

People don't get words when they see touching pictures.

There were supposed to be a lot of compliments I wanted to say and thank you, but everything went away.I could only say it was beautiful.

"I'm glad you said that."

Only such words could be said, but Lefiria smiled as if there was a mixture of peace of mind and joy.

When I bought a proper frame, I tried to decorate the Mansion in King's Landing.That's what I decided at once.

Carefully store the picture drawn by Lefiria in the subspace.

"I had a great experience painting big buildings and people in King's Landing."

If they say so, they'll live in King's Landing.

We need to hire an adventurer to get out of here, and it's hard to count on someone who doesn't know what's going on.

It is a landscape painting of the village of Howlin designated as a thank you, but I would be happy if it was fruitful for her.

"... um, Mr. Crete"

What is it?

Refelia looked at us with a serious look.

"Can I live in this village for a while?"

Suddenly I was surprised at Lefiria's words.

Um, are you sure?

"Just once, I wanted to paint while living in a place surrounded by nature.I think it would be a good opportunity to move safely if Crete could help us.I feel like I can't get scared if I miss this.... "

"Should I do my job?"

"It's not a job that you can't do without King's Landing, and there's storage."

Lefiria is already a leading painter.If I could even draw a picture, it wouldn't matter where I live in particular.

Well, I feel like I've done this kind of interaction before.

Specifically, Andre and Stella.I had the same conversation back then, and I was really worried.

"For me, you're welcome.With the permission of the village chief, I think we can live without any problems. "

"Thank you."

Lefiria has a very warm and sociable personality.Living in this village won't do anything bad, and you'll get along well with the villagers.

"But maybe you should talk to Emilio."

I'm not going to deny Lefiria's feelings because I'm the one who wanted to be based in Howlin Village.They knew the charm of Howlin Village and decided to emigrate as well.

However, Lefiria has a patron named Emilio.

As long as you're helping me, I won't be able to help myself.

"Yes, I'll go back to King's Landing and talk to him."

"Yes, I'll help you when I get permission."

"Thank you very much for your time."

Perhaps there will be more new residents in the village of Howlin.

I was excited to think so.

I wonder if Andre, who took care of me, felt the same way.

When I sent Lefiria to the Atelier on the transfer, I came to the Chamber of Commerce office.

"Did you paint the reward?"

Emilio asked at the very beginning if she thought she'd come to the report.

Well, including that, it's officially the end of the request, so it's good to report it.

"I was given a picture of the King's Landscape overlooking the Bell Tower and the village of Howlin."

"Oh, this is a wonderful picture.If you take it where it belongs, you can buy a mansion with those two paintings. "

Emilio leaks that word when she takes the painting out of the subspace and shows it to her.

"... wait a minute. How much is Lefiria's painting worth?"

Didn't you know? She is now a very popular painter, from royalty to nobility.There are a lot of fans not only in this country, but also outside. "

It was also exhibited as a highlight at the exhibition, and I heard that I could earn just paintings, so I thought it was quite famous, but it was more than I could imagine.

He was a very popular painter who painted hundreds of gold coins in one painting.

I didn't feel that way at all because the person in question was taking it lightly.

"... I take care of it."

"It's just one property, so don't let it get stolen."

Emilio was right about the reward, not the money, but the painting.

Nice judgment I made back then.

Or do such amazing people live in Howlin Village?I'm worried that I won't be taken with me because I'm famous for everything.

I'm a little worried about politely storing pictures in subspace.

"Emilio, I need to report something else, okay?"

What is it?

"Lefiria wants to live in Howlin Village."

Emilio, listening through the paperwork, stopped moving.

"... that's a bit of a leap in the story, isn't it?What happened? "

I guess that's what happens when you suddenly say that.

Moving in this world is much heavier and more important than in previous life.It's not something you do with a light feeling.

To Emilio with his eyebrows hidden, I will explain what happened when Lefiria moved to Howlin Village.

"... I see. Is that what she was thinking?"

"I think I'll come to talk to you soon, but what about Emilio?"

"Well, I miss being gone from King's Landing, but it doesn't stop Lefiria from drawing.If a nobleman suddenly asks me to paint, I think I'll have Crete carry it. "

"... well, it's not that much trouble, so I'll carry you."

I often come to King's Landing anyway.

I thought there was such an exchange as the relationship between the supporter and the recipient.

Many aristocrats and merchants would be happy to trade paintings by famous painters as souvenirs or rewards.

I think I know Emilio's unexpected business trump card.I'm sure he's using a wealth of connections besides Lefiria to hide a lot of trumpets.

"Yeah, that's fine.If Crete were here, he could always bring pictures to King's Landing.Instead, I can use the relocation of Lefiria as a reason to raise the price.... "

Emilio thinks evil with a black smile.

I'm sure there are a number of bad ideas in his head.

Looks like he was working, and he'll only get in the way if he stays here any longer.

Having completed the necessary reports, I moved to the Mansion with a proper voice.

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