"Ooh? Really in an instant, from King's Landing- Ooh!Bye, sea! "

Alte was confused by the transition to the port town of Pedrik, but seeing the sea in sight seemed to have blown it away.

It is the port of Pedrick that has arrived now.

Nobody but us gets annoyed by the sudden screams.

Nevertheless, it is famous as a tourist destination, so whether we are here or not, I think the locals will see it with warm eyes.

Pedrick's sea is very beautiful with its vibrant blue color.

The horizontal line extends to the end of the line of sight, where the sky and sea appear to be mixed.

A calm white cloud is drifting and the seabirds are soaring gracefully.

"It's not beautiful...."

It's like a leaking voice gazing at a beautiful jewel.

I knew I was impressed by the view of the ocean for the first time, so I stood by without a voice.

I've been in business several times, but this may be the first time I've seen it slowly.I watched carefully so that I could enjoy the view of the sea.

The sound of waves that you can hear Zarzan.The sound of bumping into irregular waves is very pleasant.

The scent of the tide that is never heard of in Howlin Village or King's Landing.

That's very fresh.

The wind blew in and her covered hood ran behind her, causing her long, vine-colored hair to sag.

I thought it was a beautiful girl when I saw it from the gap in the hood, but it was more than that when the appearance was revealed.Hair without any habits is very glossy and beautiful.

Just looking at the ocean in this way is enough to make it a painting.

"The hood is off, but are you okay?"

"Never mind. Few people here know anything about crap."

I called out worried, but it doesn't seem inconvenient if it's outside the King's City.

"Nevertheless, I didn't think you could really come in an instant.With this power, you can't do anything wrong. "

"I won't."

I laughed bitterly at Arte's words while laughing.

I'm sure you're right, but I don't want to be the one asking.

"Would you like to see the ocean a little more?"

"No, I want to see the sea closer.Can I go to the beach over there? "

In the direction Arte pointed to, there was a sandy beach, and even from afar, tourists and locals could be seen enjoying something like a beach bath.


"All right! Let's go!"

When he nodded, Alte ran out of breath.

It really looks like a kid, too.

When I thought about it, Arte stopped unexpectedly and looked back.

"... didn't you just think I was a kid?"

"No disillusionment."

He shook his head sideways in a hurry as he stared at him with a tight gaze.

You seem sensitive to these childish gazes and expressions.Try not to smile as much as you can.

Restore your mind and Arte and I will move to the beach.

"Oh! The sand is soft! This is what the beach feels like!"

"If you run around like that, your shoes will be covered in sand."

"... it's too late."

It seemed too late for me to notice, and Arte's shoes were packed with sand.However, on the contrary, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, so don't hesitate to proceed.

Then we arrived at a wave that was closer to the sea.

"If I look closer, I can feel the power of the waves!"

"If you get that close, your shoes will get wet this time?"

At the moment of caution, Zazan and strong waves came, and Alte's feet became wet.

There was a typical beginner in the ocean who couldn't predict the wave spacing at all.

"... Crete, you've been a little slow.Did you do it on purpose? "

"Because Alte acts instinctively."

I can't help it because I'm taking action before I pay attention.

I didn't think I'd get that close to the ocean.

"Ugh, it's the sand and the water."

"Then take off your shoes.Walking barefoot on the beach feels good, and I can get into the sea. "

"That's not a good idea!"

So Alte took off his shoes and socks.

"Oh! It feels so good with sharks!"

I'll take off my shoes and socks so I don't see the same thing.

Stepping on soft sandy beaches with bare feet.I am getting hot because I am in the summer sun.But that's even comfortable.

"I have to put some sunscreen on."

I remember the sun, but the sea sun is intense.Even though the sun is prone to sunlight, there is also sunlight reflected by the sea.If you don't apply sunscreen, it will be a big problem.

"Alte, I'm going to put some sunscreen on."

"What is that? Instead of that, the straw goes into the sea!"

What a terrible thing to do because you've never been to one of these places, Alte.

I think she's quite wealthy, but isn't there a concept of applying sunscreen?Speaking of which, I haven't seen many of these in the Kingdom.

"Don't you know if you regret it later?Because the damage is bigger than the shoes I just saw? "

"Well, I don't know, but if you say so, I'll put it on."

Threatening Alte, who didn't listen to the advice, came back amazingly.

It seems to have been better to do more damage than shoes.

I'll let Alte put his hand on it and put some sunscreen cream on it.

Spread it out and put it on your skin.

"Is it something similar to what your mother is painting?"

If my mother asks, I'm sure she'll kill me.

Youth is invincible in many ways.

After applying sunscreen to each other, Arte and I put our feet into the sea.

"It feels so cold!"

Oh, that's great.

It's only in the summer, and cold seawater feels very good.

Cool water wrapped our feet.

Feeling the coolness, Alte was licking the seawater a little.

And he immediately frowned.

"As I was really told, it's like a tail!"

"Because it's seawater."

I did the same thing first when I was a kid.

The world you live in is different, and the actions you do when you first see the ocean seem to be different.

"Oh! Isn't this a shellfish?"

"It's a shell. It's just a shell with no contents."

"Beautiful inside!Save some for souvenirs! "

Alte picks up the shell at her feet with an innocent smile.

I'm also looking for the ground as I move forward with my sub.

Pedrick's sea was so clear and beautiful that the shells looked good.It's very helpful because it's easy to find shells.

A large shellfish or an elongated shellfish wrapped around it.Not only was the outer color bright, but the inner iris picked up the beautiful shell and gave it to her.

Since when have we been gathering shellfish like this?If I had come alone, I wouldn't have thought of doing this.

Thanks to Arte for coming up with a fresh play.

After collecting one type of shell, Alte looked farther away.

Are you looking at the sea again?I thought it was different.

Perhaps she's staring at people who are swimming in the ocean with pleasure.

Arte, why don't you try swimming?

"I want to do it in the mountains, but the straw doesn't have clothes to get into the sea."

"Then I think I'm renting out the building over there.Let's go for a while. "


I've never swimmed in Pedrick, but perhaps if it were a beach like this, I'd rent out my bathing suit.

With that in mind, I head to a two-storey shop on the beach.

Then I had to borrow my swimsuit.

There is a men's swimsuit shop on the first floor and a women's swimsuit on the second floor.

"Looks like you're doing it.Pick what you like. Come on. "

"Crete won't come with me!?"

"... I'm a man, so I can't go with you.There is a female clerk, so you should listen and choose. "

I know how lonely it is to be left alone in an unknown area, but this is not all I can do.

But it's pathetic to throw it out like that.At the very least, I speak to the female clerk as mercy.

"Excuse me, please pick her swimsuit."

"Leave it to me! I'll get you a nice bathing suit if you look good on her!"

"It's not her."

Recently, I feel that people often make mistakes like this because they are taking little girls around.

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