Having bought other ingredients such as crimson shrimp, Alte and I moved to a bakery outside the market.

The open space has a large roof, and there are many tables and chairs lined up.The walls are not installed conscious of the good ventilation, so it is very liberating.

A net is laid in the center of the table, and it seems that you can grill the ingredients you like by using the charcoal there.

At lunchtime, there were a lot of people at the bakery, each of them grilling the seafood ingredients they had bought.There is a nice smell of ingredients burning everywhere, and it is violent.

We sit at the table at the edge of the room where the employees are taking us to the free seats.

"Oh, I just saw the ocean and the view was nice."

Hmm, it's not a bad view!

Our seats were right on the edge of the fire pit, with a good view of the ocean.

The seafood barbecue overlooking the ocean is truly amazing.I'm lucky to be sitting here.

When the employee lights the charcoal, he only grills what he buys.

Alright, let's burn it.


The ingredients I bought were four crimson shrimp, two scallops and four clams.And Kraken's legs and fillets.

Remove the knife from the cutlery box and leave the scallops open.At the same time, shellfish columns should be cut and easily baked.

At the end of it, I took out the tongs and put the ingredients on the warmed net.

The net is lined with seafood ingredients.This sight alone will make you happy.

"On top of the scallops are butter and fish sauce."

Whoa, whoa, whoa! This smells good again!

When the butter is placed and fish soy sauce is poured over it, it makes a sound and melts and mixes with each other.

The intrinsic tidal scent of scallops and their combination spread a violent aroma.

Wait for the ingredients to cook with Alte.

There is a beautiful sea right next to it, so you can look at it and crush your time, but now you can't just turn your gaze towards it.

Will it burn up soon?I can't help but be hungry.

"Look, Crete! The crimson shrimp that was black is really dyed red!"

Crimson shrimp were the first to make a difference.

Are you sure it's gonna turn red? The shrimp was so black that I was worried, but by adding heat, it became red.

I enjoyed seeing the black crustaceans gradually turn red and turn red.

"It's going to be a beautiful color."

Turn over the area where one side is firmly stained with red with a tong.

Along with that, I seasoned it with light salt.

When I cooked the ingredients like that, the first thing I baked was scallops.

Alright, the scallops are burnt


Put it on the plate of Alte, and then put it on your own plate.

The crispy scallops spit out a mellow and intense flavor in front of you.The scallop stock was mixed with butter and fish sauce, and it smelled like intense seafood.

Cut it into large pieces with a knife while holding it with a fork to avoid touching hot shells.

When I look at Chiras and Arte, I see a knife that looks very similar.

It's a sophisticated move, unlike my usual way of doing things.After all, he was born good enough to be taught how to eat.

What is it?

Arte tilts his head wondering if he realizes what I'm looking at.

"... don't spill the juice that's left in the shell."Because it's delicious. "

"I know. I will not commit such foolishness."

Deceptively deceiving herself, Alte returned to the task of cutting it apart with a serious look on her face.

I also use a knife to cut it to a size that makes it easy to eat.

The scallops were cut into pieces with white steam, so I breathed in and cooled them slightly before putting them in my mouth.


It's delicious!

The impression that it rises almost simultaneously.

It has a refreshing and unique texture.When chewed, the delicious scallop juice is covered from the inside, and the melted butter goes well with the fish soy sauce.

Even though it was delicious, butter and fish sauce were added to the ingredients and it couldn't have been delicious.

I was playing in the sea and consuming a lot of energy, so I finished eating in no time.

And the last thing that's left after eating is the juice in which the butter and fish sauce melt together.

"I'll drink this one last time."

"Do you want this juice?!" As expected, isn't that a shame!? "

When I say that, Alte is puzzled.

Perhaps Arte was born in a good place, so he only had to eat well.

"Shameful? Alte, you're an adventurer, aren't you?"Is that what the adventurer cares about? "

"Ugh, ugh! That's right, I'm an adventurer!"It's not enough to be afraid! "

When he provoked her like that, Alte nodded and took the scallop shell as he remembered.

Nevertheless, it seems that Arte, who is a good grown-up, is hesitant to do it, and worried about whether he should do it.

In front of her, I drank all the juice left in the scallop shell.

”Mmm, it's delicious after all!”

The flavor of scallops melts, and the juice is mixed with butter and fish sauce.

It was obviously high in calories, but it was delicious enough to wipe away such a guilt.

Looking at me like that, Alte finally decided to put her mouth on the shell and rinse the juice.

It's delicious!

Isn't that right? It's a loss not to do this while eating scallops!

Hmm, Crete's right!

I wonder what the confusion was on my face.

It is very pleasant to teach a good grown-up how to eat bad adults.

By the time I finished eating my scallops, the clams opened their shells.

The fire went through and we ate it.I dare to eat this without fish soy sauce.

Yeah, I'm a pretense, too.

It's delicious to eat as it is!

The size and freshness of what is brought to the capital are different.

It is bigger than what I ate in my previous life by more than two turns.Is it the difference in the environment in which I grew up?

It's very plump, and it's not half as delicious.

Crimson shrimp are also baking well

By the time I finished eating the scallops and clams, the crimson shrimp had just been roasted.

The black crustacean completely disappeared and the whole body was stained with red.

It's so much brighter than the usual shrimp we know.

That said, let's heat it up.

Let's cool it down a bit.

It is difficult to remove the hot crust by hand, so I decided to put it on each dish and leave it to cool slightly.

Meanwhile, I think I'll eat Kraken.

Oh, you really eat it, don't you?

With a slightly pulled look from Arte's face, he didn't mind, but he took the baked Kraken and put it on the plate.

The display of Kraken's legs is reddish brown, and the pure white fillet has mesh on it, giving it a fragrant smell of soil.

However, the size of the squid was many times the size of a normal squid, so it was very powerful.

In the previous life, there was a giant squid named Diao Squid, but it was not eaten very much because of the salty, ammonia smell and other terrible flavors.

What about our Kraken?Nevertheless, there were a lot of people in the market to buy it.I'm sure it won't taste as good as Daiwu Squid.

Kraken's legs burned while shaking his heart.

"Ah, it's softer and tastier than I imagined...!"

It's much more Japanese than the squid I know.Even so, the elasticity and flavor of the squid are unique.

I've eaten squid many times before, but it's the most delicious of them all.

The saltiness and egumi that I was worried about were irrelevant and very delicious.

Honestly, I didn't think it tasted so good.

The more I chew, the more the taste of Kraken is stained.It's as if you're eating it.

"... is that so delicious?"

While enjoying Kraken alone, Alte asks.

The look on his face clearly showed that he was attracted to Kraken.

"Oh, I've eaten similar creatures before, but it's the most delicious!"Why don't you try a bit of Alte, because it's a great opportunity?Here, this is an adventure, too. "

"Hmm. It's not important to venture out on adventurers."If Creto is going to recommend it, I'll eat it. "

When I gave her an easy-to-understand phrase to make it easier for her to eat, she got on quickly. As usual, Alte was a bit tough.

I'll give you one of the Kraken fillets because I feel like Arte is going to eat it completely.

It's not a vivid leg, but a fillet of the torso, so it'll be easy to eat.

When she cuts the fillets into small pieces, she mouths them with a determined expression.

"Whoa, what a strange texture!"It's a taste I've never tasted before, but it's definitely delicious! "

I was surprised at the texture and taste of my first Kraken, but it seems that I can eat it without any problems.

"Do you want to try the legs?I have a different texture, too.

Umu, let's get that too.

After trying to move forward with her legs, Alte accepted without any confusion.

"This is also a different elasticity and taste."It looks good, but it doesn't taste bad inside. "

She is eating her legs and looks happy.

I think you liked the fact that you could eat not only your torso but also your legs.

I liked Kraken a lot, too.

I bought a little more and saved it in a subspace, so I can continue to eat it.

It could be baked in a seven-wheeler at a house in Howlin Village, or it could be dried.

It's not bad to make and eat mayonnaise, and it can be fried or tempura.

The Kraken cuisine expands.

It's time to eat crimson shrimp, too.

"I feel that it's too pretty to peel, but it's rude not to eat it"

Arte is right, it's so beautiful, but there's no choice but not to eat it.

Shell the crimson shrimp in the dish.It is still a little hot because it has not completely cooled down, but it is not wasted because it has cooled down to my body, so I will peel it off with a good mood.

When I peeled off the red shell, a beautiful, plump body emerged from inside.

The white and red patterns are very beautiful.

I sprinkle a little salt on it when I bake it, so take the tail and enjoy it as it is.

The extract of the taste burst out.

Your body is so soft that when you bite it, it breaks loose.

The rich flavor of crimson shrimp and the fragrance of charcoal grill are very good.A small amount of salt further enhances the taste of crimson shrimp.

"This is also delicious!"

Because I'm so big, I've got something to eat!

Unfortunately, many of them are very small for their size, but this crimson shrimp is different and full-bodied.

When I finish eating the shrimp body, I'm going to make a mistake in my head.

It's a little badly behaved, but it's a combination of rich miso flavor and bitterness, and I can't stand it either.

Then, Alte loosened her expression by imitating her.

Maybe I should stick a nail in my house so I don't do it after this journey.

But let's not worry about it, it's a free journey that only we have now.

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