"We're home!

"Welcome home."

When the villagers took me inside the house, a beautiful woman with loose blonde hair greeted me.

Probably the wife of this villager.

"Oh, what about you?

Naturally, if there's a man beside my husband who doesn't know, he'll care.

"I'm from Wangdu. My name is Cleto, and I'm an adventurer."

"Thank you politely for this. Andre's wife, Stella."

"You were named Mr. Andre."

I first learned the name of this villager in your wife's words.

"Hmm? Speaking of which, weren't you named?

"It's about you, so you brought him here to say I'm going to force him to stay again, didn't you? Sorry, Andre made it impossible."

Turning his jittery gaze to Andre, Stella immediately turns to this one and looks sorry.

"No, never mind that I was so thankful to have you stay"

I really wanted to go right back with the transfer, so there was an annoying part to be thanked for but I couldn't help but say that I decided to stay.

Seems like he often brings people from outside from Stella's mouth. I guess you should take care of it.

"Yes, they do. That's why I'm asking for Creto's share of dinner too!

But the person in question doesn't look bad.

I guess you don't care about the details in a good or a bad way.

"Okay. Come in for a moment."

"I'm sorry to bother you"

It looked like Stella couldn't help it either, but she gave up right away and let me in.

You're kind of a good couple. You never saw this kind of conjugal conversation because our mother had died soon after.

I am very jealous and warm about the relationship that also embraces each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Andre and his family live in a bungalow.

The floor is made of wood and the walls are made of stone. Large living rooms are lined with tables and chairs, with fireplaces at the ends. The walls were also decorated with agricultural tools and a few weapons.

I am not impressed by the houses that can be considered common in this world. That's totally different from the original world house.

Is there no culture of slippers or barefoot, it's completely earthly in the house too.

I feel a little sorry for walking into someone else's house with my shoes on, or something like guilt.

"Yes, yes. I'd like you to meet my daughter, Nina."

That's what Stella says, she goes into the back room.

And I immediately brought a girl in the living room with the same hair color.

Is he about ten years old? The blonde hair comes with a bow and is turned into a ponytail.

She's a beautiful cutie with crisp jade eyes.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Cleto the Adventurer. We're going to be staying with you today with Andre's courtesy."

"I'm Nina! Nice to meet you!"

As she glanced and greeted her, Nina grinned and welcomed her.

Good. Not your daughter's complicated years or difficult personality.

If I had been tickled or even tongue-beaten, I would have gone right back to the King's Capital with a transfer.

"Where did Cleto come from?

"I'm from Wang Du."

"Wangdu!? It's a city with lots of different shops and people, right?

Nina eats to the King's Landing.

Maybe there's something like an admiration for the city.

"Yeah, that's the way it is."

"Let me hear about Wang Du!

Nina pulls my hand and directs me to the chair with her eyes shining.

But would you like to help me with dinner or something?

"If you don't mind, deal with your daughter. In a country like this, it's a good entertainment to talk about travelers."

"If that's what you mean"

"Andre, help me prepare a meal. Because I want to cook a little more to entertain Mr. Creto."


He was gonna mix it up with me and Nina and have a conversation. Andre shouts a surprise.

Andre came to Stasta and me wondering if he was going to the kitchen awesome.

"I'm telling you, if you get your hands on Nina or blow something weird in, it's not just that, is it?

... what, just a parent idiot.

"It kind of smells good"

"That's true. Is this smell like cheese?

I was telling Nina about Wang capital and she smelled good from the kitchen.

The fragrant smell completely interrupted our conversation.

"You've got dinner, so I'll take it now."

For a while, I watched Stella like that silently in the kitchen.

I'm totally hungry. Me and Nina wait for it now or now.

Then Stella put the mittens on and brought a big plate.

"I got some good cheese today, so I made it a gratin."

Don and Gratin dishes are placed on top of the pan laying laid by Andre.

Cheese that is even thriving on the edge of the plate. Still making noises, the scorching eyes that are by the way emit a very fragrant smell.

I see scattered sliced sausages, mushrooms, and stuffed and exuberant potatoes on the surface.

Stuck tightly in a large plate for the four of us.

"Wow, that looks delicious!

"Absolutely, that's a delicious one!

I react the same way to Nina, my child, before Gratin, who looks so delicious.

'Cause that's how delicious it looks. I have no choice.

"Here, bread, salad, tomato soup."

Andre gives me a plate of bread and colorful salad in a tea bowl with a soup full of vegetables.

"Yeah? What is this meat?

On the plate where the salad was served, there was a beautifully circularly-consolidated red one.

"Oh, that's Tatar. It is hardened with a little bit of flavored meat. You don't see much in Wangdu because it's not fresh meat, do you?

"That's true."

I see, is it like yukke?

If you don't put too much fire in it, it's a dish that you can't do without fresh meat.

Even in Wangdu, there were few meat dishes close to raw meat and rare. You can't easily eat fresh food without hygiene control as solid as in previous life.

"Nina, help me arrange the dishes"


As Stella and Nina prepare the dishes, I'll just wait at the table alone.

I'm not familiar with this house. It's just gonna get in the way if I move around.

"Is wine a mouthful to swallow?

As he grows up not to dare interrupt, Andre asks with a good smile with a bottle of wine.

I guess you like wine from that innocent face.

"You're not strong, but you can swallow."

"Then swallow it"

Andre brought me a glass looking in a good mood and poured me some red wine.

"That smells good."

"Oh? Do you understand? The grape farmer here is pretty loud for wine. It's a good idea."

It was sour because it smelled like an inn cafeteria. With that in mind, the wine here is likely to be expected to taste.

Even so, slowly winemaking in the country... that's kind of nice.

It's me with the unruly magic of space magic, but what will I do after I get the money? I'm sure I don't need to be stuffed like I was in my previous life.

"You, dinner is ready."

When I think about the way I'm going to live in the future, he's ready for dinner at some point.

Both Stella and Nina are perfectly seated.

Let's think about the hard stuff next time. Now you should face everyone with the food you've made for me.

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