Continue to transfer from the Kaltz Plains to the western sky for a while.I reached the place that Alte pointed out on the map.

From the sky, there is a vast expanse of land, with beautiful grass, streams, flower fields, and more.

Its beauty is like an organized garden.

Maybe that's where Alte wanted to go.

However, I can't do anything that I can't confirm once.

For a moment, when I landed on the ground, I called out as I shook the body of Alte, who was sleeping in her arms.

Alte, we're at our destination.

"Ah, heh? What the hell am I? -Ha!?"

When I woke up, Alte clung to my body.

I remembered when I was in the sky, and I grabbed it reflectively.

"It's okay, it's already on the ground."

Oh, I see.

In a calmingly gentle voice, Alte exhaled in relief.

When I saw that she had settled down and lowered herself to the ground, she stood firmly on her own feet.

"You've had a terrible experience..."

"I'm sorry it's so rough. But it was the fastest."

"Four days in a horse-drawn carriage was such a short journey."I won't complain that much.If I wasn't ready enough, don't worry about it. "

Alte measures time while looking at the angle of the sun.It will be less than an hour since we left Howlinville.I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to spare thanks to the transfer.

Nevertheless, given the preparations for the parade, it was never too early.

"It would be great if you could say that."

As expected, the royal family is big and helpful.

“Is this the right place for you?”

"Oh, this is where I wanted to go."

It was a land managed by royalty and a cemetery where royalty of all ages slept.

"If Alte goes, can we enter from the front?"

There's a black fence surrounding the property, and a guard at the entrance gate.

Probably those who manage this land.

"I know I can, but I don't want to make unnecessary noise.Crete's magic will get you into the grounds. "

"I don't mind that, but can I go into a place like that?"

It doesn't matter.

I think the royal cemetery is quite a sacred place, but if that's what Arte wants, I'll be hungry too.

Well then, let's get inside.


I have already seen the situation on the premises from above, and the image is perfect.

Confirming that Alte nodded firmly, I triggered multiple transitions into the interior of the site.

The sight bends quickly, and our view instantly turns into a flower garden.

It seems that Arte's request allowed him to safely infiltrate the royal cemetery.

Even though it was enclosed by a sturdy fence and the entrance was guarded, it was helpless in front of the spatial magic.

With Crete, you can invade any place you want.

"What's the one who ordered me to say?"Basically, you don't usually do such bad things, do you? "

Arte speaks badly, so I will explain my words.

I don't want you to think I'm abusing my spatial magic.

"Kukuku, I know. Creto doesn't do that. He's not human."

Well, that's fine.

Laughing and giggling, Alte follows the path in the flower garden.

I decided to follow it slowly.

It's a place so beautiful that I don't think it's a cemetery.The lush green meadows are blooming with a wide variety of flowers.

When the wind blew, it smelled of refreshing flowers mixed with greenery, and occasionally a thousand cut petals danced through the air.

Me and Arte are the only ones who can move through the vastness of the property.

I heard birds chirping from a distance and felt the footsteps echoing loudly.

"Hey, can I ask you why you wanted to be here?"

I tried not to ask much about the situation, but I was worried about it.

Why did you want to leave the king's city before the feast of the founding of the nation?

Why did you want to come here on the Day of the Founding of the People?

The parade of royalty in front of the citizens should be a very important event with political connotations.We know in the last six days that Arte is not the kind of person who prefers to relinquish his royal responsibilities.

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That's why I was curious about Alte's wish to be here today.

When I asked, Alte told me to spit out her thoughts in her chest.

"... today is the day of my mother's death."However, when the feast of the founding of the People's Republic approaches, the princess, I, will not be able to go out at all in consideration of safety.Not until the parade starts. "

When it comes to the Feast of the Founding of the People, many people come from outside the capital.

Naturally, it is not strange that there are not only ordinary people who enjoy the festival purely, but also cadres who think about bad things.

There are tens of thousands of people coming from outside.There was a limit to what a knight could look like.

Considering the safety of the first princess, it would be best to stay in the royal castle except during the parade.

"I am a royal family, but I will not give my hand to the fate of my fleshly relatives."I didn't like the royal duty.That's when I heard from the Knights Guard about the Harpy crusade. "

"... is that where you think I am?"

"That's right. I suspected the power of the transporter was unbelievable, but I thought it was the only way to go to the tomb on Mother's deathday."

The royal family asked the adventurer's guild to crush Harpy before the National Festival.

I didn't think my rumors had gone that far.

We met on an unexpected tour.

“I see. Is that why you're here today?”

If you stay in the capital, the Knights and officials will search for Alte and bring him back.

Did you want to leave the king's city to avoid it?

I was finally convinced by Alte's series of actions so far.

Walking like that for a while.

Beyond the flower garden, there was a beautiful grassy plain, and in the center of it, there was a building like a white cathedral.

Perhaps there is a tombstone of Arte's mother here.

"Why don't you follow me to the tombstone?"I'm lonely visiting your grave.Besides, my mother was lonely. "

"... if Arte says that much"

I was relieved to go inside, but I decided to hang out with Alte if she wanted.

But only near the tombstone.From there, my family is better off without water.

When we tell Alte that, we go inside.

Once inside, the ground is clean and polished black marble.Too glossy, the ground is like a mirror reflecting me and Alte.

It is a scene without any noise, as if time is stopping here.

The corridor was decorated with portraits and statues of historical royalty, and there was a quiet atmosphere.

When you look up, the ceiling is arched, and paintings depicting the founding of the nation are installed, and you can see the glow of gold leaf.

The shadows drawn by the sun's rays are so spectacular that the building itself is a magnificent work of art.

There are places where the gold leaf is peeling away over time, but it is also tastefully looked at, so you won't get bored.

I walked along a long corridor that I wondered how long it would last, and came out of the open place.

It was enclosed by decorated columns, and in the middle was a tombstone made of pure white stone.

That would be the tombstone of Alte's mother.

When I stop, Alte looks back.

"Well then, I'll go." Just give me a minute. "

"It's a moment to get back to the capital."You can talk slowly as long as you don't miss the parade. "

When I said that, Alte slowly approached the tombstone.

When Arte reached the tombstone, he spoke of something.

It must have been a real pleasure to be here on the Day of Life.Arte's face, which spoke of her mother's tombstone, looked very happy.

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