The day after I bought magic equipment in the capital. I've been back to Howlin 'Village for the first time in a week.

"I'm sorry."

"Wow, it's Crete! Have you finished your work yet?"

When I knocked on Andre's house, Nina came out.

She looks at us with joy.

"Oh, I came back because I had a paragraph attached." I was thinking about sowing the vegetables I told you about last week. "

"It's the seed of a crop that grows in the fall!" I won't be there, but I'll take it and help you! "

"I'm glad about that, but is it better to work?"

"It's okay! I was free after work at noon!"

When I looked into the house from the gap of the door, there seemed to be no one there now.

Andre is a lookout, and Stella may be out bartering.

If you're just spending time by yourself, is that okay?

"Okay, then, please."

Yeah, I'll take care of it!

With a smile, Nina retreated to her house.

Shortly thereafter, a small wipe bag came out in hand.

Keep going to the fields of my house.

Ah, I'm ready to go!

I've prepared a little bit so that we can start sowing at any time.

Let's grow a new crop. But before we do that, we need to make enough soil.

Therefore, it is twice a hassle, so I was gradually building a castle when I was living in Howlin Village.

"There's compost mixed in, and the soil doesn't seem to be a problem. I can sow this right away."

Nina said as she touched the soil with her hands.

I'm relieved that she's been growing crops for years.

Well then, let's scatter the seeds of the sparrows.

"Please, will you be careful when sowing seeds?"

I think I'll sprinkle it at regular intervals.

"How often?"

"About fifteen centimeters. Hold on a second. Because we have useful tools in our house."

Nina ran to the house, pulled something out of the barn, like a small piece of wood, and came back.

"Use this!"

Nina holds a square that's about a meter long.

There is nothing unusual about the wooden ones that are found everywhere.

As she watched, Nina began to press the corner of the timber against the soil towards the edge of the bowl.

Oh, I see. Do you want to make a clean sprinkling ditch out of hornwood and sprinkle seeds there?

That's it!

The depressions using the corner material were straight and clean, and the depth was almost even.

By doing this, you will be able to create beautiful sprinkling ditches, and sprout sprouts beautifully.

"If you dent it, you dent it 15 centimeters away again."

When a row of spreading grooves is attached, the distance is opened, and the corner material is pushed against it to make a dent.

In doing so, I made about four scattering grooves in a single cup.

There are no convenient opportunities or farming tools, but to be without one is to devise with wisdom.

"After that, just sprinkle the seeds on the dent." In general, you can sprinkle one finger apart. "

Nina scattered the seeds of the spinach.

I will also imitate and sprinkle the seeds of the spinach.

But I can't sprinkle it like Nina. Small seeds can fall into the same spot if you are not alert.

It's surprisingly difficult to do it quickly, so let's carefully open up the space for each finger and spread it out one by one.

That way, the two of us could finish sowing the seeds in no time.

Lightly cover the seeded area with soil.

All you have to do is water her and wait for her to germinate.

"This is the end of the boreal seeding!" Next, it's a small turnip, but the seeding method is the same as spinach. "

"That's right."

If it's the same way as sparrows, we just have to repeat the same work.

In the same way, I made four rows of seed-splitting ditches out of hornwood, and planted small turnip seeds there.

"The rest of the leaf lettuce and soramame are grown in small nursery boxes, so it's easier to manage and grow them if you settle them in the mackerel."

If it is sprayed directly on the field, there is a high risk of being driven by rain and wind, being damaged by pests, and being prone to weeds.

However, seedlings can be protected from the natural environment and pests while temperature control is carried out indoors in the nursery box. I'm not used to it, but it's an affordable and definitely nurturing method.

I see. Then let's do it.

As a novice farmer, I immediately decided to adopt Nina's proposal.

When I grow radish, I buy a number of nursery boxes and I have a few left.

When I remove the nursery box from the subspace, Nina and I pack up the soil.

Pack the soil in the nursery box. That's all it was, but it was strange and fun.

If you live in your previous life, you will never touch the soil in this way unless you are in a special position such as a farmer. That's why it felt so fresh.

After putting the soil in, make a groove with your fingers and sprinkle the leaf lettuce seeds.

With regard to soramame, because the seeds are large, we made a groove with our fingers slightly deeper, sprinkled the black part called toothbrush underneath, and covered the soil lightly.

Finally, water them so that the seeds and soil do not flow.

This is the end of seeding!

"All you have to do is wait for it to germinate while you water it." Thank you, Nina. It went smoothly. "

"Really? Ehehe"

Nina laughed as she honestly thanked her.

For me, who is a novice farmer and doesn't know right or left, it's quite nice to have an acquaintance next to me who knows a lot about agriculture like this.

Ahh, I'm a little tired on my hips.

Ahahah, Uncle Creto stinks.

If Nina grows up, she'll understand this struggle.

Nina laughs as she looks at me slapping her back.

Nina, who was overflowing with strength and youth, did not look as tired as she should.

Is this the difference in physical strength between ten and twenty-seven years old...? "

Oh, Nina, you're here.

Ah, Mom, you're home!

What are you talking about, Stella?

There's a lot of crops in the cage, and they seem to have exchanged various ingredients.

When I got home, no one was there, so I must have come here to see how things were going.

"I'm sorry, Nina was helping me with the seeds."

"Oh, when I was talking about mushroom hunting... I'm sorry." I gave you some advice, but I couldn't help you. "

No, no, Nina taught me politely, so I'm fine.

Stella had her crop selected. That's enough.

"Oh, by the way, Andre wanted to see Mr. Crete."

"Mr. André, what can I do for you?"

"I'm sure it's about the harvest." Soon, we'll start pruning all over the place. "

Speaking of which, as autumn approached, the wheat became yellow and drooped a lot.

You can imagine how busy it is when you prune in the village of Howlin, which boasts a vast barley field.

"I see. I see." Is André in his usual place? "

Yes, it's still my watch today.

Well, I'll go there a little bit.

It's not very good to talk to someone about something else while you're at work, but no one blames you for that in the relaxed atmosphere of Howlin Village.

If you have an errand to attend to, I'd like to hear it right away.

Huh? Crete, are you going now?

It's been a long time since I've seen you, but I guess I miss going somewhere soon.

Nina looked sorry.

“I'll be back as soon as I know what you're doing, so let's play slowly afterwards.”

Yeah, I got it! I'll be waiting!

Nina's face brightened and she went home with Stella.

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