Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 119 Taking over Muhua Company (Second update)

"Mr. Su, welcome to invest and build in Guangyi County. Our business environment and tax incentives are all real."

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Song Chengde, an official extended his hand enthusiastically and greeted Su Jie.

In addition to the teams brought by both parties, there were also several local officials from the industrial and commercial departments.

Guangyi County is just an ordinary city without any major industrial advantages. Muhua Company is a well-known large company in the local area, a heavy asset technology-intensive enterprise, which has driven the employment of more than 2,000 people in the county, and the family population involved is as high as tens of thousands.

During the period when Muhua Company was caught in the business turmoil, it was not only the banks that had difficulty in recovering the loans that were anxious, but the local government was also afraid that large-scale unemployment would cause turmoil.

"We, Tianyuan Home Furnishing, also came here with great sincerity to develop and operate. As long as there are no other problems, we promise to retain the original workers and the treatment remains unchanged."

Su Jie also smiled and spoke, and when he got this answer, the other party immediately smiled.

However, just when everyone was talking happily, a group of old men and women in simple clothes suddenly ran over after hearing the news from somewhere.

Some people were holding hoes and rakes, and holding banners that read "Muhua get out of our Pingfeng Township," and they surrounded them aggressively.

"Get out, Muhua Company get out."

"Because your pig farm is here, the stench has drifted to our home."

"You are a wicked company, move out immediately, we don't welcome you here."

This group of old men and women shouted slogans and ran to the door of the farm, shouting and cursing.

Song Chengde looked grimly, and looked at the secretary beside him: "What's going on? Why are they causing trouble again?"

The secretary was also a little panicked, and said anxiously: "I have arranged for compensation! Besides, the farm has also rectified the environment. We are still six kilometers away from their Pingfeng Township. It is impossible for the stench to pollute it."

It was not only Song Chengde who looked grim. Several local officials also had stiff faces and shouted: "Chairman Song, let these people disperse quickly."

At the same time, they looked at Su Jie and others nervously, fearing that the negative impact would scare away Tianyuan Home Furnishing, the God of Wealth.

"Boss Song, is there still pollution in your farm?"

Su Jie looked over and frowned slightly.

"Absolutely not. Our company has been in business for so many years, and we attach great importance to pollution prevention and control. These people are here to make trouble."

Song Chengde said hurriedly, fearing that Su Jie would misunderstand him.

As soon as he finished speaking, several news cars drove to the gate in a hurry, and a group of reporters and media carrying cameras and holding microphones surrounded him without saying a word.

"I am a reporter from Longcheng Daily. Are you protesting against the serious pollution of Muhua Company? You can tell us what you want."

"We are from Beijing New Financial News. Is Tianyuan Home Furnishing going to fully acquire Muhua Food Company? As far as I know, Tianyuan Furniture has never been involved in this industry. Would it be unwise to enter rashly?"

"Does Muhua Company want to continue to build cars? The sales of your new Xunlong brand car this month are only 11. Does Mr. Song have anything to say to consumers?"

"It is said that Yikang Company also intended to acquire Muhua. Mr. Song..."

The news media pressed him again and again, and Song Chengde's face turned black and smelly, and he was very angry.

And Su Jie looked at this scene, thinking in his heart.

If the appearance of those farmers could be an accident, the arrival of these reporters made Su Jie smell the smell of long-planned plot.

"Mr. Song, let's go in and take a look now."

Su Jie spoke at the right time, without looking at the turmoil outside.

Song Chengde was afraid that he would not be able to get away and affect Su Jie's impression of the company, so he nodded quickly.

"Please, Mr. Su, I will take you to have a good tour of our company's largest breeding farm."

Several people walked into the company, leaving Liu Yingying and others to deal with the news media.

Walking into the breeding farm, the breeding farm here is completely different from the pig farms Su Jie has seen in the past. It is not a flat breeding farm, but a six-story pig house.

"Please look, Mr. Su, this is our Muhua Company's No. 1 breeding base, with a total of 24 six-story pig houses. Unlike traditional bungalow pig farms, it is equipped with high-tech technology and many intelligent machines. The utilization rate of the building greatly saves space and improves the efficiency of breeding. It can produce 2 million pigs every year. It is the company's most important breeding base."

Entering his home field, Song Chengde obviously talked more and talked about this breeding farm.

Su Jie moved his nose and hardly smelled any odor, let alone drifting to the villages and towns a few kilometers away.

Walking into one of the pig house buildings, various automated equipment can be seen everywhere, and a small number of workers do not have to do any heavy physical work, all of which are completed by operating the equipment.

One building is a complete pig production line, which is divided into sow pig house, delivery room area, nursery area and fattening area.

A pig will complete the entire process from birth to growth here, and finally walk out of the building to go to the slaughterhouse.

Su Jie focused on their environmental protection.

It turned out that each floor of these pig house buildings is equipped with an automatic shower system, and the ground plane of each floor is tilted at a certain angle. Spraying is carried out regularly every day, so that the sewage can be discharged into the sewage discharge treatment system of the entire building.

The entire pig breeding park is also equipped with a circulating odor deodorization system, and there is no serious pollution problem at all.

Finally, Su Jie came to the slaughterhouse at the back of the farm, which also operates a mechanical assembly line.

The fattened pigs are sent here and will be slaughtered by workers.

It took two hours to visit the entire farm.

When the group left, the villagers and reporters who were making trouble at the door were sent away.

After dinner in the hotel, seeing that the day was about to end, Su Jie finally relaxed and said to Song Chengde: "Mr. Song, I think your company is still good, and the acquisition transaction will proceed as previously agreed."

Song Chengde breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried that the transaction would fail because of the trouble at the farm, and he was always nervous.

Now he heard the news he wanted to hear the most, and hurriedly grabbed Su Jie's palm.

"Boss Su, I still have feelings for Muhua Company. If it weren't for my debt, I hope Boss Su can develop Muhua Company well."

"I bought Muhua naturally because I want to develop it well. Boss Song will see it prospering in the future."

Su Jie smiled. With this farm, his soul-calling flag will be ready soon.

After the big boss made the decision, the business teams brought by both parties took out the contracts that had been prepared long ago.

After the lawyer checked that it was correct, Su Jie and Song Chengde signed their names to complete this large-scale acquisition of more than 5 billion yuan.

So far, Muhua Company, a large-scale breeding enterprise with 3 million pigs in stock and white-feathered chickens, cattle, and dairy cows, has completely become Su Jie's property, with a shareholding of more than 80%, holding absolute controlling rights.

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